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Posts posted by bthoven

  1. Hi, thanks a lot for your docker. I've been using it for years.
    However, from time to time, I got 429 error, even visitor limit is set to 1000 and no way it will ever reach 1000 messages a day, even bursting up to 60, because messages are automatically sent from my server on certain rare conditions. I'm not sure what else I need to do.

  2. Thank you for the professional script. I've identified the cause of the error. Normally, when I navigate to Main-->SMB share and select the mounted disk (which shows as mounted with disk capacity and free space), I expect to see all the folders/files within the remote disk. However, this time, I only saw the folders/files of the Unraid root directory, which explains why the script couldn't locate the backup folder.

    I resolved the issue by unmounting and then remounting the disk, after which everything functioned normally. I ran the script manually, and it operated correctly.

    The reason for the disk's sudden change in behavior is unclear to me.

    • Like 1
  3. I have an external HDD attached to my wifi AP via its usb port. I've made it automounted to Unraid as a SMB shared remote disk. I use this HDD for backups of some applications data with User Script plugin.

    Most of the time, the backup script works without problem; but sometimes it seems the HDD did not wake up in time, thus the backup script can't find the disk.


    Below are log entries showing both the successful (on 22 April) and unsuccessful (on 23 Apr) backups:

    Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/joplin-server-backup/log.txt
    Script Starting Apr 22, 2024 02:00.01
    Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/joplin-server-backup/log.txt
    {"id":"KpnPiVgWIy7m","time":1713726237,"expires":1713769437,"event":"message","topic":"joplin_postgres","message":"Joplin Postgres db was backed up to Archer C9 external drive"}
    Script Finished Apr 22, 2024 02:03.58
    Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/joplin-server-backup/log.txt
    Script Starting Apr 23, 2024 02:00.02
    Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/joplin-server-backup/log.txt
    /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/joplin-server-backup/script: line 8: /mnt/remotes/BTHOVEN_DDWRT_NAS/joplin_backup/postgres/2024-04-23.bak: No such file or directory
    {"id":"1wprdYCMYCX7","time":1713812402,"expires":1713855602,"event":"message","topic":"joplin_postgres","message":"Joplin Postgres db was backed up to Archer C9 external drive"}
    find: '/mnt/remotes/BTHOVEN_DDWRT_NAS/joplin_backup/postgres': No such file or directory
    Script Finished Apr 23, 2024 02:00.02

    Is there any simple script command to wake my remote disk up before running backup script command?


  4. This youtube link does not work with mp3 download, but it works with online youtube-to-mp3 conversion. Could you please take a look. I'm running latest metube version. Thanks.

    Update: I found the cause of error: the filename is too long. I don't know how to solve it because I can't set a customs filename with meTube. Any workaround solution?
    Update2: I have changed the "Output Template" parameters from:




    but meTube still can't convert it successfully. It still reported filename is too long, even the output filename is now less than 100 characters (94 to be exact including spaces). The status bar has some progress and then terminated. I did check the yt-dlp version, it is the latest one, 2024.03.10

    I also tried converting it with yt-dlp.exe, same version, on my Win 11 terminal and it converted successfully

    PS C:\Users\axath> D:/yt-dlp.exe  -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" https://youtu.be/z6clhiZ4w4E?si=-y_Foai1Qh2KmTYp
    [youtube] Extracting URL: https://youtu.be/z6clhiZ4w4E?si=-y_Foai1Qh2KmTYp
    [youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading webpage
    [youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading ios player API JSON
    [youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading android player API JSON
    [youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading m3u8 information
    [info] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading 1 format(s): 22
    [download] Destination: ไข่มุก เพ็ญสินี เพลง เอาความขมขื่นไปทิ้งแม่โขง | รอบ โจทย์เพลงทัศนาจร จากรายการเพลงเอกซีซั่น 3.mp4
    [download] 100% of   27.54MiB in 00:00:01 at 23.78MiB/s
    PS C:\Users\axath> d:/yt-dlp.exe --version


  5. Thanks.
    However, I found later my android mobile can no longer access any local network devices and can't access internet. The app shows connected with 0/4 peers. I have to change server to netbird server again (i.e., create a new peer) to make it work again, but later I got the same problem.
    Do you have the same issue?


    ps. I'm not sure if this is relevant. My Unraid also have headscale running, but not tailscale client (not installed). I turned off my tailscale on my phone when I connect netbird on it.


    update: I disable network route on netbird on unraid, spin up my ubuntu vm (on unraid), installed native netbird and set network route to my local network on it. My phone still connects with 0/5 peers and no internet.
    I also found netbird on my ipad is working fine with either network route on unraid docker or ubuntu native. So it must be issue on the andriod app? But netbird app on andriod has been up for quite some time compared with it on iOS.

