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Richard Lavoie

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Posts posted by Richard Lavoie

  1. On 3/24/2021 at 7:13 PM, pk2 said:

    Dear @Hoopster, @uldise, @Vr2Io and other unRAID Friends!

    1. My 2 HighPoint Rocket R750 40-ports Controllers are ordered :)

    2. I asked HighPoint to update their Linux Driver to support 5.10 Kernel.

    3. Thank you one more time for your Great Patience, Advice and Help!

    It seems to me that I start to understand the context - unRAID is not a program/module or something like that but the whole Operating System, developed/lead by Lime Tech (similar as Cannonical and Ubuntu?), I suppose it can be booted from a USB stick (?) Before I thought that in each Linux/UNIX Distro we can have mdadm and unRAID as Components to create Disk Arrays - dummy me... On the other hand, it's a bit strange for me that unRAID OS seems to be somehow hidden, you know. You're not present at distrowatch.com and to be honest I only got to know that unRAID exists thanks the fact that I wanted to build a home "quasi-server" with many HDDs and while looking for Controllers I noticed that there are two types of them "RAID" and "unRAID". That's what I wanted to share with you that in the world outside your Great unRAID OS is somehow hiddent/invisible... :)

    Thank you once again and Kind Regards, Piotr.


    Did you get a response about the support for kernel 5.10 ? I have made the changes for the driver to work on 5.8 (https://github.com/darkrift/rocketraid750/tree/5.8.0 which might be compatible with 5.10) but I'm now on kernel 5.11 since I upgraded my ubuntu server to hirsute and it looks like the changes required are much more involving than what was necessary for 5.8 to work.


    I sent them a support request for a driver with official support for more recent kernel, and I didn't have much luck. If you tell me they did an update for you, I'd try (or maybe you could ask them) to request support up to the latest kernels

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