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Everything posted by Findthelorax

  1. Are you getting any errors in the container logs? I just installed it without issue after fixing permissions on the emqx appdata folder which may be my fault somewhere. I'll update the template with PUID/PGID variables. I ended up switching back to mosquitto after having some issues later on with emqx. I use Dozzle to view the logs and troubleshoot but if you post them and I'll do my best to help.
  2. On 6.12.3 I keep getting this warning and the UI becomes unresponsive. Just rebooted after the server was unresponsive for 12+hours when shfs: share cache full and i've seen the error a few times already. php-fpm[8997]: [WARNING] [pool www] server reached max_children setting (50), consider raising it
  3. I installed this but just have a white screen, I can see the dot for copy/paste and that's all. Am i missing something? All I changed was the port.
  4. Adding because I must have fixed this but it came up again... not sure what I do or what to do at this moment but hopefully I can get it fixed again. I now have a list of about 20 lingering docker-pr. stopped docker, rebooted...nothing I can try to kill -9 45180 which seems to work but I still cannot use the port and rebooting it comes back docker-pr = docker-proxy docker-pr 10104 root 4u IPv4 8437 0t0 TCP *:8001 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10111 root 4u IPv6 57629 0t0 TCP *:8001 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10125 root 4u IPv4 61454 0t0 TCP *:8070 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10132 root 4u IPv6 35499 0t0 TCP *:8070 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10169 root 4u IPv4 17235 0t0 TCP *:25600 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10176 root 4u IPv6 55643 0t0 TCP *:25600 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10190 root 4u IPv4 8454 0t0 TCP *:xfer (LISTEN) docker-pr 10197 root 4u IPv6 17238 0t0 TCP *:xfer (LISTEN) docker-pr 10211 root 4u IPv4 55655 0t0 TCP *:1880 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10218 root 4u IPv6 56898 0t0 TCP *:1880 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10233 root 4u IPv4 17250 0t0 TCP *:8002 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10240 root 4u IPv6 21442 0t0 TCP *:8002 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10254 root 4u IPv4 21445 0t0 TCP *:9090 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10260 root 4u IPv6 55658 0t0 TCP *:9090 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10275 root 4u IPv4 21453 0t0 TCP *:5055 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10282 root 4u IPv6 23916 0t0 TCP *:5055 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10297 root 4u IPv4 62483 0t0 TCP *:6443 (LISTEN) docker-pr 10304 root 4u IPv6 35504 0t0 TCP *:6443 (LISTEN) The only thing I can think of is tailscale? it's the only thing in network settings with IPv6 and thinking about I believe all of these services are ones I use nginx and cloudflare for external access... removed custom docker network and re-created it which seems to have fixed the issue.
  5. I recently switch ISP from xfinity to FidiumFiber and am now getting error 522 when trying to connect to my server through my exposed services with cloudflare. I've whitelisted cloudflares ips through windows firewall though that shouldn't matter. I've called Fidium and had them whitelist all of cloudflares ips ipv4 and ipv6. I asked about them rate limiting cloudflare per cloudflares troubleshooting documents and the tech said they do not but did escalate it to someone else to confirm nothing local would be blocking cloudflare. I have the cloudflareddns docker and have confirmed my ip has updated within cloudflare. My network is FidiumFiber into ONT 10GBe to Adtran router. PC 10GBe direct to unraid, ethernet to switch to router. Unraid ethernet to netgear switch to router Netgear Switch port 1 - router port 2 - odroid n2+ home assistant port 3 - unraid port 4 - lutron hub port 5 - hue hub port 6 - PC port 7 - open port 8 - POE switch to 2 webcams I can traceroute from my server to cloudflare ips. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 ( 3.745 ms 3.727 ms 3.800 ms 2 ( 6.592 ms 6.623 ms 6.649 ms 3 burl-lnk-70-109-168-53.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net ( 6.362 ms 6.401 ms 6.442 ms 4 7.l.ptldmefo1ew.me.consolidated.net ( 12.973 ms 12.953 ms 12.981 ms 5 pool-64-222-213-48.port.east.myfairpoint.net ( 13.295 ms 13.074 ms 13.142 ms 6 ( 27.720 ms 16.478 ms 16.460 ms 7 ( 15.924 ms 15.515 ms 15.424 ms Does anyone have any experience with this or know what I can troubleshoot next? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. absalom-diagnostics-20230715-1124.zip
  6. Support for findthelorax docker templates Just learning but happy to help where I can. Look at the documentation on Github! Application Name: EMQX Application Site: https://www.emqx.io/ Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/_/emqx Github: https://github.com/emqx/emqx Application Name: blisshq Application Site: https://www.blisshq.com/ Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/romancin/bliss Github: https://github.com/romancin/bliss-docker Application Name: PhotoPrism Application Site: https://www.photoprism.app/ Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/photoprism/photoprism Github: https://github.com/photoprism
  7. I have two docker-pr taking up ports that aren't containers. They seen to come up when I start docker. is there a way to manually remove them? They aren't linked to a container so I can't force remove that way. docker-pr 45155 root 4u IPv4 80740191 0t0 TCP *:8070 (LISTEN) docker-pr 45162 root 4u IPv6 80740194 0t0 TCP *:8070 (LISTEN) docker-pr 45173 root 4u IPv4 80704388 0t0 TCP *:1880 (LISTEN) docker-pr 45180 root 4u IPv6 80735680 0t0 TCP *:1880 (LISTEN) I have rebooted the server and stopped and restarted docker but it has not fixed anything. I can kill one of the docker-pr but the other ones number is constanly changing.
