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  1. The changelog for 6.12 mentions the missing support for zfs native encryption, can I still safely upgrade my OS even though I am using it?
  2. Yeah I understand your intention and what this feature is meant to do, I was just a bit concerned because this new default setting disabled all of my ZEDLETS^^ Thank you for continuing to build on this, I'm very excited for everything that is to come on unRAID
  3. So I have been looking into this today after not receiving notifications through zed after the latest ZFS for unRAID update. The functionality is already there, the new update 2.1 just disabled it all... The plugin runs zed as "zed -d /etc/zfs/zed.d", where -d is the directory that contains the enabled ZEDLETS (actions that get triggered upon an event happening). The problem is, this directory now only contains the scrub_finish-notify.sh deployed through this plugin. This means, all other event handlers are disabled! The default ZEDLETS and rc file are located in /usr/etc/zfs/zed.d. If you dont run zed using the -d param, it will use these and it will just work if you adjust your zed.rc file, for example to send notifications through the dynamix notify script. I think this change in the latest version is not a good solution, since it basically crippled the default setup which was working perfectly before This is my zed.rc file ZED_EMAIL_ADDR="root@unRAID" ZED_EMAIL_PROG="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify" ZED_EMAIL_OPTS="-i warning -e 'ZFS event daemon' -s '@SUBJECT@' -d \"\`cat $pathname\`\"" ZED_NOTIFY_INTERVAL_SECS=60 ZED_NOTIFY_VERBOSE=1 # These are kept at their default value ZED_USE_ENCLOSURE_LEDS=0 ZED_SYSLOG_TAG="zed" ZED_SYSLOG_SUBCLASS_EXCLUDE="history_event" So, just starting zed without any additional parameters and using the zed.rc file from above, you will receive notifications about everything going on
  4. I havent really enabled any specific events, I basically just enabled verbose notifications and set ZED_EMAIL_PROG="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify" so i get notified about all events
  5. I've created my own zed.rc to receive notifications through the notify script and I am starting zed via the go file, will this change interfere with that? I assume i dont have to start zed via the go file anymore, right?
  6. Just encountered the same problem, libvirt is located on my ZFS pool, this is my losetup output: root@unRAID:~# losetup -l NAME SIZELIMIT OFFSET AUTOCLEAR RO BACK-FILE DIO LOG-SEC /dev/loop1 0 0 1 1 /boot/bzmodules 0 512 /dev/loop2 0 0 1 0 /ZFSPOOL/vi/libvirt/libvirt.img 1 512 /dev/loop0 0 0 1 1 /boot/bzfirmware 0 512 root@unRAID:~# LOOPDEV_DEBUG=all losetup -vd /dev/loop2 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: initialize context 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: init: ignore ioctls 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: init: loop-control detected 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: /dev/loop2 name assigned 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: open /dev/loop2 [ro]: No such file or directory 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: device removed 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: de-initialize 24542: loopdev: CXT: [0x7fffbefab7a0]: closing old open fd 24542: loopdev: ITER: [0x7fffbefab978]: de-initialize