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  1. Psst, he stated 2 GPUs, one for each user... Due to most bottlenecks coming from the GPU and not the CPU, I believe OPs VM setup is very cost efficient (share the CPU, GPU for each VM). 2 separate machines would be overkill. Don't forget about the space-saving as well! @Kich902 what did you end up deciding?
  2. I just had this same issue trying to update from 6.10.2 to 6.10.3. After reading this forum thread I decided I would try to use a backup of my USB from CA Backup/Restore Appdata that is stored on a Synology NAS. Once I plugged the USB into my computer I noticed a "previous" folder though. I then made another backup of the current USB (into a separate folder, JIC) to the NAS and then copied everything from "previous" to the root of the USB replacing all files. Unraid is now running.
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