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  1. I am having a similar issue after changing the Cache drive my appdata folder was on. Were you able to find a resolution? I thought it might be a permission issue, but I've tried 777 to no avail EDIT: Also running an nvidia GPU as well, but before changing my cache drive, I had no issues (Using the HardwareDevicePath field in Preferences.XML to select my iGPU for quicksynk, in my case D129). Now, I can't use the iGPU or the Nvidia, Plex goes straight to CPU/software encoding. EDIT 2: Removing the container and image, uninstalling Nvidia and Intel TOP and drivers, and then recreating the container has worked for me. I did not yet reinstall TOP or any driver. Hopefully that helps someone else.
  2. It works beautifully! Thanks so much for all the effort and attention you've put into maintaining this guide
  3. AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'info' Checking if The Git Repo Has Changed.... Local Files Are Up to Date Loading InvokeAI WebUI..... * --web was specified, starting web server... ** Press ANY KEY to close this window ** Hey there, getting the above error when installing for the first time. Is this the break you are mentioning you get when restarting docker? I've tried the dockerhub and manual methods (Along with rebuilding pyvenv.cfg and /invokeai/invokeai/ on both, and completely removing container, image, and appdata folders in between methods). Here's the full log if it helps >> Initializing, be patient... >> Initialization file /home/invokeuser/userfiles/invokeai.init found. Loading... >> Internet connectivity is True >> InvokeAI, version 3.0.0+a0 >> InvokeAI runtime directory is "/home/invokeuser/userfiles" >> GFPGAN Initialized >> CodeFormer Initialized >> ESRGAN Initialized >> Using device_type cuda >> xformers memory-efficient attention is available and enabled >> NSFW checker is disabled >> Current VRAM usage:0.00G >> Loading diffusers model from runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 | Using faster float16 precision | Loading diffusers VAE from stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse | Default image dimensions = 512 x 512 >> Loading embeddings from /home/invokeuser/userfiles/embeddings >> Textual inversion triggers: >> Model loaded in 3.09s >> Max VRAM used to load the model: 2.17G >> Current VRAM usage: 2.17G >> Setting Sampler to k_lms (LMSDiscreteScheduler) Loading Python libraries... >> Initializing, be patient... >> Initialization file /home/invokeuser/userfiles/invokeai.init found. Loading... ╭───────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────╮ │ /home/invokeuser/venv/bin/invokeai:8 in <module> │ │ │ │ 5 from invokeai.frontend.CLI import invokeai_command_line_interface │ │ 6 if __name__ == '__main__': │ │ 7 │ sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0]) │ │ ❱ 8 │ sys.exit(invokeai_command_line_interface()) │ │ 9 │ │ │ │ /home/invokeuser/InvokeAI/invokeai/frontend/CLI/CLI.py:169 in main │ │ │ │ 166 │ │ │ 167 │ # web server loops forever │ │ 168 │ if opt.web or opt.gui: │ │ ❱ 169 │ │ invoke_ai_web_server_loop(gen, gfpgan, codeformer, esrgan) │ │ 170 │ │ sys.exit(0) │ │ 171 │ │ │ 172 │ if not infile: │ │ │ │ /home/invokeuser/InvokeAI/invokeai/frontend/CLI/CLI.py:1073 in │ │ invoke_ai_web_server_loop │ │ │ │ 1070 │ ) │ │ 1071 │ │ │ 1072 │ try: │ │ ❱ 1073 │ │ invoke_ai_web_server.run() │ │ 1074 │ except KeyboardInterrupt: │ │ 1075 │ │ pass │ │ 1076 │ │ │ │ /home/invokeuser/InvokeAI/invokeai/backend/web/invoke_ai_web_server.py:74 in │ │ run │ │ │ │ 71 │ │ │ 72 │ def run(self): │ │ 73 │ │ self.setup_app() │ │ ❱ 74 │ │ self.setup_flask() │ │ 75 │ │ │ 76 │ def setup_flask(self): │ │ 77 │ │ # Fix missing mimetypes on Windows │ │ │ │ /home/invokeuser/InvokeAI/invokeai/backend/web/invoke_ai_web_server.py:235 │ │ in setup_flask │ │ │ │ 232 │ │ │ │ sys.exit(0) │ │ 233 │ │ else: │ │ 234 │ │ │ useSSL = args.certfile or args.keyfile │ │ ❱ 235 │ │ │ logger.info("Started Invoke AI Web Server") │ │ 236 │ │ │ if self.host == "": │ │ 237 │ │ │ │ logger.info( │ │ 238 │ │ │ │ │ f"Point your browser at http{'s' if useSSL else ' │ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'info' Checking if The Git Repo Has Changed.... Local Files Are Up to Date Loading InvokeAI WebUI.....