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Everything posted by Krikro

  1. New 6.11.5 Unraid install with the plugin freshly installed and the build command is not doing anything for me, it keeps repeating that 0 files have been added even though the disk is not empty
  2. Hello, I can't seem to save any changes in Configuration Manager. There's no error, I click the save button and it doesn't do anything. Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this?
  3. Would it perhaps work if I create a user script: #!/bin/bash ipmitool -I lan -H 192.168.xx -U ADMIN -P password chassis power soft exit And execute that script via the custom options value? How would I refer to the CA user script in the custom options value? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. I tried "/usr/bin/ipmitool -I lan -H 192.168... -U ADMIN -P password chassis power soft" but that didn't work either I'm afraid
  5. I'm trying to have Dynamix Sleep gracefully shutdown another machine before shutting down the host its running on. I installed ipmitools via Nerd Pack and when I run the following command via console, it shuts down the remote machine just fine: ipmitool -I lan -H 192.xx -U ADMIN -P password chassis power soft When adding this same command in the "custom commands before sleep" box in Dynamix Sleep settings, it doesn't execute at all. Am I doing something wrong?
  6. Hi all, I've installed the Dynamix Sleep plugin having configured as such: But it's not shutting down the server but instead keeps looping on "Initialize TCP activity counter". Has anyone seen this before? What can I do to resolve this?
  7. Hi, I'm having some issues transcoding to RAM. I'm running the following parameters in my Plex container: --runtime=nvidia --device=/dev/dri --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=20000000000 --no-healthcheck The GPU is responding just fine: I've configured /tmp as my transcode directory within Plex: But /tmp is not showing up when I run the "df -h" command. Did I overlook something?
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