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  1. Would like to see rtl8761bu included or if anyone can make the driver as a plugin
  2. This one was the solution for me. I upgraded from 6.9.x to 6.10.2 and my ruuvi collector stopped working. adding those drivers did the thing I needed. Have to look in to my flash-backup if I used this workaround before and just forgot about it or if it was something that changed with 6.10.x Later (if I'm not to busy) I'll make an example of a ruuvicollector container that works. Edit: so here is my solution to use a usb-bluetooth dongle in docker to read ruuvi tags: https://github.com/abuhamsa/RuuviCollector It is just https://github.com/Scrin/RuuviCollector with an extra start.sh script I also have an unraid-docker template you have to copy it to /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user The trick is run it with privileged rights and in host networkmode
  3. newest image works! thank you. could you also create a new image for the vpn-version?
  4. Did some testing. Seems a problem with the virtualenv that is used by pip.sh I've documented everything in the existing github-issue: https://github.com/binhex/arch-sabnzbd/issues/5
  5. I came to the same conclusion. Even after i installed the requirements (https://github.com/caronc/nzb-notify/blob/master/requirements.txt) manually, it did not work over the Web-UI. The commandline test did work python sabnzbd-notify.py complete 'Hello' 'World' xbmc:// @binhex could you add this feature to the images (normal+vpn)? Since sabnzbd is gonna drop support of it's own implementation of diffrent notification types. And they say the official way to get those back is to use said script. I've also created an issue over github. https://github.com/binhex/arch-sabnzbd/issues/5 Here some links: - Sabnzbd Wiki: https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/configuration/3.5/notifications#nscript - nzb-notify Github: https://github.com/caronc/nzb-notify/ - MergeRequest from Linuxserver Image: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-sabnzbd/commit/477b9125e102630c5f838dcd37e8b886837100d9
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