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Report Comments posted by unifiedmamba

  1. Thank you very much for your work @SimonF!


    So far it seems to work pretty good, however bonnie++ doesn't want to run on the mounted drive, but I'll get that sorted out.

    I had to remove the "cache mode" part since I don't wan't it to write to the cache pool.


    Without having measured with any tool, performance of my nextcloud instance seems to have improved quite a bit.

  2.   <memoryBacking>
        <source type='memfd'/>
        <access mode='shared'/>

    @SimonF adding this to the config fixed the error in Unraid, but I am not able to use the mount inside my Debian VM.

    Whenever I try to cd or even ls the folder it's mounted to the shell completely freezes, via SSH and even VNC. It seems it does not get mounted properly.


    I can't even umount it.

  3. @SimonF


    Since Unraid uses qemu 6.2 in the latest version this should work, doesn't it?


    For me adding your snippet causes a bunch of errors, for example:

    unsupported configuration: 'virtiofs' requires shared memory


    Before it kinda worked (I could at least add the XML Configuration and save it) but when I tried to mount it in debian the system complete froze and it also broke other mounts. Unraid VMs behave very weirdly sometimes.

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