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Posts posted by jimdaway

  1. 19 hours ago, jimdaway said:

    I'm taking another run at the setup, installation and configuration of the bubuntux/nordlynx container.


    If I go to apps and select the NordLynx container then enter the following parameters:

    - Extra Parameters: --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

    - Network Type: Bridge

    - QUERY: filters\[country_id\]=38

    - NET_LOCAL:

    - DNS:,

    - Parameter - qBittorrent-6881: 6881

    - Parameter - qBittorrent-8080: 8080

    - PRIVATE_KEY:  <- Here's where things fall apart. I went to my account at NordVPN and generated a token however if I use this value in the PRIVATE_KEY field, the log generates a 

    - Key is not the correct length or format: `***********************REDACTED***********************'
    - Configuration parsing error


    Then it goes on to indicate:

    - [2023-04-10T15:22:38-04:00] Connecting...
    - [2023-04-10T15:22:38-04:00] Connected! \(ᵔᵕᵔ)/


    However, the next problem I encounter is when I open a console into the container and try to use the "curl ifconfig.io" command to get the IP address that the container is using. The curl ifconfig.io command returns:

    curl: (28) Failed to connect to ifconfig.io port 80 after 261772 ms: Couldn't connect to server


    I'm opened to any ideas, suggestions, guidance or input that may help. I've seem where it just seems to work for some people and others eventually get it working but I've had no luck with this whatsoever.

    Finally resolved this and got NordLynx container working!


    Here are the steps I took:

    - To obtain my NordVPN Token, I followed the process outlined here.

    - Following the above, I obtained a Token

    - I then opened a console in UnRAID itself and entered the following command:

    docker run --rm --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -e USER='[email protected]' -e PASS='myNordVPNaccountpassword' -e TOKEN='thetokenfromNordVPN' bubuntux/nordvpn:get_private_key

    - This resulted in the following:

    Waiting for daemon to start up...

    Welcome to NordVPN! You can now connect to VPN by using 'nordvpn connect'.

    Technology is already set to 'NORDLYNX'.

    Connecting to Canada #1653 (ca1653.nordvpn.com)

    You are connected to Canada #1653 (ca1653.nordvpn.com)!



    Private Key: REDACTED



    - I then used the "Private Key" value within the NordLynx container's PRIVATE_KEY variable parameter.

    - Once the container was installed and running, I bashed into the container and entered: curl ifconfig.io which returned

    - I copied that value and navigated to https://whatismyip.com and entered into the search field.

    - Searching that IP address returned a NordVPN server based in Canada.

    - To test it, I changed the filters\[country_id\]=38 within the NordLynx container to a value of 74 (France) and restarted the container.

    - Bashing into the container's console again, I executed a curl ifconfig.io and searched the resulting IP address https://whatismyip.com which returned a site in France. 


    Based on the above, I believe that the container is now working.


    - I then added two port fields to the container which are the two ports that qBittorrent uses.

    - Then, within the advanced view of the qBittorrent parameters, I set the following:

    Extra Parameters: --net=container:nordlynx

    Network Type: None


    Finally, to test the obfuscation of my IP address, I navigated to https://torguard.net/checkmytorrentipaddress.php and copied the "Download Now" link and added a new torrent to qBittorrent using the copied link. On the torguard website, the address being broadcasted was that of the NordVPN server and NOT my actual WAN IP.


    So, success. Finally. Amen.

    • Like 4
  2. I'm taking another run at the setup, installation and configuration of the bubuntux/nordlynx container.


    If I go to apps and select the NordLynx container then enter the following parameters:

    - Extra Parameters: --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

    - Network Type: Bridge

    - QUERY: filters\[country_id\]=38

    - NET_LOCAL:

    - DNS:,

    - Parameter - qBittorrent-6881: 6881

    - Parameter - qBittorrent-8080: 8080

    - PRIVATE_KEY:  <- Here's where things fall apart. I went to my account at NordVPN and generated a token however if I use this value in the PRIVATE_KEY field, the log generates a 

    - Key is not the correct length or format: `***********************REDACTED***********************'
    - Configuration parsing error


    Then it goes on to indicate:

    - [2023-04-10T15:22:38-04:00] Connecting...
    - [2023-04-10T15:22:38-04:00] Connected! \(ᵔᵕᵔ)/


    However, the next problem I encounter is when I open a console into the container and try to use the "curl ifconfig.io" command to get the IP address that the container is using. The curl ifconfig.io command returns:

    curl: (28) Failed to connect to ifconfig.io port 80 after 261772 ms: Couldn't connect to server


    I'm opened to any ideas, suggestions, guidance or input that may help. I've seem where it just seems to work for some people and others eventually get it working but I've had no luck with this whatsoever.

