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Posts posted by kolepard

  1. This looks like a pretty exciting option for a 15 drive configuration.




    I have two Q30s (and have posted on those before), but this looks like a really great option.  I've been unabashed in my apprecaition for these cases, and while this still isn't the cheapest option, they sure are great cases for cooling and working in.



  2. On 1/26/2023 at 4:04 AM, Luc1fer said:

    I updated my docker and it didn't come back up properly.


    I restarted it.  The log now just shows:

    [migrations] started
    [migrations] no migrations found

              _         ()
             | |  ___   _    __
             | | / __| | |  /  \
             | | \__ \ | | | () |
             |_| |___/ |_|  \__/

    Brought to you by linuxserver.io

    To support LSIO projects visit:

    User uid:    99
    User gid:    100

    **** Server already claimed ****
    No update required
    [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
    Starting Plex Media Server. . . (you can ignore the libusb_init error)
    [ls.io-init] done.


    When I go to https://ipadress:32400/web/index.html

    I just get:

    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

    <Response code="503" title="Maintenance" status="Plex Media Server is currently running database migrations."/>


    Any ideas where to go from here?


    I've seen this with several updates.  In each case if I give it enough time it goes away, so my presumption is that it actually is doing some sort of database migration.  With this most recent update it took long enough to make me nervous, but after a bit over an hour it disappeared and Plex started running normally.


    Does anyone know what is really going on?  It doesn't seem like there would be very frequent database migrations, but I don't really know.



  3. This is my first foray into using a VM on unRAID and I'm following SpaceInvader One's video to do the installation of High Sierra.  However, when I get to the point of connecting with VNC, I get


    Failed to connect to server


    I'm sorry to be dense, but I'm not sure how to fix this.


    Any help appreciated.


    Thank you.



  4. After updating the plugin, I am seeing a new error from FCP:


    Invalid Certificate 2 Your customized certificate 'certificate_bundle.pem' should be renamed to 'Tower_unraid_bundle.pem'. The certificate_bundle.pem certificate is reserved for myunraid.net certificates.  More Information


    However when I go to /boot/config/ssl/certs/ the only file there is already named 'Tower_unraid_bundle.pem'


    Is there another location for which I should seek 'certificate_bundle.pem'


    Thank you.



  5. I recently finished a new hardware build and would like to clone my older system to the new one, duplicating everything: plugins/applications, dockers, everything.


    What's the best way to go about this?  I can easily enough rsync the data from one set of data drives to the other set, but is there a good way to duplicate the other sofware components and cache pool?


    Thanks for any advice.



  6. Can anyone recommend a reliable vendor for genuine LSA 9305-24i cards for a new build I'm putting together?  I've been reading about counterfeit cards and obviously want to avoid that.  The authorized vendors list on the Broadcom site was surprisingly unhelpful.


    Also, I'm reading the 9305-24i is EOL.  Any good alternatives?


    Thank you for any help you can offer.



  7. I have a question/feature request I'd like to ask/propose


    My backup server is in a case with less than ideal cooling.  I love that parity check tuning will pause the parity check when the drives heat up, however, even if there is no other activity on the server, the drives never seem to spin down and cool off, so the parity check never restarts.


    Is there a way to get the drives to spin down during a parity check when they hit the temperature threshold?


    If not, is it practicable for this to be added in a future revision?


    Thank you.



  8. 3 hours ago, opentoe said:

    Isn't the Q30 like $8000 and the Rosewill is $250? I don't think air flow should be compared on two cases so different and priced apart, no?

    No.  If you follow the thread further down from that post you'll see that when I last checked prices the Q30 case alone is about $2,000 (though that includes a PSU when I checked, which the Rosewill does not), the Rosewill is about $250.  (But yes, you can spend $8k or more on a Q30 that is fully built.)


    You are correct that the Rosewill case has a set of three 120mm fans in front of and behind the drives.  This dual "fan wall" design is also used in the Q30.  My experience running both cases is that drives are signifanctly cooler in the Q30.


    I think it is fair to compare features and performance of cases at different price points, particularly as this is "The Enclosure Thread," which doesn't suggest to me some cases and comparisons should be excluded.  I guess you don't.  You are, of course, free to hold that opinion.


