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  1. Hey lads having an issue with my usb flash drive it was working fine then all of a sudden died. it is not viewable by any Pc when connected. System makes noise when its plugged in but even in Drive manager its not listed at all Where to Next? Many Thanks
  2. Hopefully you can find something. Much appreciated homeserver-diagnostics-20240430-0137.zip
  3. So i Decided to swap everything back to old Cpu,mobo,ram and try boot it up to see what happens and everything is back to normal which is a good thing but now what do i need to change to make this hardware swap work? could i of missed some steps in unraid to do before swapping over? Or some settings?
  4. Would this be the reason Docker stopped working and most of my shares have gone? Am i able to recover it?
  5. Seems this one has some errors homeserver-smart-20240429-2123.zip
  6. Hello Gents I'm having a huge issue with my unraid server Iv changed my hardware from an old intel i7-4790 over to a Dell Poweredge T630 All the Disk's are the same it was a simple (so i thought) swap over. Since booting Most of my Shares have Vanished, Docker wont work at all. Fix Common Problems says Unable to write to cache. Drive mounted read-only Not sure how to fix it any help would be greatly appreciated homeserver-diagnostics-20240429-1825.zip
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