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Everything posted by Kyrin

  1. While it doesn't seem like it was just yesterday, I do remember when I first built my first pair of Unraid servers about 10 years ago... So much has changed, back then I couldn't even have imagined being where we are now, but looking back, I'm so thrilled with the progress and where things are headed. Here's to another 14 years!
  2. That's not a bad idea, might chat to the fellas about that, only problem is mitigating the risk for those running from command line on other operating systems, I can see issues with the ro being left off.... Any chance of getting this back, or is there another place I can pull the image from? I've been using it quite regularly prior to having to reload my main docker image, and would like to get it back on my system...
  3. Now I don't know the process, but I'm just curious how to request the addition of a container, or if that's even a thing... but as upStatsBoard is somewhat dead, and I'm sure people are looking for an alternative, I was wondering if we could get a container for Plex-Board (https://github.com/scytherswings/Plex-Board) somehow... Though it's still in somewhat early active development, it looks like a good start and I think the exposure would help the project keep moving along EDIT: Okay, so I went and made one (my first docker ever btw gostlund/plex-board), and in actually using it, I realize it's still very early stages and not really something people would use in production yet... So, don't worry about this one yet...
  4. You have to edit the settings.json file while Transmission isn't running. The container will copy a settings.json file to /config only if it's absent. Weird... I swear I tried that... Thanks, totally worked that time I tried it... /sheepishgrin
  5. @gfjardim: I am hoping that there may be a way for the Transmission docker to stop overwriting parts of the settings.json file... or for there to be an environment variable to set the bind address... I need to have transmission operate from an alternative IP address, and though I edited the line in the json file, it resets and I'm losing my mind here... Thanks?
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