    You do get a much better case with the Q30.  The ease with which you can work in the case, the build quality, airflow, and rackmount rails you can get with it are all, IMO, much superior to the Rosewill.  For a price difference of $1750 these days, you'd certainly expect so.


    Each person will have to decide individually if that is worth the money to him/her or not.  (And at $2k it's a _lot_, no argument there.)


    Best wishes in your case choice.



  9. 59 minutes ago, falconexe said:

    I have a Storinator Q30 Turbo as my primary server, and want to move an old NORCO 4224 (my backup server) to their much nicer chassis for heat flow, but use the same guts.


    Similar situation here.  I have a Q30 as my main server and a Rosewill RSV-4500 configured for 15 HDDs as my backup. The Rosewill case is ok, but is a bit of a pain to work in, and makes me really appreciate the Q30.  The airflow in the Rosewill is better than what I used to have with my 5-in-3 drive cages, but still not as good as in the Q30.


    The backup server still runs fine, but was my first build about 10 years ago, and fairly recently transplanted into the Rosewill case.  It uses an older Supermicro board (C2SEA) with a quad-core Core processor but I'd like to have my backup server use  ECC RAM like the main one does.


    I probably won't be able to answer your question about the GPU. I haven't moved into using VMs or GPU-based transcoding at this point.


    Good luck.



  10. On 3/13/2022 at 10:14 AM, TheFreemancer said:

    Quick question, can you buy just the enclousure of the Storinator?

    On a lark, I contacted them to see if they were selling enclosures only again, and they are.  


    Cases are fully assembled, with steel chassis, modular drive cage, drive cabling, case fans, direct wired backplanes, sliding rails and a power supply.  They take ATX motheboards (not eATX).


    They said they aren't designed to power or fit a GPU, but looking inside the Q30 I have now, it looks like there'd be plenty of space, but I guess you'd want to measure to be sure.


    They are not cheap (prices I was emailed today, 3/13/2022):


    AV15 (650W non-redundant PSU)       - $1,683.80 (USD)

    Q30 (850W non-redundant PSU)         - $2,151.13 (USD)

    S45 (1200W redundant PSU)              - $2,922.29 (USD)

    XL60 (1200W redundant PSU)            - $3,353.88 (USD)


    Hope this helps someone.



  11. 40 minutes ago, TheFreemancer said:

    Quick question, can you buy just the enclousure of the Storinator?

    Years ago they (45drives.com) used to sell just the case, and I bought one in 2015.  It was very expensive, about $1200 with shipping, as well as the special internal cabeling.


    Last time I asked, they no longer sold just the case, though I'm sure they'd respond if you ask them about it again. 


    Their support and customer service is excellent.  The mounting solution--which works great and is super convenient--uses a combined SATA+power connector that is attached to a bracket inside.  I needed to get cables that I could use that would route back to a SFF-8463 connector instead of the original SFF-8087 ones and I had no problem ordering them from the company.


    That said, nothing else I've used, most recently a Rosewill case, is even close to as good to work in.  I just had to repalce a drive in the Rosewill case, and it's a pain with the way the cabeling and drive cages work.  Everything from working with the motherboard, PSU, drives, fans, cards, it's all just easy in the Storinator case I have.




    P.S. If you do contact them and they will sell you just a case, please post here or PM me because despite the cost, if I could order a second one, I'd do it again today.

    • Like 1
  12. Hi all, i have a question if any have the respond, it would be appreciated...
    Q.   if you have 2 unraid server can you preclear your disk in one and put it in the other serve, will it be recognize or i will have to preclear again?

    Not in my experience. I have done this at least a half dozen times without any issues.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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  13. I'd like to suggest notifications be moved to a separate window or pane in the UI.  When I have a large number of them for whatever reason, they cover other parts of the interface that I'd like to see, and it is difficult to review all of them.  Clicking to clear them all gets them out of the way, but then you obviously cannot review them.


    Thank you for considering this as a possible enhancement.



  14. 17 minutes ago, uldise said:

    The problem with that is that the 8087 end is male, and I need an end that is SFF-8087 female to connect with the cables I have.


    Thanks for looking for me, though.  I appreciate the help.



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