  3. 2 hours ago, jimdaway said:

    To possibly add to the @Zappmax post, yesterday, I started having issues with the container for Krusader. I posted about that here.


    I navigated to SETTINGS | Docker and stopped the service and when I did, the Docker tab disappeared (as expected). When I tried to restart it, it spun for the longest time till I navigated to the SETTINGS tab and when I did, the Docker tab was visible. When I clicked it, the screen displayed "Docker Service failed to start.". When I navigate back to Settings | Docker, the Enable Docker setting is displaying Yes but the Status is indicating Stopped.


    The unRAID logs aren't displaying anything to indicate that there is an issue.


    I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. I'm running unRAID version 6.11.1 2022-10-06 and I've attached the docker.txt log output from the Diagnostics process.


    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    docker.txt 140.55 kB · 0 downloads



    I have rebooted the server a couple of times and the situation remains the same. I also noticed that the uptime indicator in the top right hasn't updated and on the bottom left of the screen, it is telling me that the Array is started and that it is "Starting services" but that message never finishes.

  4. To possibly add to the @Zappmax post, yesterday, I started having issues with the container for Krusader. I posted about that here.


    I navigated to SETTINGS | Docker and stopped the service and when I did, the Docker tab disappeared (as expected). When I tried to restart it, it spun for the longest time till I navigated to the SETTINGS tab and when I did, the Docker tab was visible. When I clicked it, the screen displayed "Docker Service failed to start.". When I navigate back to Settings | Docker, the Enable Docker setting is displaying Yes but the Status is indicating Stopped.


    The unRAID logs aren't displaying anything to indicate that there is an issue.


    I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. I'm running unRAID version 6.11.1 2022-10-06 and I've attached the docker.txt log output from the Diagnostics process.


    Any help would be very much appreciated.


  5. Hi;


    This container has been working very well for over a year. Yesterday, when I tried to access it, I'm getting a "Failed to connect to server" error with "noVNC" and a "Connect" button being displayed.


    I've tried restarting the container and when I do, it spins for about 30 seconds then I get an "Execution error. Server error" and an OK button. When I click the OK button, the container remains in the started state. The same results are presented if I try to stop the container. When I try to remove it, it goes through the dialogs to remove a container but then throws the "Execution error. Server error" and returns to the started state.


    If I try to open a container console, it opens then immediately closes.


    The log seems to have ceased logging yesterday.


    Has anyone encountered this? Thank you!

  6. Final update (for now).


    I abandoned the NordLynx container (for now) and went with an older version of the NordVPN container. I am using the NordLynx TECHNOLOGY setting and I have confirmed that my torrent traffic is resolving back to a Nord IP address.


    The missing icon is a PITA but not important to the overall operation of the container. Just an annoyance.

  7. Very minor update from the nordlynx log a number of minutes after starting the container:

    [2023-03-21T07:46:00-04:00] Enabling connection to eth0
    [2023-03-21T07:46:00-04:00] Enabling connection to secure interfaces
    [2023-03-21T07:46:00-04:00] No interface network6 detected
    [2023-03-21T07:46:00-04:00] Enabling connection to network
    [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
    [ls.io-init] done.
    [2023-03-21T07:46:00-04:00] Finding the best server...
    curl: (28) SSL connection timeout


    I've tried using the Private Key that I'm being supplied in my existing NordVPN container logs on my first UnRAID server. It didn't help.


    I've also tried a number of web-search suggestions including the one from @IMTheNachoMan a few pages back.


    Any insight or assistance would be appreciated as I'm really not sure what to try next.


  8. Greetings All;


    I have a NordVPN container installed on my first UnRAID server that is apparently now legacy although its been working flawlessly. When I look at the log, I see a message saying,

    Please migrate to the NordLynx container (https://github.com/bubuntux/nordlynx)

    Here is your private Key: REDACTED


    So, as I am starting the setup of a new/2nd UnRAID server, I went to APPS and installed the nordlynx container however I'm having a tough time getting it to work.