    The problem is on my android 12 phone (xiaomi mi10t pro). It can connect to my ipad netbird only. The same problem does not happen to my android 10 phone (xiaomi poco f1). I’m consulting the issue with Netbird support on Slack chat.

  6. Thanks a lot for these dockers. I am selfhosting my headscale and I wan’t to try netbird. I have not tried the selfhosting part yet because I want to familiarize myself with the netbird ecosystem first. So I’m using netbird server/dashboard.

    As my pfSense can have tailscale client installed, I use it as subnet router for accessing non-tailscale devices from outside my network. As my pfSense uses its own (unbound) dns resolver and has pfblockerng installed for blocking Ads, all my tailscale devices have Ads blocked automatically by pfblockerng.

    As netbird has not supported pfsense yet, I run your netbird client docker and set it as subnet router for accessing my main LAN subnet. My question is how can I make all my netbird clients have Ads blocked by pfblockerng on my pfsense?


    Update: I believe I've accomplished it by adding my pfSense local ip and port 53 as a name server (dns-->nameservers) on admin page  and applied it to all peers. If it is not the right way, please let me know...thanks.

  7. Using tailscale on pfSense as an exit node is not reliable, most of the time other tailscale devices can't access internet when using pfSense as an exit node.
    I have a debian vm on unraid for other purposes and also install tailscale as native app on it, turn it into an exit node and it works flawlessly.

    Sent from my M2007J3SG using Tapatalk

  8. I run tailscale on my pfSense and advertise local LAN ip range. From any tailscale client, I can access all containers on my unraid including those with br0+local lan ip.

    Sent from my M2007J3SG using Tapatalk

  9. additional information. Usually when I add, for example, a gmail account, it will ask for imap, smtp server, and my account email+password on the same UI, but with Yahoo mail app, there are two separated steps as shown in my previous post. This could be the cause of the problem. If you notice the last line of the log in step 1 above, error ...no auth attempt in 3 secs...., that was because step-1 didn't ask for imap password!; and at step 2 which Yahoo mail just asked for the account password, you can see from the log file, it didn't try to login to the imap server again.


  10. I run your docker + snappymail without problem. I've added my yahoo, gmail, self-hosted mail accounts to my snappymail without any issues.

    However, snappymail mail loading is very slow for my yahoo, outlook, and gmail accounts when compared to yahoo webmail. I therefore want to add my self-hosted mail accounts (docker-mailserver) to the yahoo webmail so that I can use all my mails at one place on desktop browser.
    To add a new non-gmail-yahoo-outlook account to yahoo webmail, I have to use Yahoo mail app on either Android or iOS. So far I've not be able to add my self-hosting account. I'm not sure I have to set something more on my docker-mailserver.


    When adding a new (self-hosting) mailbox with Yahoo mail app, there are 2 steps:

    step-1: specify my email address ([email protected]), my mailserver imap and smtp server

    after entering, my mail server log indicated that it is successful

    Nov 29 11:19:41 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: connect from sync400374.mail.bf2.yahoo.com[]
    Nov 29 11:19:42 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: Anonymous TLS connection established from sync400374.mail.bf2.yahoo.com[]: TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature ECDSA (P-256) server-digest SHA256
    Nov 29 11:19:43 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: disconnect from sync400374.mail.bf2.yahoo.com[] ehlo=1 quit=1 commands=2
    Nov 29 11:19:43 mail dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Connection closed (no auth attempts in 3 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, TLS, session=<ogA22EILECxKBnGZ>


    step-2: then Yahoo mail app asked for my email password, this step is not successful:


    log message from my mailserver:

