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  1. It doesn't matter. I just found this problem during the test. The chrome browser does not support h265, so it will be transcoded to H264
  2. Thank you for your reply! no ,i didn't enabled throttling. I tried more and found something new. I changed the mode, I used NAS use GVTg_V5_4 and win10 use GVTg_V5_4 before. When I promoted NAS mode,it has become more efficient. This seems to be related to the size allocation ratio of video memory. here is result: 1、NAS use GVTg_V5_2 and win10 use GVTg_V5_8 2、NAS use GVTg_V5_2 and win10 use GVTg_V5_4
  3. sure! Do you need an unraid diagnosis? diagnostics-20211205-1719.zip
  4. I'm in trouble. I noticed that: when I run Synology emby transcoding alone, there is 60fps , the power draw can reach 5W when VM win10 is running too, the transcoding will fall to less than 20fps, the power draw is limited to 1W each l also try to run vm win10 alone, the power draw is also limited to 1W。
  5. 有人使用过unraid跑虚拟机X86安卓,或者是chromeOS、fydeOS之类的吗? 或者其他可以运行android APP的方案 主要是想挂机游戏
  6. 看到有人说可能是网络配置引发的问题,又修改了配置试下了。运行了1个多小时,突然又崩了,好像是EMBY引起的。。 kgh-server-diagnostics-20210701-0042.zipsyslog
  7. 这几天才开始用unraid,一直不稳定,总是运行几个小时就崩溃。 kgh-server-diagnostics-20210630-2148.zip
  8. 我也碰到一样的问题了,也是随机崩溃,请问怎么给docker设置单独的网口? 我想试下是否能解决问题
  9. 是的,不过mount命令你自己补充完整
  10. 我是用User Scripts,开机后,先用sleep 2m,等待2分钟,再通过/sbin/mount -t cifs 指令挂载群辉SMB的