    When I look at the settings for the container, I see:





    I've set my network to (my use-case) and I've tried copying the private key from the log of my existing/working NordVPN install and entering that in the PRIVATE_KEY field however once started, it fails to connect to any servers. In the log, it sits at: Finding the best server...


    Another oddity. When I open a console on my existing and working NordVPN container and enter "nordvpn status" on the CLI, it returns information. When I open a consol on my new unRaid server's NordLynx container and enter "nordvpn status" or "nordlynx status" it returns a "sh: nordlynx: not found" error. Also, "curl ifconfig.io" returns a "sh: ifconfig.io: not found".


    I also see a missing icon for the container and the version in the Docker tab indicates "not available" and the UPTIME entry indicates "Uptime: 3 minutes (health: starting)" then after a short period it changes to "unhealthy".


    Has anyone made this work and if so, what are the fields (existing or that need to be added) that I should be configuring?


    I'm certain I'll have to add the ports for any other containers that I want to be routed through the NordLynx container.

  9. Hi. I'm working with the phpBB container from your repo and am hitting two snags that I can't seem to clear despite research and Google-learning.


    1) During the install, everything seems to work fine and I'm able to get it running and open the web_ui however the container switches to a stopped-state after a short period of time and the logs indicate:

    phpbb 14:23:12.70 INFO  ==> ** Starting phpBB setup **
    realpath: /bitnami/apache/conf: No such file or directory
    phpbb 14:23:12.87 INFO  ==> Configuring Apache ServerTokens directive
    phpbb 14:23:12.90 INFO  ==> Configuring PHP options
    phpbb 14:23:12.90 INFO  ==> Setting PHP expose_php option
    phpbb 14:23:12.94 INFO  ==> Setting PHP memory_limit option
    phpbb 14:23:12.96 INFO  ==> Validating settings in MYSQL_CLIENT_* env vars
    phpbb 14:23:13.06 INFO  ==> Ensuring phpBB directories exist
    phpbb 14:23:13.07 INFO  ==> Trying to connect to the database server
    phpbb 14:23:13.11 INFO  ==> Creating configuration file for installation
    phpbb 14:23:13.78 INFO  ==> Starting apache in background
    [Thu Sep 08 14:23:13.842945 2022] [ssl:warn] [pid 144] AH01909: www.example.com:8443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
    [Thu Sep 08 14:23:13.843341 2022] [ssl:warn] [pid 144] AH01909: www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
    phpbb 14:23:18.87 INFO  ==> apache started
    phpbb 14:23:18.87 INFO  ==> Running installation wizard
    phpbb 14:28:19.72 ERROR ==> phpBB failed to install
    phpbb 14:28:19.73 INFO  ==> Stopping apache
    phpbb 14:28:20.76 INFO  ==> apache stopped
    phpbb 14:28:20.77 INFO  ==> Persisting phpBB installation
    cp: cannot create directory '/bitnami/phpbb/store': Permission denied

    I've been searching and see some search result regarding bitnami and permissions but I have no idea how to apply that information unRAID and this container.


    2) For the short time that it is running before (Item 1) stops the container, I am able to log in using the credentials I entered when installing the container however I get the message about deleting the install directory. I have opened a terminal into the container and I've been able to find (find / -type d -name *install*) a couple of install directories but when I delete one of them, I typically break the container. Here are the results of executing a find command from within the container console:

    $ find / -type d -name *install*
    find: '/sys/kernel/slab': Input/output error
    find: '/var/cache/ldconfig': Permission denied
    find: '/proc/tty/driver': Permission denied
    find: '/root': Permission denied
    find: '/etc/ssl/private': Permission denied


    Where do I find the install directory that needs to be deleted?


    Also, here are my initial configuration settings (passwords redacted):

    PORT: 8083

    APPDATA: /mnt/user/appdata/phpbb/







    PHPBB_USERNAME: phpBBadmin

    PHPBB_PASSWORD: *******

    PHPBB_EMAIL: *********

    PHPBB_FORUM_NAME: Our Forum Platform

    PHPBB_FORUM_DESCRIPTION: A forum for everyone


    I would really appreciate any assistance or insight into the above two items as A) it might help get this running on my unRAID 6.10.3 box and B) it might help me learn and understand more about unRAID, Docker and the inner working thereof.

