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Posts posted by Timbiotic

  1. Found this online, is there a way to tweak the driver in unRAID?  This is for windows:


    "It is possible to use hdd spindown. First you uninstall the current LSI9211 driver in windows. Reboot the machine and enable 'disable driver signature' (pressing f8 during boot).


    Then change the LSI-sas2.inf driver. Open the inf file in notepad and under [shutdown_addreg] add;


    HKR, "StorPort", "EnableIdlePowerManagement", 0x00010001, 0x01


    Install the driver in windows, reboot the machine and then spindown should work.


    note; i have my lsi 9211/ibm1015 in IT mode. "

  2. It is not my site.


    If indeed it is down forever I will need to look for an alternative hosting site.

    Is there anything I can do with my local dns to point to an internal resource? Or can I make a site that holds it? I am on 6.1.9 now and can't get virtual box running, my local version is for older kernel.  Or is there a way I can download and convert a rpm or Deb from virtual box myself? 

  3. Hi all

    I would like install the KVM version of the Cisco Wireless Lan Controller (vWLC). I used as much information out of the following guide:



    But it looks like the install script breaks because of the following issue:

    umount: /usr/local: not mounted


    Any idea?

    I'm not sure if I have selected the right options for the VM.





    Or if anyone offers a docker container, will be even better  :o


    Did you ever get this working i want to do the same thing

  4. Hello,


    I am proud to present:

    VirtualBox plugin for unRAID v5 and v6



    This is my first attempt at a plugin.


    I love your plugin but am now dead in the water because your site is down. Would it be possible to change the links so it will work when your site is down?  I can host something, I just need to know what needs to be pointed and where to get it working again. Or maybe make an option to manually point to the location of the files?

  5. You could pin the container to a single core with --cpuset and set a maximum percentage with the --cpu-shares option in the custom parameters section of the template. https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#cpu-share-constraint

    How do you do this? I installed the docker application from the community and i do not see any custom parameters. Nevermind i see advanced adds extra parameters option.  Would simply putting this --cpuset-cpus="1,3"  in that spot limit it to 2 of my four?


    Nevermind again, that did it, i only see my cpu at topping out around 50% total now so it must have worked. Might make it 1,2,3 and leave 4 open to prevent peg while maximizing everything else. I am curious if anyone else messed with this and found a sweet spot. 

  6. did you rename your config.php-example to config.php and edit it and point it at your unraid server?  Also did you start the VBOXWEBSRV service?  You also have to edit the config file manually and I had to change the location of VBOXWEBSRV log file as well as the VirtualBox symbolic link before installing.

  7. run PHP VB on another machine, that's what I'm doing for now.

    So yes, I've been editing the file manually, however I can't get it to install the plugin and restart VMs automatically when restarting the unraid machine.  Has anybody found a solution to this?


    So i setup wamp and am trying to get phpvb pointed at my unraid. Any tips? I started everything, renamed config.php-example to config.php and then pointed the server to my unraid server but it says it cant connect to it on 18083.  I started the service successfully on the unraid server.  What now?


    Yeah i tested the port and it isnt listening on 18083 on my unraid server.  The service says started but none of the paths i am using get created somethign aint right here..


    update - fixed it not even sure exactly what i did wrong first time.  Made sure all settings were right then reinstalled plg and it worked.  Cool

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