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Everything posted by yardon1

  1. An update - I have found a work-around for my admittedly very specific scenario. It centres around the HDMI port. Both my monitors are older Dell models and only have VGA, DVI and DisplayPort connections. The 1050 Ti has three outputs - DVI, DisplayPort and HDMI. Obviously I do not use the HDMI port. That is the issue in this case. I have been able to borrow a later monitor that utilises HDMI input and bingo - Win10 and 11 are back to 2 screens. Looks like the Windows pass-through is always expecting an active HDMI port and does not cater for just DVI and DisplayPort. Hope this helps anyone who might be experiencing the same issue. Now - new monitors or HDMI to DisplayPort converter...? Unsure whether to mark this as solved as I think it's still a bug?
  2. I recently upgraded from 6.9.2 (I know. I should be more on the ball) My windows 10 VM which was working perfectly with two monitors in 6.9.2, will now only use a single monitor. OpenSuse Tumbleweed is not affected - it uses 2 monitors with no issue. I have ensured the Nvidia sound device is passed through on the same bus with multifunction='on'. If I install the latest Nvidia drivers when in Windows, I can then use both monitors until I reboot the VM. Then there is a long delay, the VM appears to shut down and restart. Then the system finally comes back up on a single monitor. Using the Nvidia control panel to attempt to activate the second monitor gives the message "This GPU only supports 1 monitor". I can activate it, but I then lose the display on the first monitor. Reinstalling the driver gives me two monitors once more until the next reboot. If I regress to 6.9.2, the Windows 10 VM will use 2 monitors again with no issue Device Manager shows the graphics card to be working with no errors both before and after reinstallation of the graphic driver. I tried creating a new windows 11 VM and this shows exactly the same behaviour. As stated, this only appears to be an issue with Windows. OpenSuse Tumbleweed works perfectly. I've attached my diagnostic files. vimes-diagnostics-20230922-1802.zip
  3. Made some progress with this. Looks like there are two issues which need to be addressed at the same time Firstly the sound card part of the Nvidia card needs to be passed through (I didn't have to do that with 6.9.2) Secondly my Asus Xonar pci sound card cannot be passed through. If I leave it in, the whilst passing through the Nvidia sound, the vm fails to boot Doing both of the above then allows both monitors to work. I'll investigate further as I'd like to have sound on the win vm. (I use optical output from the card to connect to an old amp and stereo speakers). My guess is it's something to do with the i440fx machine type or the BIOS as there are no such issues with Tumbleweed
  4. I've been using the old 6.9.2 version for the last few years with no issues. Decided to upgrade to 6.12.4 and I can no longer use my second monitor in a Win10 vm. Attempting to enable the second screen and I get the message 'This card only supports a single monitor' Downgrade to 6.9.2 and it works fine again - albeit I have to re-enable the second monitor in software. My OpenSuse VM still works perfectly with dual monitors under 6.12.4. I created a new Win11 VM to check, and this has the same issue. I installed the latest driver from Nvidia and this made no difference One monitor is connected via display port whilst the second is via DVI. The DVI connected one does not show One other thing I have noticed. I have an autostarting Ubuntu vm that runs a CUPS server. This fails to autostart with a vfio error, but runs fine when I start it manually. This does not have any passthrough set other than the processor Any pointers would be appreciated.
  5. I've asked in the Tumbleweed forums, but no-one has an answer, so I guess the issue is related to Unraid VM's I've been running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for the last year or so in a VM with no real issues. After a Tumbleweed update in December 2021 KDE failed to launch on my system I put it down to an nVidia driver issue and rolled back. Since then, every new upgrade has failed to launch KDE (yes, I do use zypper dup) Journalctl -b shows two sddm errors - one after the other Failed to read display number from pipe Could not start Display server on vt7 I tried creating a new VM, with no external passthrough and using VNC specifying the latest Tumbleweed ISO. It installs with no errors reported, but KDE still fails to launch with the above two errors. If I specify gnome as the environment in the install, everything works as expected. Using the September ISO and not activating online repositories also results in a working system. I do have PCIe ACS overrides on, but as I'm only passing the processor through, I don't think this is the issue. Besides the old VM is still working as expected (as long as I don't upgrade) Just wondered if anyone has seen/can recreate the issue. I think it must be specific to Unraid (or my system!), as I've seen no other reports of this issue
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