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Posts posted by Juani

  1. On 5/16/2024 at 9:23 PM, jimrummy101 said:

    I think you can probably get rid of the Secret line if you're not using it. Otherwise I'm honestly not sure. I'm not a Coturn expert sadly, I got mine working as I mentioned in the guide and in a previous comment. I wouldn't recommend using the Unraid WebGUI as a test as it can be finicky. Though if you're not getting internet at all that's not a great sign. It does seem to me that it's a Coturn configuration/management.json issue though. It may be worth checking the logs of the NetBird-Management container in case there's anything obvious that can give you an idea of what's causing the issue or possibly following a guide for Coturn configuration instead.


    The NetBird docs are pretty good but they don't go in on explaining what each variable does in the management.json so it's hard to figure that all out.



    It works now! The problem was the turnserver.conf.
    I can access my LAN and the Internet. Without the need to use an EXIT NODE 👌

    • Upvote 1
  2. 11 hours ago, jimrummy101 said:

    When I first set up Coturn I followed this guide for Matrix Synapse server: https://element-hq.github.io/synapse/latest/setup/turn/coturn.html#configuration

    I recommend following that, getting Coturn booting then making the Netbird modifications.


    Your dashboard config looks fine. I would focus on getting Coturn working.



    I got the Coturn docker to start. Attached is the Docker template and the Logs.
    In whitelist I have added to test that it approves all IP's.
    It shows several errors in yellow.
    I have tried to access to my LAN with NetBird and I can NOT access...


    I have configured the turnserver.conf with your option 2 (user:test // password:test123).


    Captura de pantalla 2024-05-16 a las 1.01.02.png


    Captura de pantalla 2024-05-16 a las 0.14.10.png


    Captura de pantalla 2024-05-16 a las 0.14.04.png

    I have checked the TURN server on this site https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/ and it SEEMS to be working fine.




    I attach my current "management.json" with the data entered from my TURN.

    "Secret": "secret", is as it is in the file. I don't know if anything needs to be specified in Secret.



    My NETBIRD conf.


    I have added Netbird Client in Unraid. Inside my management panel I add it to have access to my Local Network and to act as exit node.
    With Exit Node enabled, I can NOT access the Internet or LAN.
    With Exit Node off, I CAN access the Internet but NOT LAN.


    In the "All" group there is the Peer Netbird Client and my iPhone. In no case can I access the rest of the LAN. From the iPhone I try to access my UNRAID ( and it does not access.




  3. 26 minutes ago, jimrummy101 said:

    You can see my example turnserver.conf here: https://github.com/dannymate/unraid-templates/blob/master/Conf Samples/Coturn/turnserver.conf.sample (line 252?). I think I mention it in my guide too.


    I can access my local network using an exit node. In fact I've done it for two different networks. You may need to enable "masquerade". Edit: I would fix your turnserver first if it isn't working because it's also kinda used for routing. I vaguely remember having issues when my coturn server wasn't configured properly.


    I'm not sure if this affects it but as of unraid 6.12 there's a little bit of extra config (Settings > NetworkSettings):


    You need this to access the Unraid WebGUI through netbird dns (unraid.netbird.com for example). I don't include it because you technically need to do it every time you reboot and it's not great. But I'll put this here for posterity.


    I have added wt0 to Unraid. OK
    I downloaded your turn.conf file, activated line 252 and generated a password, OK.
    Then in line 625 I put: allowed-peer-ip=
    Coturn container does not start. It gives error.


    I have masquerade enabled but I cannot access my LAN with NetBird. 
    Maybe it's because of Coturn giving me error.
    I don't know if in this picture everything is configured correctly.

    Captura de pantalla 2024-05-15 a las 2.40.13.png

  4. Another things, can you share your turnserver.conf please? mine gives error.


    And.. Can you access to your Local Network? I can't. Can you try?






    Thanks for all!!

  5. 7 hours ago, jimrummy101 said:

    Your templates look fine to me. My management.json was configured before some of the options in the example provided by netbird were available.


