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TryRebooting.Tech Unraid

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Everything posted by TryRebooting.Tech Unraid

  1. JorgeB you beautiful person! That seems to have done it. And just like you said, it seems "off". In docker I see a ton of these: Warning: mkdir(): Input/output error in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 351 Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/images/ai-chat-app-icon.png): failed to open stream: Input/output error in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 93 Warning: mkdir(): Input/output error in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 351 Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/images/binhex-sabnzbd-icon.png): failed to open stream: Input/output error in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 93 Warning: mkdir(): Input/output error in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 351 But just the same, I can browse to that drive and I believe I can copy files out of there. If I can, I'll save the files to my local machine, then I'll move the shares to a different drive. If that works out I'll mark this as solved, otherwise If I hit any snags I'll come back for advice. Thanks so much!!!!
  2. Hi all, Today I noticed that while I could get into my dockers via their local IP address, my https websites were down. I rebooted, thinking it might well come back up without further issue with a simple reboot. When my computer booted back up, the docker service failed to start. It said the path wasn't valid. And sure enough, I have what seems to be a totally new issue than the reason I had rebooted: my 1TB SSD says it's unmountable. Also, this drive isn't in the parity drives, since it's the drive I run docker containers. So if I really have lost it, I don't think I can rebuild it automatically. Attached are the diagnostics, any help you can offer would be awesome. unraid-diagnostics-20230309-0927.zip
  3. I think that's it. CPU cooler died (hopefully) or power to the cooler is jacked. Fan spins for a bit, stops, spins, stops, spins, stops. Then I shut it down.
  4. The plot thickens. Okay, so the cables all seemed fine. I unplugged USB and booted. I went back into the room to see how the machine was doing. I noticed it seemed to be mid turn-off right when I was in there looking. I think the CPU fan might have died. Doesn't seem to be spinning, and the CPU heatsink is screaming hot. Might be the cooler died. I'm going to let it cool down, then boot it back up to briefly test if that fan spins. Would explain why it's powering down faster now, since there is more residual heat. If you see anything in the diagnostic that supports this I'd be all ears. Thanks for your help either way, nice to have someone to talk to about this.
  5. I could pull the Unraid USB to test but I run it headless so I wouldn't be able to tell what the boot was doing. But I would be able to tell if it was still on or not. I can try that next. I was able to get it to boot again and I ran the diagnostic. Hopefully this can get us some specific info. I'm going to give a visual inspection to the power cords, see if anything is loose or whatnot. unraid-diagnostics-20230111-2010.zip
  6. Sounds good. I'll try to run that, although I just found my server is off again. So the shutdowns are still happening and appear to be more frequent. I'll try to boot and run that. Thanks!
  7. Before I moved the machine to a different outlet and bypass the UPS, I found it was powered off again. Here is a copy of that log file in case it is helpful. Meanwhile, the machine is moved to a different power outlet and without the UPS. If it's going to power off again I suspect it'll happen in 2ish hours or so. syslog (1)
  8. Thanks for the reply. I have a UPS but it's not connected via USB, just something it's plugged into. When I come into the room it's totally powered off, or at least it appears that way. Fans not spinning. RGB lightings from the motherboard is off. I'm not losing power to the server that I know of, no breakers tripped or anything. No one messing with the server either, 100%. I can move the plug to a different outlet and see what happens. Can you tell me/show me what in the log you're looking at? I have to admit I get the gist of the lines but not the bulk of it.
  9. My server has kept turning itself off over the last several days. I recently replaced a drive that was going bad, and it's been stable for a handful of days with the new drive while it did the data rebuild. I closed up the machine and within a day or two it started to power off randomly. After hitting the power button, the machine comes back up, boots properly, and works as expected. Attached are my log files. I'm seeing this line but not finding anything specifically after a Google search: Jan 11 16:34:15 Unraid kernel: ACPI Warning: \_PR.C003._PSS: SubPackage[0,1] - suspicious power dissipation values (20220331/nsrepair2-684) syslog
  10. Hoping to bounce this back into the hearts and minds of the mod team, now that the holidays are done. Thank you!
  11. Could I please change "Looking Glass Unraid" to "TryRebooting.Tech Unraid"? Please and thank you!
  12. Did a little search and found this post. VERY helpful, thank you. This also works on an NVIDIA Quadro p2200.
  13. I think that did it. Thank you so much for going above and beyond and helping me out with an issue in the middle of a weekend. You didn't cause the problem, but you sure stepped up and helped me fix it, and I appreciate that. Cheers!!!
  14. I'm like 100% sure I'm dead in the water until support gets back to me, does anyone know if they answer emails on the weekend? I'm good and screwed right now.
  15. I did that already, it was a no-go. All my ports are usb 2 as well. I don't think the SanDisk key I had was working all that well, it's an issue with the thumb drive itself from what I can tell.
  16. I've sent an email to support already, there might not be much else I can do. Last night, I needed to reboot to add drive #15 to my array. The reboot was not smooth. Unraid came up with a random IP address, and the console did not have my personal login. There was an error that Bond0 was not found. As it turns out, my USB drive which I just replaced a week ago was not reading properly. I spend a day desperately trying to get the same drive to work. I restored from backups, I tried UEFI and non UEFI booting, I used the USB creator on different USB ports and different machines, and I used different USB ports on the server itself to boot from. Nothing worked. Finally, this morning I gave up and tried a totally different USB key. Instant success. But I literally just replaced my USB key this week, so as expected this will not let me start the array as my key is "invalid". I'm desperate to get this going, this is a production server with 100 users. It's at my home, but it's still a production server in a sense, because of the external users. I really can't wait 3 days to get this going, it's a 100 TB data storage server and we have deadlines. I take full responsibility for the current outage, this isn't Limewire's fault. Still, I do need there help to get it back up and running. Is there anything I can do to expedite the process?
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