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  1. Just configure all your peers, and once you are finished go in and edit the file again. Any changed to peers you make after that will necessitate you re-edditing the file.
  2. I messed around with it, and the spaces don't seem to affect it. EDIT - Got remote tunneled access to work correctly. I had misconfigured my static route on my router.
  3. I edit the file after I completed the changes, so right now I THINK it looks all correct. Which spaces are critical? Thanks. [Interface] #WireGuard PrivateKey= REMOVED Address= ListenPort=51820 PostUp=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 started' PostUp=iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o br0 -j MASQUERADE PostDown=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 stopped' PostDown=iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o br0 -j MASQUERADE PostUp=ip -4 route flush table 200 PostUp=ip -4 route add default via table 200 PostUp=ip -4 route add via table 200 PostDown=ip -4 route flush table 200 PostDown=ip -4 route add unreachable default table 200 PostDown=ip -4 route add via table 200
  4. If you do need to edit that file, try using midnight commander by typing "mc" in the terminal window and hitting enter. Worked well for me.
  5. Duh... thanks! I edited the .conf file with midnight commander, and that seems to solve the problem of connecting WireGuard. I am able to connect to my LAN from outside the network now. For whatever reason I still can't get WAN access on the remote peer with Wireguard active. This was not a problem at all until I updated unraid!!!
  6. This may be a dumb question, but I'm experiencing the exact problem but I can't seem to find any wg0.conf file on Unraid. I have configured that file on Ubuntu, but I can't seem to find it anywhere on undraid. There doesn't appear to be an /etc/wireguard folder as far as I can tell. Any idea where the wireguard GUI stores these files? Thanks
  7. This process worked for me. Just remember (unlike me!) that the claim token expires in 5 minutes. I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why my terminal command wasn't working.