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  1. Kann ich dir nicht genau sagen, könnte man z.B. bei Github nachkucken https://github.com/fenrus75/powertop/commits/master dort kann man sehen dass dort Hardware-IDs für Raporlake hinzugefügt worden sind. Was jetzt die IDs für genaue Auswirkungen haben dazu müsste man sich den Code genauer anschauen. Aber wenn ich das richtig sehe werden dann einfach nur die Package C-States dementsprechend angezeigt wenn die IDs in der Liste sind.
  2. ich glaube das ist nicht sache von Powertop sondern vom Linux Kernel. Powertop ließt die Namen da nur aus. Von daher bringt da auch eine neue Version von Powertop nichts.
  3. Ich würde das nicht so tragisch sehen, klar ist das ärgerlich, aber so ist das nunmal bei Kontron, hätte jetzt auch nicht erwartet dass sie für dich da ne Ausnahme machen und dir da invididuellen Support geben. Aber wenn man ehrlich ist wann braucht man schon mal Support solange eben alles frei zugänglich ist wie BIOS, Manuals etc. Und was das angeht kann man über Kontron nicht meckern, auf dem FTP findet man alles was man benötigt.
  4. Kontron hat doch den FTP server https://ftp.kontron.com/main.html Username anonymous und kein Passwort. Da solltest du fündig werden.
  5. Du hast aber schon den richtigen RAM drin oder? Weil das Kontron kann ja im Gegensatz zu den anderen kein ECC
  6. i dont know how but i just stumbled on this thread again. i still got the script for you. #!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2020 Kia # Licensed under Zero Clause BSD License if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then echo "usage: $0 (BMC I2C BUS NUMBER) (FAN PAGE) (DUTY CYCLE FLOOR)" echo "" echo "BMC I2C BUS NUMBER can be found as follows" echo "$ ls /sys/bus/i2c/devices/*/hwmon/hwmon*/fan1_input" echo "" echo "if the output of that command is:" echo "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/7-0073/hwmon/hwmon4/fan1_input" echo "that means that the I2C bus number is 7" echo "Check /sys/module/ftsteutates/drivers/i2c\:ftsteutates/ to be sure" echo "" echo "FAN PAGE = 0x48 + index of fan" echo "On my system, FAN PAGE can be (0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b)" echo "" echo "DUTY CYCLE FLOOR can be any number from 0 to 255, but please" echo "don't set it lower than it already is." echo "" echo "This tool asks the Teutates BMC (in a way that does not survive" echo "reboots/power-cycles/shutdowns) to keep the PWM waveform that is" echo "fed to the fan corresponding to FAN PAGE to have a duty cycle that" echo "is greater or equal to (DUTY CYCLE FLOOR) / 255" echo "" echo "A fan that runs at MAX_RPM without a PWM signal (or with a DC PWM" echo "signal) will never run slower than MAX_RPM * (DUTY CYCLE FLOOR) / 255" echo "" echo "#########################################################################" echo " ☢CAUTION!!☢" echo "The supplied I2C bus number MUST correspond to the bus where the" echo "Teutates BMC lives on." echo "" echo "The supplied fan page must be between 0x48-0x4f inclusive and" echo "must correspond to a fan in your system connected to the Teutates BMC." echo "" echo "Incorrectly specifying the I2C bus number or fan page may BRICK" echo "or IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY your system!" echo " ☢CAUTION!!☢" echo "#########################################################################" echo "" echo "It is likely that this tool will not produce expected results if" echo "SilentFanConfig-Manager has been run -- which writes fan config stuff" echo "into nonvolatile storage. The aforementioned fan config stuff might" echo "set a different set of control modes, causing the write to 0x86 to" echo "not have the desired effect. I don't have the full Teutates" echo "documentation, so i do not know any of the control laws are." echo "" echo "However, if you have access to SilentFanConfig-Manager, why do you even" echo "need this?" echo "" echo "This tool has only been tested on a single motherboard:" echo "FUJITSU /D3641-S1, BIOS V5.0.0.13 R1.7.0 for D3641-S1x" echo "with FTS Teutates chip revision: 3.11" echo "" echo "FOR USE ONLY ON FUJITSU/KONTRON MOTHERBOARDS WITH TEUTATES BMC" echo "" exit 1 fi case $2 in 0x48|0x49|0x4a|0x4b|0x4c|0x4d|0x4e|0x4f) echo "supplied fan page is "$2 ;; *) echo "INVALID FAN PAGE!!" exit 2 ;; esac set -e echo -n "Testing for Teutates BMC presence... " # test that we have a teutates bmc, ideally this modprobe fails otherwise sudo modprobe ftsteutates # but we need it not be loaded, so we can have the i2c bus to ourselves sudo rmmod ftsteutates echo "present" # this lets us do i2cset sudo modprobe i2c-dev # switch the page for the fan in question. the user is responsible # for making sure this is between 0x48 and 0x4f echo "writing to the i2c bus; hope you gave us the correct one!" sudo i2cset -y $1 0x73 0x7f $2 # set PWM duty cycle sudo i2cset -y $1 0x73 0x86 $3 # set the page back to 0x00 just to be kind to whoever (the kernel module) talks with the BMC after us sudo i2cset -y $1 0x73 0x7f 0x00 echo "writes done" # let us look at our handiwork via sensors(1). # be patient, i think the BMC only updates RPM every second or so sudo modprobe ftsteutates echo "testing"
  7. So I don't use unRAID myself, but I found this via Google I hope this helps getting it installed 🙂
  8. you first have to execute the command (ls /sys/bus/i2c/devices/*/hwmon/hwmon*/fan1_input) as stated in the script to figure out the i2c bus number/id. for exmaple for me it outputs /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0073/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input This means the bus id is 0 ( first number after devices/ - before the dash ) after the dash 0073 is the device id of the chip Then you have to find out the Id of the fan you want to control, in my case thats 0x48 (depending on where your fans are plugged in. 4 available IDs, goes from 0x48 to 0x4b) then you have to play around with the fan speed, from 0 to 255, 255 being 100% fan speed. I am using 2 Noctua NF-A12x25 and i figured the minimum speed i set them to is like 75(not 75%) which should correlate to 75/255 = 0.29 => 29 % fan speed. Then i use the script the following: sudo /path/to/your/script.sh 0 0x48 150 0 being the bus number (could be different for you) 0x48 being the id of the fan you want to set the speed of 150 being the fan speed (from 0 to 255) But please read the script carefully, you might be able to mess things up if you are not careful
  9. Yes, I see the same chip when running the sensors-detect but actually the script works. I am also using the D3644B. Give it a try and you will see that it works.
  10. Hi, i just found this thread on google. I also struggled with this using the same motherboard. I found this: https://gist.github.com/superbaud/651d898b3958be552e8d3c403c988fad This script works fine for me to control the fan speed
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