    Nov 29 11:20:04 mail dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Connection closed: SSL_accept() failed: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, TLS handshaking: SSL_accept() failed: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher, session=<2LN32UILQolDw7HJ>
    Nov 29 11:20:05 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: connect from dip192.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[]
    Nov 29 11:20:05 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: SSL_accept error from dip192.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[]: -1
    Nov 29 11:20:05 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: warning: TLS library problem: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher:../ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2283:
    Nov 29 11:20:05 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: lost connection after CONNECT from dip192.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[]
    Nov 29 11:20:05 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: disconnect from dip192.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[] commands=0/0
    Nov 29 11:20:06 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: connect from dip220.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[]
    Nov 29 11:20:06 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: SSL_accept error from dip220.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[]: -1
    Nov 29 11:20:06 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: warning: TLS library problem: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher:../ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2283:
    Nov 29 11:20:06 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: lost connection after CONNECT from dip220.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[]
    Nov 29 11:20:06 mail postfix/submissions/smtpd[2523]: disconnect from dip220.lsn.bf1.yahoo.com[] commands=0/0


    on my phone


    I've tried both TLS/SSL and STARTTLS ports (143,993, 465, 587) without success, all ports are opened on my firewall.


    Notes: I can do the same with Gmail app on my Android phone, and mail app on iOS without problem.


    I consolidate all my mailboxes on Gmail app and use it to check/compose mails on my mobile phone; but Gmail webmail for desktop browser won't accept non-Gmail accounts. So if I want to use all my mails in one place, on dekstop: Yahoo webmail and on mobile devices: Gmail app or iOS mail.

  11. The is my simple way to eliminate the privacy error when opening my unraid webui.

    From the Settings/Management Access, unraid already created a self-signed certificate (without CA) for my local domain, for me, bthoven-unraid.local. Yours are different.



    My objective is to get rid of the privacy error when opening the webui with the above local domain.


    The concept is for self-certificate without CA certificate, we can use its own certificate part as a CA certificate which can be imported to your webbrowser CA trusted certificate authority. The self-signed cert my unraid has created is stored at a file inside this folder


    The pem file consists of two parts, i.e., certificate and private key, as shown below.

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

    What we need is to create a file which contains only the certificate part and save it somewhere on your PC. The file will have only this part:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----


    So the broad steps are:

    1. create a certificate-only file as shown above (ssh to your unraid, copy the file /boot/config/ssl/certs/bthoven-unraid_unraid_bundle.pem over to your pc, copy and paste the certificate part to a new file on your PC)

    2. Inside my Microsoft Edge browser, import the cert-only file, created on step 1, into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Different browser has different way to do it. This step is to make your PC and all browsers on that PC "trust" unraid self-signed certificate.

    3. Try entering url, in my case, bthoven-unraid.local, in your browser, the privacy error will be no longer there. In case you still get the privacy error, you may have to restart your browser, or even your PC. When I did this on my PC, it just works right away; but on my laptop, I need to restart my laptop.



    For other PCs or browser, you have to do the step 2 to make the browser trust unraid self-signed certificate.

    For iOS and Android, you can trust the certificate too, but a little bit more complicated. Let me know if you want to know how.


    Please note that, this doesn't work with local ip url because the self-cert was signed without your local ip as SAN. If you want to make it work when entering your unraid local IP, you have to create a new self-signed cert which includes the unraid local IP. This is another subject which is also quite simple.

  12. On 11/10/2023 at 2:44 PM, Kulisch said:

    I cannot recommend an admin web interface. I only use the "setup" command in the container directly (in the console or terminal).


    docker exec -it docker-mailserver bash


    To be honest, I'm also not sure if there is one that you can work with properly as they advertise that you can only customize everything via configurations.



    with the "setup" command you can configure everything you need.


    I can recommend Roundcube as a web client.


    I downloaded it directly and configured it via the Docker Hub.


    See configuration in the picture.




    I hope the information was valuable.

    I've been running roundcube for a few days.

  13. On 11/6/2023 at 7:42 PM, Kulisch said:

    What are you using for Login?


    Username, Password (special Characters?), Mail Adress, Domain, SSL/TLS, Port? (please censor sensitive data)


    Is the information you entered in iOS the same as in Outlook?


    Did you tried Thunderbird?

    As soon as I implement letsencrypt certificate, all email clients accept my it....thanks.
    Could you recommend any mail admin docker running on top of your mailserver?

