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Posts posted by ullibelgie

  1. As a new user of Unraid, I was busy to build my server with all the data... finally it is finished for a couple of days and I am now about to make my first backup:

    - 1 parity disk (1Tb)

    - 3 Array HDDs (1Tb each)

    about 55% of space used by data


    No Cache drives or any pools

    Apps : Paperless ng, Calibri


    But now I have a fundamental problem:

    2 of the data disks are suddenly unmountable

    only one disk remaining plus the parity disk


    So most of the data not accessible....

    I have found some information in the Unraid Docs  https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Troubleshooting#Unmountable_Disk.28s.29

    However what to do, if not only one, but two disks become unmountable (2/3 of all data )


    Any advice, what to do to recover the data ?  Thank you


    Diagnostic file attached...




  2. Noch ein Zusatzfrage zu dem tollen Back-up script von MGutt:


    Wie Marc angibt, möchte ich das Script über das User-script Plug-in ausführen. Das hat ja den Vorteil, das man verschiedene Backups machen kann und dann einfach nur die vorkonfigurierten Scripts wählen muss.


    Jetzt frage ich mich aber, wie ich das Scheduling von dem Plug-in einstellen muss - das ist ja auch für beliebige andere Scripts zusätzlich zu Backup's hilfreich:

    - im Code von Marc ist ja das tägliche/wöchentliche ... Zeitschema schon realisiert.

    - Wie muss ich dann das User-script Plug-in einstellen damit der im Script von Marc codierte Zeitplan nicht durcheinander kommt oder gar ausgeschaltet wird ?

    - irgendwo gab es auch mal einen TIp, wie man die Urzeit für die täglichen Backup's einstellen kann - wie funktionierte das dann nochmal ?!



  3. Hallo zusammen,

    nachdem ich im englischen Teil des Forums den Experten schon auf den Keks gegangen bin mit meinen Anfängerfragen melde ich mich auch hier mal.... (alle Mann in Deckung...lol)


    Aber erstmal ein Kompliment (auch) and die deutschsprachige community - ausgezeichnet was Aktivität und Qualität betrifft...



    Ich bin am Anfang meines Serveraufbaus und will nun mein erstes Backup machen mit dem Script vom Marc Gutt.

    Ich habe gelesen, daß es notwendig ist auf dem Zielrechner sogenannte Unix-Extensions installiert zu haben, weil sonst das Script nicht funktioniert - ist das richtig ?


    Ich will zum Anfang erstmal das Script testen mit kleinen Foldern und uber SMB von Unraid auf eine HDD eines anderen Rechners ubertragen mit rsync

    Der andere Rechner hat ein Ubuntu 20.04LTS installiert

    Was sind die Unix-extensions die ich da noch auf dem Ubuntu-client installieren muss ?!

    Im Internet habe ich unter "Unix-extensions" nix gefunden....


    Oder habe ich was missverstanden und ich brauche gar nix weiter zu installieren ?

    Die Zielplatte im Ubuntu Rechner hat ext4 Fileformat (frisch formatiert)


    Schönen Gruss...

  4. It seams, I need to be more patient...hi

    As I wrote my previous post, the formatting seemed to be repaired ?!


    I could also mount the USB disk now

    The log shows now:



    So , I believe the issue is solved and I can start the backup on this USB disk , right ?


    Can someone explain to me what happened before - why the format procedere throwed the alert pop-up "FAIL" before?

  5. While preparing for a backup, I pre-cleared a 1Tb external USB-Harddisk  with unassigned disk plug-in

    After 18hours it was finished successfully...


    Now I format the disk XFS with unassigned disk plug-in - however after short time a "FAIL" pop-up window appears and the UD-log shows:


    FS: xfs

    /sbin/xfs_repair -n /dev/sdf1 2>&1

    Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
    bad primary superblock - filesystem mkfs-in-progress bit set !!!

    attempting to find secondary superblock...


    It already runs for half an hour...



    What to do ? just wait ....

    The number of reads and writes is still growing - so there is something running in the background....


    Thanks for advice

  6. Now I found the following:

    - the original shared folder "backup' can be SMB imported with green dot, but not mounted

    - I made additional folder 'another' which can also be Smb imported with green dot and also mounted....

    So the newly written folder another works perfectly - I have just tried that...



    'backup' contains zip-file of a database

    'another' contains only simple txt file


    I have no problems to erase 'backup' folder, as it was only a test with a just formatted FAT32 disk on the Ubuntu server...

    But why this happened ? I have no idea...

  7. whow, this works indeed:


    input manually the Ubuntu-client IP-adress:

    then input smb user registered at the Ubuntu-client

    then input passwd for that user

    then manually input the shared folder name....