  10. 14 hours ago, alturismo said:

    i assume you talk about the webgui from this mailserver, if it is only http/s ...


    did you try to put the mailserver also behind the NPM ? as long its using http protocol and its not some weird ...


    Hi @alturismo


    Thank you for the response and insight. So, if I redirect ports 80 and 443 to the unRAID server ( and then within NPM setup a Host Proxy titled mail.mydomain.com with a redirect to my mail server ( that may work?


    The question then is how do I deal with the redirection of both port 80 and 443? I tried creating a Host Proxy titled "mail.mydomain.com" for HTTP pointed to port 80 and when I tried to create a second Host Proxy "mail.mydomain.com" for HTTPS to port 443 (with a Lets Encrypt SSL), it threw an error of "mail.mydomain.com is already in use".


    Or, should I use a Redirection Host or a Stream? I'm so newb...

  11. Let me preface the following by stating that I am woefully limited in my knowledge of the inner
    workings of SSL certificates. I've read some basic tutorials and have a very rudimentary understanding.


    Having said that, I have a somewhat convoluted setup and I'm hitting walls with everything I try.
    I'm suspecting I may be unable to actually establish a working infrastructure.


    My company website is hosted on HostGator where I have established a subdomain (transfer.mydomain.com) with an HTML meta redirect that points to a specific port (4443) on my fixed WAN IP.


    At the WAN IP there is a firewall that manages my incoming traffic with numerous and various port mappings.

    Inside our firewall is an existing mail server that lives at that MUST use ports 80 and 443 and as such, I MUST redirect all incoming WAN port 80 and 443 traffic to that mail server LAN IP ( where it is managed by the mail server.


    I am running an unRAID server on another box within the LAN at IP ( and I have NPM running in a docker container on a separate network (called "proxynet" - shoutout to SpaveInvaderOne!) on that unRAID server.


    I also run an instance of NextCloud on the same unRAID "proxynet" network.

    On my firewall, I have established a port forward so that any traffic coming from the HostGator redirect to the specific port (4443) is mapped to the unRAID server at


    The issue I have is that I can't establish a Lets Encrypt SSL cert via NPM due to the appropriation of WAN ports 80 and 443 by the mail server. Further, because 80 and 443 are used by the mail server, I can't use NPM for any Docker containers.


    I could - as a last resort - just forward the HostGator redirect from the firewall to port 444 where the NextCloud docker lives but again, I don't think I can authenticate an SSL cert against that due to the re-direction from HostGator. HostGator does NOT allow for masked redirection like (I think!) CloudFlare does.


    Basically, because HTTP and HTTP are being redirect to the mail server, there will be no way to use NPM or get SSL certificates for any of my docker containers.

  12. The My Servers dashboard still shows that it is offline but it is accessible.


    On all screens except the Management Access screen, the top-left continues to revert to "Sign In" within about 3 seconds.


    The Management Access settings screen now refreshes every ~2 seconds. When it refreshes, it displays my user name then immediately revers to "Sign In" then immediately refreshes.

  13. 8 minutes ago, dgs2001 said:

    Yes same here,


    The log is showing Incorrect User or Password.


    I dont know how the container is authenticating, but its possible this is a change at the nord end.




    This was what was happening to me when I first set it up. I finally logged into my Nord account and changed my password then changed it back to what it was originally and it started working.


    I don't know if the Nord Unraid container issue was/is related to the Nord password change or if it was a coincidence but it did help my situation. YMMV.


    Good Luck!

  14. Hi.


    Running UnRaid 6.9.2 with Linuxserver.io's qBittorrent container running on it. Things are working just fine as it relates to downloading and playing nice with Sonarr, Radarr and torrents in general.


    The issue I've got is that it keeps stopping, seemingly by itself. I'll check the server a couple of times a day and I keep finding that the qBittorrent is in a stopped state. I start it and everything seems to work just fine again.  I've looked through the config and the settings within qBittorrent itself and can't see anything that would be causing this.


    I've tried searching the forum for "stopping" and "stopped" but I'm not finding anything that seems to relate to this.



    I've looked at the logs and there's nothing that appears to indicate a failure. It's more looking like it's getting a shutdown signal from somewhere. This is a pull from the logs showing the shutdown event:


    ******** Information ********
    To control qBittorrent, access the Web UI at http://localhost:8080
    [cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
    [cont-finish.d] done.
    [s6-finish] waiting for services.
    [s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
    [s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.