  8. Ive have only installed a couple new dockers recently. also updating a few, maybe a dozen total. Waited 24 hours with the same results.
  9. error when trying to install immich and homarr. anyone have advice on what I can check. I tried searching but havent found much Unable to find image 'ghcr.io/imagegenius/immich:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: Head "https://ghcr.io/v2/imagegenius/immich/manifests/latest": denied: denied. absalom-diagnostics-20230704-1436.zip
  10. Hello, i got out of memory error on my server, diagnostic linked. not sure what caused it. absalom-diagnostics-20230621-1336.zip
  11. Posted my diagnostics. I'm on intel and haven't changed any hardware recently. Same issue though. It worked at one point then randomly worked again before crashing and now i'm stuck. I've tried re-installing the container and downgrading the nvidia driver and updating again with no luck. diagnostics-20221030-0832.zip EDIT: Well I just tried again for fun after messing with my idrac setting on my r720xd and now I can start the containers. Not sure if it will last but i'll post my diagnostics after it working incase that helps somehow. diagnostics-20221103-2023.zip
  12. Can't start any dockers with --runtime=nvidia they all say "Bad Parameter" any advice on what to look at? docker run -d --name='frigate' --net='custom' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="##" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="frigate" -e 'FRIGATE_RTSP_PASSWORD'='##' -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='GPU-20e89059-##' -e 'NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES'='all' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:5000]' -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yayitazale/unraid-templates/main/frigate.png' -p '5000:5000/tcp' -p '1935:1935/tcp' -v '/mnt/cachessd/appdata/frigate':'/config':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Documents/Media/frigate':'/media/frigate':'rw' -v '/tmp/frigate':'/tmp/cache':'rw' -v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'rw' --device='/dev/usb' --shm-size=5G --restart unless-stopped --runtime=nvidia 'blakeblackshear/frigate:stable-amd64' d1ad2297da28b5f58cb0c0c08aca28f0f1cec9ffb0395a0f122eb1d2551bfb58 docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error running hook #1: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: Auto-detected mode as 'legacy' nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: open failed: /proc/sys/kernel/overflowuid: permission denied: unknown. The command failed. diagnostics-20221030-0832.zip
  13. Hi, this sounds like a great idea. It took some work but I got it up and running, I can access the webui but after putting in some local networks I don't get any device data. Any advice on populating data and used ports?
  14. Hi, I just installed goaccess to monitor my network more as i've been having some issues. I constantly see this in syslog. Go access is at 70k total requests and 65k failed. Is this normal?
  15. I'm using the IP, also lost access on my phone seems I just had it for a bit. Not sure what's going on at this point. I'm going to test a fresh version on unraid and maybe reset my router. Update: I reset my router and was able to connect to unraid from my windows pc and my phone. I then set unraid a static ip through my router. After rebooting my unraid can not display webgui (cant connect to local host.) I removed the static ip setting im my router and rebooted unraid but still cant connect to local host. Removed network.cfg and network-rules.cfg and I can access unraid again from windows pc and phone... Now what is the best method to set unraid a static IP as both methods seem to break the network for me. I set a static IP in unraid instead of through my router and it seems to be working now. It must have been an issue with my router. Thank you JorgeB for responding. I still have access but found in unraid's routing table it made entries that I never input. Any information on these? default route to to docker0 to br-9d9485fd7f07 to br-dd2581b77b2f in overseer I can see 6 plex server options one on each ip and 172 address 6/3 10:30 lost access again randomly, rebooted server and again can't access webgui from the server (no localhost access) second reboot, I can see the server in my router devices then within a minute it disappears Moving the ethernet cable to between ports allows unraid to showup on router devices for a minute. Still no access again. Deleted network.cfg and network-rules.cfg. Unraid rebooted and receives local 169 address - no access rebooted router again and deleted network & -rules.cfg - Yes Access (we will see how long it lasts.) 6/4 2:00 installed dupeguru and after it said completed successfully I lost access again. Server dropped from router then reconnected. Ping: Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss), dupeguru removed - unraid rebooted - no access unraid was visible from my router then disappeared again stopped and started docker - unraid has internet access but can't access from windows pc rebooted router - got access back. marking as solved...must be the router having issues when unraid sets a veth address for containers
  16. Ok,I upgraded to v6.10.2 stable and deleted network.cfg. After rebooting the network settings are still about the same, I can access unraid from my phone but still can't from my windows pc. Windows can ping unraid and unraid can ping windows. Hopefully I can figure this out today. Thank you for any guidance.
  17. I tried moving my unraid server to new hardware and backed up, kept the same drives but immediately had network issues and I could not connect to the server and sometimes even lost webgui access from unraid itself ie. couldn't connect to localhost. I moved the drives back to the original hardware but now i'm still having network issues. Sometimes unraid says ethernet is down and there is no light on the network port. Currently: Drive on original hardware that was working I have set a static ip. The router sees unraid however this time it isn't showing the hostname. I can ping unraid from my pc and unraid can ping my router and my windows pc. I can access apps and the web from unraid. I have tailscale as a docker container, with unraid as an exit node I can access unraid from my phone but not from windows which also has tailscale and unraid set as an exit node. There must be a setting I'm missing somewhere. Didn't change anything and 10 minutes later I can't access unraid from my phone anymore. I can't access unraid from my windows pc or ssh or interact with unraid in any way. I have no idea what to do other that setup a new flash, drive copy my key over and start fresh which I would rather not test as i'll inevitably screw it up and lose my data.
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