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  1. Ok having similar issues but i think i discovered my answer with the above thread... please correct me if i'm wrong but changing the individual drive limits ONLY affects the dashboard color values etc... and DOES NOT change the notifications / emails about a drive being outside of limits. IE if i want my unraid to stop emailing me when my NVME gets a little hot, i have to adjust the GLOBAL variables? I'm hoping thats the case cuz it would explain why i keep getting notified that my nvme is running a little hot even after adjusting the individual drive limits... but i'm also hoping i'm doing something wrong cuz i would love to not get the emails about the NVME based on it's individual settings and not have to change the global variable just for one drive that runs a touch hotter.
  2. You are absolutely correct, it was something dumb... it looked like i had duplicate entries for some of the domains and busses and since i NEVER touched those manually, i can only assume the helper script hiccuped once or twice during a step cuz everytime it would create a duplicate entry to cause a conflict... i actually think SI1 mentioned this near the end of one of his older macinabox videos but i totally missed it at the time. When you just do the raw xml in sections (like you cut and pasted above) it is actually quite easy and straightforward, it just took me a while to force my self to actually READ the xml and investigate what could be wrong. I just fell victim to the "i guess my video card just isn't supported" easy way out. Yep! fixing my dive to be internal was a win for me as well! love my setup (after fighting with it for 10 days).
  3. AND FIXED! Fresh install with GPU passthru (GT710) and apple id / imessage working and even installed it onto a ssd drive passed thru. Best way I found for me to do all this is use macinabox to download the media and run the helper script the first time to create the vm... then manually edit the XML from there on out... ie do not run the script again. Using the Form view to make changes and then rerun the helper script each time seemed to do something to my devices lanes that caused the issue. It was easy to just take the virgin XML code and add a GPU, mouse, keyboard, SSD to install on passthru and do the entire install process from the GPU passthru monitor. I'm sure SpaceInvader's script is awesome at what it does but i used so many custom locations: (vms, docker.img, custom omvf, and libvirt.img are all on my nvme drive instead of the array) that things just didn't work out using the helper script. So i probably jacked my XML up from day one. In essence, i think i ended up doing what the "manual install" does, but i'm not sure. it works! Thanks to the prior 81 pages of posts to help me steeply climb the learning curve to figure this out. most all the answers are here in this thread... just had to put them together!!
  4. Well... progress... after starting a fresh machine... before i even did ANYTHING, i just cut and pasted the raw xml code for the GT710 into the xml code for the newly created machine (never even booted up once yet) and low and behold... the monitor fired on and the display came alive with the install screen. So i shut it down and changed the drive path in my newly created VM to point to the drive to my fully created BigSur install... booted right up! Something got hosed in my XML during all the script running and fixing etc. I'm saving these xmls in a text file... going to wipe everything... start from scratch... and edit all XML manually to step by step see where it breaks. Will report back with final results so that other's with this issue might experience some luck. SO FREAKING happy to finally see BigSur passed thru to monitor!!!
  5. yep, those are the steps i did... crazy that it isn't working for me. Any one else got any other ideas? I tried to see if it work work on catalina but whatever SI did to fix which version it downloads backfired and now no matter what i pick, it always downloads bigsur. I'm not giving up! Someone has to see this and be like, "oh, i know what you need to do!"
  6. @alturismo i do have a GK208 core version... I swear it is probably something simple that i'm missing... i just don't get it.
  7. OK, so i've worked on this for a week and read every post in this thread and it's gotten me 98% there... I can install BigSur no problem, i can change number of cores and memory, i can install opencore, i can update opencore, i can make it auto boot without picker, i can get apple ID / imessages to work, i can get virtmanager to work... i just cant get one thing to work... GPU passthru! I specificially picked up a GT710 because it appeared that one worked will with no hassle... i add it to unraid as a secondary card... i can pass it thru to windows vms... i just can't seem to get it to work with macinabox. I stub it, i add it to xml file, i edit the file with the multifunction='on' bit and set the audio portion to the same thing with the function 1. I try it with no rom, i try it with a rom i flashed using SpaceInvaders tool, i try it with a rom i got from the interwebs... I've followed every tip in this thread but it still won't show up monitor doesn't register a signal. When i pull up virtmanager i get the following lines that i don't see when i use vnc: OCC: Missing compatible GOP - Not Found OCC: Missing GOP on ConOut - Unsupported OC: Changed resolution to 1920x1080 @0 (max: 0, force: 0) from 1920x1080@32 - Unsupported OCUI: Failed to load images OC: External interface failure, fallback to builtin - Unsupported Then it shows me the boot menu... and when i pick the bigsur disk i get: OC: Boot failed - Aborted OCB: StartImage failed - Aborted What am i missing? Do i need to edit something in the open core config? others on the forums have said the GT710 was easy plug and play (to include SpaceInvader) which is why i picked one up for this project... did i just forget some simple setting / step?!?! Please help me get to 100%!!!
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