    A green smb unassigned disk shows up


    However it cannot be mounted....;-(


    response from the UD-terminal:


    root@Tower:~# cat /var/state/unassigned.devices/ping_status.json

  8. here is the result from UD-terminal:


    root@Tower:~# cat /var/state/unassigned.devices/ping_status.json
    {"ON5KQ-X8DA3":{"timestamp":1628176963,"no_pings":0,"online":"no","changed":"no"},"":{"timestamp":1628177166,"no_pings":0,"online":"yes","changed":"yes"}}root@Tower:~# ^C


    I used both:

    At first tried at first with just the found servername... - no shares could be found from the wizard

    Then I tried again with the IP-adres (the Ubuntu-client) - at least the $print share could be found at the end, but not the shared folders....

    see above result from terminal



  9. just rebooted

    Try to call the unassigned (and shared) Ubuntu disk....

    Unfortunately - no change...

    UD sees the Ubuntu machine - I log in with the smb username and password (different than passwd of local machine user) - then domain (I leave that open) then shares...... UD cannot find any share.

    Windows 10 finds the share immediately and can open the folder

    Greyed out in Unraid...

    Are there perhaps other issues within unraid, which might be misconfigured ?

  10. here is the Ubuntu client response from the UD-Terminal request:


    root@Tower:~# /bin/ping -c 1 -W 1
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.215 ms

    --- ping statistics ---
    1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.215/0.215/0.215/0.000 ms


    It seems there should be a connection...

  11. Thank you, for the advice to change the passwd of the samba user - I had indeed set the same username and password, which had been accepted by Ubuntu without any complain...

    Now I have changed the passwd to a different one.


    Result: Now I can see the shared folder at the Ubuntu client from another client computer running windows 10. But that is not, what I want to do ... I want to connect with Unraid

    However Unraid still do not see the shared folder - no change to my above posted Unraid screenshot.


    I believe the connection between Unraid and Ubuntu is via samba, isn't it ?! That is why I installed Samba...


    Perhaps Samba is only for networking Unraid with windows systems and not for Linux (Ubuntu) at all ?!

    Do I need to install NFS and share via that system with Unraid as Samba will not work between two Linux machines....

  12. May I get some advice please ?

    I am a new user of unraid and have started with two dockers:

    - Paperless ng (already containing about 300 documents)

    - Calibri with Calibri web (to read books via the home network on my tablet - about 200documents and some really large pdf files)


    Now I wonder how to best backup the application data folder and the databases of these applications.


    I have no cache drives in the server (just starting) - only the array itself (3x HDD plus 1 parity). I am therefore not sure if the Backup-restore plug-in is the right way for the backup. It seems that it is made a nice backup for people using cache drives (SSD) for speed up their dockers/VM and which are concerned of the the data outside their array.

    So may be I should do the backups in my case different ?


    Best, I would build a backup scheme following the 3-2-1 rule, to do the things right from beginning.

    (3 copies, 2 different media and 1 different location)


    The Calibri database seem to be stored outside of application data folder, but in the media share (where also all the e-books are). I was thinking to backup this folder with the script of Marc Gutt. (user script plug-in.... great explanation Marc in the German forum!)

    The question is however remaining, how to backup the application folder ?!


    And is it enough in case of fatal crash ? How about the dockers themselves ?!


    Sorry for my stupid questions and thanks for chance to learn from experts.

  13. I have also a similar problem with a client computer running Ubuntu 20.04:

    Just formatted one of the HDDs in the Ubuntu client (FAT format) and after that created a folder "test-backup". I put one small file in the folder for testing the connection to unraid.

    Within Ubuntu I shared the folder with full write/read permissions.

    I also can see the shared of Unraid from the Ubuntu client.


    But when I want to connect and mount this disk on the Unraid server as unassigned disk, it doesn't work...

    All I get is this:



    The smb disk from Ubuntu is greyed out and obviously mounting is impossible...

    What could be a reason ?

    Originally I had the disk formatted in ext4 (native Ubuntu), then thought this format might be not supported and reformat in FAT, but still no success...

    I have tried everything I could think of... (but I am at the beginning of the lerning curve...)


    Thanks for advice.

  14. Learning more details of Unraid as a newcomer, I start using the plug-in ca-fix-common-problems to optimize my installation:


    After having run it for the first time I notice this warning:


    -CPU possibly will not throttle down frequency at idle         and

    -Your CPU is running constantly at 100% and will not throttle down when its idle (to save heat / power). This is because there is currently no CPU Scaling Driver Installed. Seek assistance on the unRaid forums with this issue


    I am using an old Supermicro tower with Dual Xeon E 5405 Harpertown @ 2Ghz

    The mainboard is the X7DVL

    I guess the CPU is that old that there is no way to optimize and make the warning disappear ?


    What is that CPU scaling Driver - do I need to get it from Intel or Supermicro ?

