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Posts posted by randommonth

  1. Hi guys, following up since my post on June 10 (above). I deleted the docker image and changed to a docker directory. However I just received the same error warning about /var/log filling.


    It appears I'm getting the same errors as last time, and checking the tip provided by Jorge provides the following:


    [/dev/sdd1].write_io_errs    0
    [/dev/sdd1].read_io_errs     0
    [/dev/sdd1].flush_io_errs    0
    [/dev/sdd1].corruption_errs  0
    [/dev/sdd1].generation_errs  0
    [/dev/sdb1].write_io_errs    17381866
    [/dev/sdb1].read_io_errs     1092081
    [/dev/sdb1].flush_io_errs    615464
    [/dev/sdb1].corruption_errs  885679
    [/dev/sdb1].generation_errs  0


    The strange thing here is that sdd1 is an old SSD (6 years?) and old cable, whilst sdb1 is less than a month old, with a new cable. What could cause the new components to have the errors?




  2. Ok thanks - could it be a hardware issue with the SSD? It's currently connected with a 90 degree SATA connector butting up against the case structure which may have physically damaged the SSD case. And I'm having these weird cache related issues about every 30-40 days, that unplugging/reconnecting the connector from the SSD and moterboard sata ports has always resolved.

  3. Hi everyone, woke this morning to found my system with errors "Unable to write to cache" and Unable to write to Docker image"


    Looking into Fix Common Problems, it gave me two errors. For unable to write to cache it said "Drive mounted read-only or completely full." For unable to write to Docker image it said "Docker Image either full or corrupted."


    I've had some intermittent issues related to Docker image size and the cache being inaccessible. Hope that somebody could have a look at my diagnostics file and suggest appropriate action?




  4. Hi guys, I'm pretty desperate for some help here. I just rebooted my unraid server by clicking the reboot button and when it restarted none of my dockers appeared and it looks like the cache drive (which had appdata) has disappeared.


    The cache was on an SSD which is now not showing up as an unassigned drive.


    I'm not local to my server right now so I'm hoping I can resolve remotely...


    Thanking in advance


  5. Ahhh yeah of course, so if I delete all the empty folders then use rsync again, will it know to go to the next drive to create the missing folders?


    Or should I just delete the whole thing and redo rsync with the split level set to all?


    Or should i be using something other than rsync to move files between shares (it looks like Krusader also creates all folders first)?



  6. Hi everyone,


    I'm new to Unraid and have spent the last couple of weeks researching, then building my server (6.9.2) and migrating data across from a QNAP TS-421.


    It's been a journey of discovery, which these forums have been extremely useful in helping me navigate new territory. I have resisted posting anything until now, so I'll give a bit of a braindump followed by my current issue.


    I originally had 3 x 3TB drives in the QNAP, which I upgraded about a year ago to 4 x 4TB. So I had 3 x 3TB drives (now about 9 years old) sitting around not being used and 4 x 4TB drives (less than 1 year old) in a RAID5 in the QNAP. I wanted to eventually have all 7 drives in Unraid to unleash the full capacity of all. I also bought a new 6 TB drive as a parity, making 8 drives in total.


    The first step was to install the 3 x 3TB drives in the new Unraid server, after which I had 9 TB free space. Because my QNAP was currently setup with a share called 'Multimedia' and folders for 'Movies' and 'TV Shows', I created a user share on Unraid called 'Multimedia' which had access to all 3 drives with the 'high water' allocation method and split level 'auto split any directory'. In this share I created two folders 'Movies' and 'TV Shows'. Once this was setup I began to migrate my data from the 4x 4TB drives on the QNAP using rsync.


    First issue I found was that although the QNAP calculated the size of 'Movies' and 'TV Shows' at just about 8.4 TB, once I transferred 'Movies' to Unraid, I found that it was about 10% larger on Unraid. So I knew that I wasn't going to fit everything from those two folders across the 9TB share. I resolved this by using a couple of 1 TB portable drives to take the overflow from 'TV Shows' plus all the other smaller folders I had in 'Multimedia'. The 3 x 3TB drives appeared to be progressively filled equally, which i assume was the high water allocation method doing its job.


    Now I had copied everything off the QNAP, either onto the Unraid or portable drives, I removed the 4 x 4TB drives from the QNAP and added them to the Unraid array. I was pleasantly surprised to find the clearing process performed on all 4 drives concurrently and only took 8 hours.


    The second step was to migrate everything back on to the Unraid. My end goal was to have my movies and TV shows spread across the 16 TB of new 4 TB drives as these are the folders getting the most read/write action and I was wary of the age of the 3 TB drives. So I setup a new share called 'Movies' and selected two of the empty 4 TB drives as included. I set the allocation method as 'high water' and the split level as 'automatically split only the top level directory'.


    Using rsync again, I transferred the movie folders from share Multimedia\Movies (on the 3 x 3TB drives) to share Movies\ (on two of the 4TB drives) however the system filled the first 4 TB drive and did not continue to fill the second, despite the system saying that the share has 4TB free space. rsync says that there is no space on the Movies share.


    1. Is this problem related to split level? My folder structure on the in the Multimedia share is Multimedia\Movies\Movie <ABC>\Movie <files>. In the new share I've essentially reduced a level so it's Movies\Movie <ABC>\Movie <files>

    2. Should I worry myself about HDD age by separating high use shares from older drives? Or as a newbie am I getting too technical and I should just run one share across all drives and let the system figure it all out?



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