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Everything posted by PiZZA S4UC3

  1. Ahh, okay, that seems to be how plex is getting through. Good to note. I have gotten it to work, it appears the issue was with my changes not updating for port forwarding. Simply needed to restart my equipment. Thanks for your time (also for making all of the containers I see attributed to your name!)
  2. I've attached a screenshot of my router settings for the port forwarding as well as a screenshot of my containers. I included the plex info because I am able to access it externally. I am testing the external access to the minecraft server over a hotspot. Taking a deeper look into my ISP to see if that could be the issue.
  3. Please let me know if this isn't close enough to the topic of this thread. I'm trying to setup a minecraft server from my unraid server. I currently have it accessable locally (LAN) but cannot access it externally (WAN). I've have looked over my port forwarding settings enough to go cross-eyed. My question is, when forwarding a port to a game server on an unraid server is there something unique about that type of port forward? From my router, I'm forwarding port 25565 to (my unraid server). The docker container is setup as Bridge thereby making the port mapping show as <->
  4. Thank you Jorge! I wasn't sure if that was a safe move when I thought of it.
  5. I was working on setting up a docker network. I messed up when I attempted to create the network without docker service running. In my confusion I promptly checked to see what the error was on good old google. I found a command to make sure the daemon was running, "sudo dockerd" so I ran that, and was able to create my new network. I proceeded to go back to settings and turn docker on (which should have been my first red flag I had made a mistake), when I did so, I clicked on the docker tab within unRaid, and was greated with a lovely "Docker Service failed to start" message. I have since ran "docker container ls" from cli and there are no containers running. Did I just ruin my docker containers? Is there anyway to recover them? Is there any way to get new docker containers installed now that it seems docker is locked up? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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