    Or just keep it as it is and wait until there is budget for new hardware (could take 2 years - servers are so expensive here...)


    Thanks for info.

  15. Many thanks for the quick replies...

    I managed to solve this problem myself (with careful restudy of the manual again)...

    I want to document it here, if somebody else come across the same phenomenon:


    At first, I realize, that even a headless server is not "headless" - a local monitor directly to the server will show the terminal - what I forgot in the first instance is, that the display is in sleep and needs to be awake from a keyboard to show any picture.... realized that after half an hour.... lol


    Then comes the first challenge:

    Input the very complicated root password with a foreign keyboard and special characters included without feedback from the screen within 60sec...

    It needed 5 attempts until, I could input the password without misprints in the foreign Belgian Azerty keyboard not showing the usual qwerty layout (the server is configured with qwerty). It means that you need to find out how to input the special characters of the 64 letter password at first, than train to input fast manually without faults.... there is no copy and paste in this situation.... another 30min...


    Finally I was logged in.... pfff

    Now: powerdown

    The idea was to restart the Unraid with the local Gui for easier work...


    After seeing the Unraid Root dashboard, it was evident, that the network connection was down - it says in settings to check the cable.... hi


    As I said earlier, originally the server was configured as Bonded enabled and Bridge enabled on eth 0 - the second ethernet connector was not used (no cable)


    However what I believe has happened is:

    - there are no marks at the Ethernet ports, whether it is eth 0 or eth 1

    - in fact the cable was not physically connected to eth 0 but eth 1 - but because bonding was enabled originally it didn't matter - still the was network because of bonding... (is this possible ?!?)

    - but when I disable bonding via the webgui from the remote computer, Network was immediately broken and no connection any more...


    So - now I have changed to no bonding mode but bridged AND changed the Ethernet port - took out the cable from one port and insert it into the other port...

    No problem - no Network loss, even bonding on both network ports is off


    So this problem is solved , as Unraid is running normally without any problem...

    That is how I leaned about "Bonding" in networks the hard way...... it now to read the books about what bonding is really all about.... ;-)

  16. to make things worse:

    - no SSH configured (disabled)

    - no Telnet configured (disabled)

    - server runs headless (no display)


    Is there any way to power down the server in a controlled way to reconfigure the network settings ?


    The fixed IP adres was configured in the router.... I do not remember to have changed anything about DHCP/Fixed addr in the Unraid settings...


    perfect isolation, it seems - what to do ?

  17. It seems, as a newbie, I have caused a serious fault in the Unraid settings, which results in all network communication is terminated and I cannot reach the server anymore:


    I use an old Supermicro Tower configured as Unraid server, which has two Ethernet ports onboard (eth 0 and eth 1)


    Only one Ethernet port is used in the server (eth 0) and the other has no connection at all (no physical cable connected) and not configured in Unraid


    Now comes the problem:

    - I have read here in the forum, that in the Unraid settings the Network Bonding should be (optional) switched off in the settings and bridging switched on.

    Originally both were switched on. So according to the suggestion I switched off the network bonding in Unraid network settings.

    Obviously I fatally misunderstood the advice, because now, I cannot connect to the WebGui of the server nor anything else.

    Docker and VM management has been switched off, in order to make the changes in the Unraid network settings...


    Unfortunately as a consequence the Unraid server is not reachable from the network on the old IP internal IPadres

    The server is not reachable from outside (internet)


    What should I do, to reach the server again ?

    The server is running, but invisible...


    Many thanks for help

  18. Problem seems to be solved.  Yesterday late evening I switched the server off and when I switched it on today the My server plug-in now shows too licenses:

    - the old TRIAL, which may still be usable a couple of days

    - the new purchased Unraid Pro Plus, which I am using now


    Also in the My Server plug-in my Server shows up with its name in black letters without warning...

    So all ok now - solved

  19. Sorry for my stupid questions as just a brand new Unraid user:


    I have recently purchased the Unraid OS Plus license. I followed the installation process from the wiki, as I changed also from the old USB stick to a new one just before the purchase.

    Now the dashboard shows correctly my license instead of Trial Unraid OS Plus at the upper right corner of the screen... all ok.



    I have also installed the My server plug in.

    My server shows up in orange color with a warning mark.

    When I open the my server dashboard it says, that I am still on TRIAL mode ... When I want to download my license key to install the registration key in the Unraid TOOLS menu, the my server plug in tells me, that the registration key to download is still the trial key....


    What do I need to do, to install the purchased Unraid OS Plus key correctly (which I don't know)

    I never got that key file and don't know what to do. May be that the trial license is still valid for a short while, but I want to prevent that the server shuts down...

    I need to ASAP install the license correctly.


    Thank you for your support.


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