    I have attached my management.jsonwith domains and secrets stripped. Your config will look slightly different to mine but it should be useful as a known working example. As a note any "" values are actually empty strings. Anything with a value that I censored has been replaced with a different string.


    The management.json file is one of my blindspots in terms of knowledge as it was mostly generated for me following steps 1, 2 & 5 from the Advanced Guide page, with some modifications.


    Let me know if you get it working or if you need anything. I may need to change the management.json I provided in my github repo if it's ended up out of date.



    Now yes! NGINX PROXY MANAGER is the problem. "custom locations" must be configured. Thanks!

  6. On 5/10/2024 at 11:53 PM, jimrummy101 said:

    So my understanding is that you're unable to access your dashboard. From the picture it seems you can physically access it but there's possibly a configuration issue due to receiving those 404 errors.


    I would double check you've set all the URLs correctly. I would also check the logs for each of the parts of Netbird and see if there's any obvious errors. If Keycloak is redirecting alright then that's probably not the issue. I would check your proxy config as well as just double checking any configured variables and domains for spelling mistakes etc.


    Post the logs in here (you can censor any urls) if you need more help.


    That last command should use "--management-url" not "--managementurl". The domain is also missing the "//" after the "https:". The domain you use as an example uses ".net" instead of ".com" as was mentioned in the previous url you gave. If you don't want to have an --admin-url you can just omit that part of the command.. The command is also only for netbird clients whether that's the container or PC client etc.

    netbird up --management-url https://netbird.mydomain.net:443 

    Should work.


    I continue with the 404 error problem when accessing the Dashboard.
    I attach my "management.json" and screenshots of the templates. management.json


    https://vpn.domain.dev refers to my NetBird instance.

    https://key.domain.dev refers to my KeyCloack instance.

    Keycloack must be all right, since it redirects me correctly to the NetBird Dashboard.




    Aditionals arguments: 

    --port 443 --log-file console --disable-anonymous-metrics=false --single-account-mode-domain=vpn.domain.dev --dns-domain=netbird.selfhosted





  7. On 5/10/2024 at 11:53 PM, jimrummy101 said:

    So my understanding is that you're unable to access your dashboard. From the picture it seems you can physically access it but there's possibly a configuration issue due to receiving those 404 errors.


    I would double check you've set all the URLs correctly. I would also check the logs for each of the parts of Netbird and see if there's any obvious errors. If Keycloak is redirecting alright then that's probably not the issue. I would check your proxy config as well as just double checking any configured variables and domains for spelling mistakes etc.


    Post the logs in here (you can censor any urls) if you need more help.


    That last command should use "--management-url" not "--managementurl". The domain is also missing the "//" after the "https:". The domain you use as an example uses ".net" instead of ".com" as was mentioned in the previous url you gave. If you don't want to have an --admin-url you can just omit that part of the command.. The command is also only for netbird clients whether that's the container or PC client etc.

    netbird up --management-url https://netbird.mydomain.net:443 

    Should work.

    Thanks for your reply,


    I think the problem may be this. I have not entered this command in any docker. It doesn't recognize me "netbird up". inside which container is it entered?
    Maybe this is the error.

  8. Hi @jimrummy101

    Thank you for the guide.
    I have everything working but when I access Netbird, after redirecting Keycloack, it accesses https//netbird.mydomain.com/peers and shows this error.
    In my case I use Nginx Proxy Manager, I don't know if I have to add something.

    I have not run this , it does not recognize the command inside the Netbird Dashboard Terminal.
    netbird up --managementurl https: netbird.mydomain.net:443 --admin-url ""



    Captura de pantalla 2024-05-10 a las 20.38.02.png

  9. 24 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Please uninstall the pligin, reboot and the pull a fresh copy from the CA App please.


    Can you also please tell me which exact Unraid version are you using?

    I have to check when I get home but my server has compiled all plugin packages for each single Unraid version AFAIK.


