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Everything posted by bowencool

  1. 往 /boot 目录里丢(还可以备份),开机的时候在Home目录下做链接,你可以参考这个:
  2. Same Here with 6.11.5, and I don't know how to abort this loop. I rebooted the system, but the "update all" button is still disabled.
  3. I have some trouble with cron: shouldn't it be executed on September 6th?
  4. 我找到了,通过 rclone 往远程同步,支持的云盘类型还蛮多的。支持 OSS,阿里云盘的webdav 再加上 user scripts (unraid 插件)实现自动同步。
  5. 同求!!! 我想要的是自动异地备份,比如网盘、oss等。说校验盘、冷备份的可能没理解容灾的概念,想象一下,你家里的硬件由于不可抗力(地震、水灾、火灾、盗窃等)全挂了,你这时候还想用物理硬盘恢复?