    Any ideas?



  15. On 11/9/2021 at 7:57 AM, jimdaway said:

    Perfect. The ISP modem is a Hitron CODA-4850 and seems like the custom firmware they have running on it is painfully restricted. I do have port passthrough but I've not seen anything that references NAT reflection OR bridge mode on a per-port (or any) basis. I've seen other people discover that setting port passthrough on port one of their modem automatically made it a bridge-mode port (albeit, not the same modem I have to deal with). Maybe I'll get lucky and enabling port passthrough on port one will automatically create a bridged port for me. (Yeah, I doubt that as well)...

    As a follow-up to this thread, I realized something very peculiar. When I am within my LAN and I drop-down the docker icon menu for the UI for Sonarr, it opens in my browser as normal. It is JUST Nextcloud that fails to open however when I do try to open the web UI for Nextcloud, it redirects to my subdomain URL yet Sonarr does not. It opens to


    Am I misunderstanding (yet again) the nuances of domain/WAN vs LAN access? Why does Sonarr connect properly yet Nextcloud does not? Is it because Nextcloud insists on an secure connection whereas Sonarr does not?


    The more I learn, the less I realize that I know!

  16. 11 hours ago, JonathanM said:

    You got it, only snag is that you need not just a port passthrough to the more capable router, you need the external IP to be assigned to the WAN port of the router. Typically that's referred to as bridge mode, so see if you can configure that, some ISP's require that sort of thing to be configured by them, not something you can do yourself.

    Perfect. The ISP modem is a Hitron CODA-4850 and seems like the custom firmware they have running on it is painfully restricted. I do have port passthrough but I've not seen anything that references NAT reflection OR bridge mode on a per-port (or any) basis. I've seen other people discover that setting port passthrough on port one of their modem automatically made it a bridge-mode port (albeit, not the same modem I have to deal with). Maybe I'll get lucky and enabling port passthrough on port one will automatically create a bridged port for me. (Yeah, I doubt that as well)...

  17. 20 minutes ago, jimdaway said:

    SWAG Configuration (probably silly) Question


    Hi. I have set up SWAG using my domain name and DuckDNS. I have subdomains pointing to a couple of docker containers (Nextcloud and Sonarr at present) and would like to set up a couple of more. This is working absolutely perfect from outside of my LAN.


    I used the SpaceInvaderOne TY guides (albeit for LetsEncrypt) and things seem to work very, very well if I am outside of my LAN. The issue I am having is that I can not access either Nextcloud or Sonarr from my LAN.


    When I installed Nextcloud, I specified port 444.


    I have taken the following steps (and I'm hoping I don't miss anything as I recap):

    - I edited the CNAME entries at my domain registrar to point to my DuckDNS entry.

    - I have my DuckDNS account (and the associated docker container) setup and working

    - I have SWAG installed and have:

      - Edited the conf files for both Nextcloud and Sonarr (per SpaceInvaderOne's tutorial)

      - Created a specific network (proxynet per SpaceInvaderOne's tutorial)

    - I have edited the Nextcloud config.php so the array section has:

      0 => '',

      1 => 'nextcloud.domainname.com',

    - Below the array section, I added:

      'trusted_proxies' => ['swag']

      'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://nextcloud.mydomainname.com',

      'overwritehost' => 'nextcloud.mydomainname.com',

      'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',

      'dbname' => 'nextcloud',


    I'm sure there is a step or config element that I've missed somewhere. When I am in my LAN, navigating to redirects me to nextcloud.mydomain.com and throws a "took too long to respond" error.


    If I ping nextcloud.mydomain.com from within my LAN, it resolves to my DuckDNS account AND to my current IP but the packets timeout.



    And, now reading about:

    nat reflection


    nat loopback


    I suspect that my IPS modem/router does NOT have this functionality and my only solution will be use a more advanced router and do a port passthough to it.


    Does that make any sense?

  18. SWAG Configuration (probably silly) Question


    Hi. I have set up SWAG using my domain name and DuckDNS. I have subdomains pointing to a couple of docker containers (Nextcloud and Sonarr at present) and would like to set up a couple of more. This is working absolutely perfect from outside of my LAN.


