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Everything posted by jammo

  1. Hi everyone, had a quick search on the forum but couldn't see anything. I've just made a change to my network resulting in a new static ip for my server. My delugevpn container and associated *arrs will now no longer connect to the internet. All my other dockers that don't go through the deluge vpn container are now working. Is there something I've missed that needs changing within the delugevpn docker container? For example on my Plex docker I had to go in to the preferences.xml file and change the ip address in there.
  2. After some troubleshooting through comparing the appdata with Hotio's container I've finally realised the problem is a custom Android.xml profile I added ages ago for forcing music quality that I saw on the plex forum. Glad I got it sorted and thank you for taking the time to reply to me.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm having a bit of a strange problem. I have set up transcoding to RAM in accordance with the documentation on the binhex FAQ which works fine when I try and transcode while viewing in the Desktop Web App or Plex HTPC app. However when I try transcoding while using the Plex app on my Android phone or I have a managed user try to transcode remotely I get the following error: Couldn't find the file to stream: /config/Plex Media Server/Cache/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1c702222a5e55c9f-com-plexapp-android-be84ee38-4a4f-40c6-9bbe-d77c888ff741/media-00002.ts Changing the transcoder temporary directory to /transcode produces the error with the following filepath: Couldn't find the file to stream: /transcode/Transcode/Sessions/plex-transcode-1c702222a5e55c9f-com-plexapp-android-394e7163-145f-401d-9f8c-8102d59c4875/media-00005.ts I don't understand why it will transcode fine on my macbook but not on my phone (locally) or when a user tries (remotely). As I said I have set transcoding to RAM as described on Binhex's FAQ (https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/plex.md) and the transcoder temporary directory on plex's transcoder settings is blank though I have tried with /tmp and /transcode but no luck. I'm more fussed about getting the transcoding working on my phone and remotely for other users than making sure it's going to RAM. Edit: To add all devices can stream direct play no problem but due to limited upload bandwidth this isn't always possible.
  4. When I originally set up sonarr/radarr/prowlarr to run through deluge vpn I did it all remotely and after doing some bits in the containers like changing to localhost it all works completely fine when I remote in to the server through openvpn. However when I try accessing locally I can't access the webgui, does anyone know why this is and how I can get it to work? Now if I want to access sonarr/radarr/prowlarr locally I have to connect through openvpn for it to work which while not a massive deal is annoying and I'd like to understand why it doesn't work with just the servers local ip and port number. (deluge vpn and all other containers not running through deluge can be accessed normally locally). Fixed: For anyone else that looks at this having the same problem make sure you add the port numbers in VPN_INPUT as well as creating the port variables.
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