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Everything posted by Jajunk88

  1. So I tried all 3 ports on the UPS end plugged into my UDM router. I kept checking my UDM settings under "Wired" devices and never saw the UPS pop up in the menu, thus not getting on the internet. Not really sure how to get the UPS online. If this is an easy fix I'd love to go down this route, if it's a cumbersome process then it's not something I'll explore (it's a luxury). Thanks for your help here.
  2. Hey thanks for the response. What you're saying makes sense. I think my UPS is limited in this capability though. I say that because there is no USB port to be found on the UPS. There are 3 ethernet ports - 1 reads Network In, 2 reads Network Out, and the 3rd reads Data Port. My thinking is that the Data Port ethernet connected to the server would give me this connection, however, there is only 1 ethernet port on my server (which is connected to my UDM). Seems like my setup is limited. Oh well. Again, thanks for the insight.
  3. Well, I commented out the ["core tags"] = false line in the [[inputs.cpu]] section in the telegraph config file. Now I'm getting a new error on the telegraf log. It reads: [inputs.apcupsd] Error in plugin: dial tcp connect: connection refused Has anyone run into this problem? Does the UPS have to be a "Smart UPS"? I'm not sure if my APC UPS 1000VA is capable of connecting to the internet...
  4. Hi - I have meticulously gone through all of the documentation to set up the UUD. I have an issue with the Telegraf container not starting properly. After installing (with documentation steps implemented correctly) the container starts, and then it stops. When manually starting again, it stops. I looked at the logs, and I notice this part sticking out - [telegraf] Error running agent: Error loading config file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf: plugin inputs.cpu: line 3218: configuration specified the fields ["core_tags"], but they weren't used Another thing I noticed - Upon installation no Telegraph folder is created in the InfluxDB folder. I am a noob in this environment, so I don't want to start editing the telegraf config file and potentially breaking something. Does anyone have any advice or insight as to what I may be able to do here?
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