    I used the SpaceInvaderOne TY guides (albeit for LetsEncrypt) and things seem to work very, very well if I am outside of my LAN. The issue I am having is that I can not access either Nextcloud or Sonarr from my LAN.


    When I installed Nextcloud, I specified port 444.


    I have taken the following steps (and I'm hoping I don't miss anything as I recap):

    - I edited the CNAME entries at my domain registrar to point to my DuckDNS entry.

    - I have my DuckDNS account (and the associated docker container) setup and working

    - I have SWAG installed and have:

      - Edited the conf files for both Nextcloud and Sonarr (per SpaceInvaderOne's tutorial)

      - Created a specific network (proxynet per SpaceInvaderOne's tutorial)

    - I have edited the Nextcloud config.php so the array section has:

      0 => '',

      1 => 'nextcloud.domainname.com',

    - Below the array section, I added:

      'trusted_proxies' => ['swag']

      'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://nextcloud.mydomainname.com',

      'overwritehost' => 'nextcloud.mydomainname.com',

      'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',

      'dbname' => 'nextcloud',


    I'm sure there is a step or config element that I've missed somewhere. When I am in my LAN, navigating to redirects me to nextcloud.mydomain.com and throws a "took too long to respond" error.


    If I ping nextcloud.mydomain.com from within my LAN, it resolves to my DuckDNS account AND to my current IP but the packets timeout.



  19. I initially had that situation waiting for a connection as well.


    However, check your WAN IP address as mine was indeed through the VPN even though it said it was still connecting.


  20. I totally agree that a potentially regular occurrence of this would be too problematic to tolerate.


    I made this change two weeks ago (Oct 12) and it's been working properly since. I'm not beyond thinking I may have had something misconfigured but the process of fixing it didn't point in that direction. I use a torrent IP tracker to confirm that my torrenting traffic is going through the VPN and it's been solid so far however YMMV.


    If I see any drop in connection, I'll report it back here so we can stay informed.

  21. Hi @RiDDiX, I eventually went to my Nord account and changed my password there as I KNOW I was entering it correctly in the container config.


    After I changed my password on the Nord site, I used the new one for the unRAID container and it started working just fine.


    It was a very odd situation as I know the password for NordVPN was correct as I tested it on other devices.

    • Haha 1
  22. So, I'm sure I must be missing something but I'm at a loss as to what to try next.


    I started with a test unRaid server setup and installed the Zotarios nordvpn docker container. I had it working perfectly on my test platform. I then tore the test server down and rebuilt was will become my new unRAID server. The first snag I hit was getting the nordvpn container running.


    I did a complete re-build and re-start of the unRAID install and setup.

    I re-formatted the boot-up flash-drive as well as all disks in the array including the cache disk.

    The next step was to install the nordvpn container and other than entering my nordvpn username and password, I left all the other configuration settings as found except I unchecked the "Start contain after installation". The container installed without any errors or warnings.

    I then opened the logs for the container and started the container. It went through the startup then reported Invalid username or password yet the container still showed as running. When I refreshed my unRAID browser window, the container showed as stopped. No other entries were entered into the log. This is the log of the startup:

    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Firewall is up, everything has to go through the vpn
    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Enabling connection to secure interfaces
    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Enabling connection to nordvpn group
    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Enabling connection to docker network
    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Enabling connection to network
    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Restarting the service
    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Waiting for the service to start
    [2021-10-12T14:26:43-07:00] Logging in
    [2021-10-12T14:26:44-07:00] Invalid Username or password.

    One final piece of the puzzle is that there are no entries being displayed under the PORT MAPPINGS column yet maybe that isn't significant. When I select "Edit" then drop-down the Show docker allocations, it displays as follows:
    nordvpn         bridge        "???"  (without the quotes)


    I'm really at a loss here and would very much appreciate any insights or advice.

  23. Hi and thank you for the response.


    I will post the question in the support forum for the container but I think my issue is more with how I've been mucking about as I plod my way through a setup and now I have some sort of config issue that is left over from my initial installs. I think I may have caused myself issues when I changed the appdata share to cache:Prefer.


    Ultimately, I suspect I caused this through inexperience but I will continue to research and try and learn. I'd just like to understand why there is no config key to specify the appdata directory for the nordvpn container and whether I should create one. Which, to your point, brings me back to migrating this discussion to https://hub.docker.com/r/bubuntux/nordvpn

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