  14. Thanks for the docker.

    I've installed it. So far I can send/receive mails between mailserver users, received mails sent from yahoo, gmail, and outlook. Apparrently, sending mails out to those big name mail boxes get blocked as expected. I'll deal with that later.


    So far I've tested it using outlook email client on my Windows 11.


    However, I tried to add my own mailbox using gmail app on my android phone, and mail app on my ipad. It has not been succeeded. I did open all ports on my pfSense firewall (25, 587, 465, 143, 933). I'm not sure what I did wrong.

    These are the log entries: I believe when setting up on email app, I entered the right user/password and mail.domain.com.

    Nov  6 17:26:34 mail dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Connection closed (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=192.168.x.yyy, lip=192.168.x.xxx, session=<EpTOSXkJF0TAqAIB>
    Nov  6 17:31:39 mail dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Connection closed (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=192.168.x.yyy, lip=192.168.x.xxx, session=<JcYGXHkJDAbAqAIB>
    Nov  6 17:34:23 mail dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Connection closed (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=192.168.x.yyy, lip=192.168.x.xxx, session=<Xi3IZXkJkBvAqAIB>


  15. Just install the plugin and I can no longer access the unraid webui. After safely reboot my unraid by a command line

    powerdown -r

    , my dashboard was up, but the plugin somehow crashed the webui again later. Gave up and remove the plugin.

    Unraid 6.12.4.

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, emrepolat7 said:



    I really like using your plugin with tailscale. Thanks very much for the plugin.

    Since headscale is almost the self-hosted version of tailscale, I prefer to use headscale instead of tailscale.

    Are you planning to add this feature?
    if so, is there any progress for this feature?

    You can do it with the current tailscale version by 

    0. install tailscale plugin on your unraid server

    1. go into your unraid console and enter this command

    tailscale up --login-server=https://headscale.yourdomain.com --accept-dns=false

    it will give you this result

    To authenticate, visit:



    2. open the generated url link in your browser, it will generate a headscale command with key for you to register your unraid server with your headscale server

    3. enter into your headscale docker console, copy and paste the generated headscale command in step 2 , but before pressing enter, change the username in the command to your own one then press enter, and you are done; your unraid tailscale node is now registered and connected with your headscale server. You may want to change some other settings in tailscale too.

    • Thanks 1
  17. I've never created a VLAN in Unraid and so far I have had no problem accessing my Unraid and its dockers from outside using Wireguard VPN (on pfSense).

    Yesterday, under Network Setting on Unraid, I enabled VLAN and created a VLAN ID 1 because I want to create a pfSense VM testing environment under Unraid. PfSense testing and Debian VMs are working properly.

    However, I found that I am no longer able to access my Unraid server and all the services on it from outside via Wireguard VPN. What should I do to remedy this problem?

    I have attached the network setting page for reference here.

    FireShot Capture 051 - bthoven-unraid_NetworkSettings -

  18. I already have a standalone pfSense router box running. I intend to create a pfSense testing environment as a VM on my running Unraid box which has only one ethernet port.
    What I did so far:

    1. create a vlan no 2 from br0 ---> br0.2, with ip (my Unraid ip is 192.168.x.x)
    2. create a pfSense VM on Unraid, by using vtnet0 as WAN interface and vtnet0.2 as LAN interface. The WAN address is 192.168.x.20
    3. create a LAN firewall rule to allow LAN net to access any ip/port
    4. create dhcp server for LAN interface as
    5. create a debian VM on Unraid, by using br0.2 as network and get a dhcp address (with dns


    1. my desktop pc can't access pfSense test from my main LAN (on my production pfSense). I have to disable the test pfsense rule by command line pfctl -d
    2. the test pfsense can access internet by its builtin resolver (in pfsense console, can ping or ping google.com)
    3. the debian vm can't access internet at at all. (Update: this has been solved by changing LAN interface ip from>


    1. I don't know I did it all wrong or I can just set some more firewall rules on my test pfsense to allow internet access from my debian vm (Update: this has been solved. From pfSense webui, I change LAN interface ip from to
    2. why I can't access my pfsense test from my production LAN devices, unless I disable pfsense test config by command pfctl -d? What are additional rules I need to put on the WAN interface? (Update: I followed the article in this link and I can now access my pfsense firewall gui from my local (production) LAN: https://bobcares.com/blog/pfsense-allow-web-gui-from-wan/ )

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.




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