    EDIT: I have now checked the releases and at a first glance the packages are in place for 6.12.x Click


    Is your server able to connect properly to GitHub?

    Now yes, sorry! :)

    • Like 1
  10. 24 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    yes sorry should have been 02.0


    do you see /tmp/gpujson2 now?



    Time = Sun, 19 Mar 2023 22:51:58 +0100

    {"clock":0,"fan":"N\/A","memclock":"N\/A","memutil":"N\/A","memused":"N\/A","power":"0","powermax":"N\/A","rxutil":"N\/A","txutil":"N\/A","temp":"N\/A","tempmax":"N\/A","util":"0%","vendor":"Intel","name":"AlderLake-S GT1","3drender":"0%","blitter":"0%","interrupts":0,"powerutil":"0%","video":"0%","videnh":"0%"}

  11. 45 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    If you install my plugin you will just need to manually change to the following in the .cfg


    VENDOR = "intel"
    GPUID = "0000:00:02.1"




    with your plugin and 0000:00:02.1, the GUI displays N/A. And with 0000:00:02.0, the GUI display 0% load. I just playing one movie in Plex with HW Transcoding..

    Captura de pantalla 2023-03-19 a las 22.21.52.png

    Captura de pantalla 2023-03-19 a las 22.21.27.png113876738_Capturadepantalla2023-03-19alas22_26_52.thumb.png.dfd63070dffd4bdaec023e5398a5df47.png


    Captura de pantalla 2023-03-19 a las 22.24.51.png

  12. 6 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    OK thanks will look into it. The standard plugin will just run 


    intel_gpu_top -J -s 250 so if that is producing output it should show in the gui.

    Thanks mate.

    intel_gpu_top -J -s 250 is producing output but in the GUI not work.... Nor by modifying the gpustat.cfg to 0000:00:02.0..

    I will also wait to see if your plugin is fixed.


    Thanks for all


  13. 24 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    You need to follow this step and install my version of the plugin.



    Thanks SimonF for your quickly response.


    Something very strange is happening. In your plugin, when I change "Change me" to "Intel" and click on "Apply", it does not save the changes.
    I have tried several browsers, and nothing.
    To make sure, I have reinstalled the ""official"" Plugin and it does let me save the changes.

  14. 9 hours ago, SimonF said:

    Are you running 6.11.5 also? it may be that a newer kernel may be required.


    My diagnostics:

    Following your last indications... it doesn't work either.


    I changed to 0000:00:02.0 in gpustat.cfg



    cat /tmp/gpujson2

    cat: /tmp/gpujson2: No such file or directory


    Launching intel_gpu_top -Jo - -d pci:slot=0000:00:02.0:


    "period": {
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    		"unit": "ms"
    	"frequency": {
    		"requested": 0.000000,
    		"actual": 0.000000,
    		"unit": "MHz"
    	"interrupts": {
    		"count": 0.000000,
    		"unit": "irq/s"
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    		"unit": "%"
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    			"unit": "%"
    		"Blitter/0": {
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    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
    		"Video/0": {
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    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
    		"Video/1": {
    			"busy": 0.000000,
    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
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    			"busy": 0.000000,
    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
    	"clients": {
    	"period": {
    		"duration": 268.956403,
    		"unit": "ms"
    	"frequency": {
    		"requested": 0.000000,
    		"actual": 0.000000,
    		"unit": "MHz"
    	"interrupts": {
    		"count": 0.000000,
    		"unit": "irq/s"
    	"rc6": {
    		"value": 100.000000,
    		"unit": "%"
    	"engines": {
    		"Render/3D/0": {
    			"busy": 0.000000,
    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
    		"Blitter/0": {
    			"busy": 0.000000,
    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
    		"Video/0": {
    			"busy": 0.000000,
    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
    		"Video/1": {
    			"busy": 0.000000,
    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"
    		"VideoEnhance/0": {
    			"busy": 0.000000,
    			"sema": 0.000000,
    			"wait": 0.000000,
    			"unit": "%"




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