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Michael Price

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Everything posted by Michael Price

  1. I was able to get my card working today, though it's not running in primary slot (not sure if it would work in primary or not.) For anyone else having similar issues what I had to change (not sure if all are required, but alas I did all and eventually it worked): 1. Switch flash drive to boot Legacy instead of UEFI. 2. Switch VM Setting "PCIe ACS override" to Multi-Function. 3. Move card to secondary slot on mother board. 4. Check the boxes for the graphics card IOMMU group in system devices. After doing those, I rebuilt the VM, and it seems to be working now. Again I'm not sure which of these fixed the issue, or if it was a mix, but hey it works now.
  2. I'm having this issue as well with a GTX 1060, Nvidia Game Ready Driver 512.15, and Unraid 6.10.0-RC4. I've tried all the suggested fixes I could find, from BIOS dump, to changing the video=efifb:off.
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