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Posts posted by zoggy

  1. unraid 6.12.6 - after updating locations to 2024.02.10-o24, now i have a drive that is flashing which stops if i uncheck 'flash warning' but its not clear what the warning its trying to show... recheck and on hover its:


    spun disk up, now instead of N/A it says 0 there.


    i'm guessing the warnings are from:



    is the plugin just not happy with the 'command timeout' value from segates now?






    1 1 1 are three different buckets, so i would imagine you would take the max value of all three buckets.. in this case 1 and compare to value which is less than 5.. so shouldnt be warning.


    docs on the value and how segate does it



  2. just fyi had someone reach out to sab about your container with unrar being broken as is just wouldnt extract files during direct unpack or not:

    2024-01-25 14:51:03,438::DEBUG::[directunpacker:347] DirectUnpack Unrar output: 
    UNRAR 7.00 beta 3 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2023 Alexander Roshal
    2024-01-25 14:51:31,550::DEBUG::[newsunpack:860] UNRAR output:
    UNRAR 7.00 beta 3 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2023 Alexander Roshal
    2024-01-25 14:51:31,550::INFO::[newsunpack:863] Unpacked 0 files/folders in 0 seconds

    I had them switch to linuxserver docker to test and everything worked fine.

    I sent them your side up to share relevant logs and info (dunno if they have done that just yet) - just sharing here in case they never make it.

    btw, i personally run the unrar 7 betas without any issues.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, KluthR said:

    If the database container stops before backup, all is fine. If you want a dump as backup, you have to write own scripts. Maybe appdata backup could do this for us somehow. I know how to export mysql, pgsql and mongodbs, since I do it at work full automated via remote ssh.

    ive heard this is a solution to use,



    you basically dont touch your actual db, and just have that docker run backups periodically from it to a place of your choosing which you back that up.



    netdata changed a bit of stuff recently (their icon are svg), so fallout is that unraid netdata template's icon is no longer there.
    Since unraid doesnt support loading svg, the easy fix for icon is just to point to old image from old version when it was still there:



    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Masterwishx said:


    It's order is A-Z, in v2.5 was right order not A-Z. 

    In my case I have about 100 containers, 57 running. 

    Also I'm using Docker Folder, sure I can set order manually. Or edit json...


    The problem is some of containers needs to be started befor others like Databases. 




    the old ca backup app used to just inherit how the dockers were sorted in unraid docker gui.

    it would show them in "unraid docker gui" reverse order, which is how it would stop them.

    then when it starts back up it does the reverse of that (aka, the normal "unraid docker page gui" order)








  6. 30 minutes ago, KluthR said:

    Always full paths. Use the file selector to see example.


    ok took me a sec but I see, by default it only backs up the "internal volume", but then down below you can exclude things from within that via the selector

    At first glance i didnt realize you could drill down, but I see now. Thanks!


    Dunno how hard it would be to have that tree auto expand to the 'internal volume' path, but prob not worth the hassle





  7. upgraded to 6.12, got the warning that i needed to install appdata backup. did so, it found my ca backup2 and asked to migrate which pulled over most things.


    i noticed it did NOT pull over my exclude list which is:




    Which i assume is understandable since now users would be expected to put said exclusions on each container where it made sense and what not. But would prob be good to note this in the migrate blurp that it doesn't handle this.



    which i guess its not clear now, so in the container where you can exclude.. 

    previously the exclude list operated from the parent folder of the appdata folder, so exclude was: .kodi-novnc/.kodi/userdata/Thumbnails


    but with this app, does the exclude path get constructed from the container root folder or none.?


    as now my kodi container base is:



    so would I have to do:









    • Like 1
  8. anyone else seeing that since upgrading to 6.12,  the tips and tricks plugin 'Enable syslog Archiving?' option no longer results in the syslog getting archived on restart?


    i had an issue after upgrading to 6.12 and had to restart to fix, I went to get logs and noticed my last saved logs was the 6.11.5->6.12 reboot.

    I've not had a chance to restart for a 3rd time to see if it was just an issue during the first reboot of an upgrade or what



  9. May 27 08:05:07 husky root: Hard File Path: /mnt/cache/TV/TV/Shark Tank/Season 14/<removed>.mkv
    May 27 08:05:07 husky root: LINK Count: 1
    May 27 08:05:07 husky root: Hard Link Status: false
    May 27 08:35:18 husky  move: file: /mnt/cache/TV/TV/Shark Tank/Season 14/<removed>.mkv
    May 27 08:35:30 husky root: mover: finished

    When mover fires off there is a bit of log spam for hard link stuff..  then the actual mover log.   Any way a user can turn off the hard link set of logs?


  10. 3 hours ago, hugenbdd said:

    Few Things.

    1.) You should store the ignore file somewhere on the array and not a cache file.  In case it gets moved to the array.  I use /mnt/user/Backups/ignore-file.txt

    2.)  D   - Mostly.  An example folder to ignore would be /mnt/cach/TV  You can make this even more specific, a / at the end is okay, however wildcards are not.  Make sure that this file is not created in a Windows OS as it will leave ^M (Control M) characters at the end of the lines and cause it to fail.


    I would suggest, enable logging, set Test Mode=Yes and Move Now follows plug-in filters.  Then review what gets moved.  If your on the latest version.  The logs will be under /tmp/Mover.  If you on an old version, then review the syslog.  The test mode really helps you get the settings correct quickly with the "move now" 


    I assume also that you want one path per line like:




    And related, the "Ignore Hidden Files" also could probably use the help line to denote that its excluding paths (file/folders) to be moved that start with a dot (.*) (ex: .config)


  11. minor quibble, this is v3 of the plugin but still uses the old page name "BackupMainV2"


    verify backups has same warning of ignore errors, which i suspect is in error

    Verify Backups?
    This can lead to broken backups - Only enable if you know what you do! 	
    Ignore errors during backup?
    This can lead to broken backups - Only enable if you know what you do!


    when you use the "Excluded Folder Browser" you can only pick top level folder, would be nice to have it show actual tree and be able to pick the nested folder to be a bit more surgical. right now i do this via cli then come back and just put in the path manually (which works fine).


    the folder selector for USB Backup Destination: / libvirt.img Destination:  show up in the wrong spot:


  12. On 2/21/2023 at 1:32 PM, dopeytree said:

    Could we add a password to this? Not a fan of having open access ports.

    Would it be easy to add the arrr's login system?

    no you can not take a random mono/.net app and snip out part of their code and just shove it in another app.   you should look at setting up a reverse proxy. but also you shouldnt just blindly have your nas exposed to the internet either. look at requiring a vpn..

  13. Using unraid 6.11.5

    Single nvme drive in cache, btrfs. No scrub/anything special.


    We were talking in discord recently about this, and I notice that my cache (created 6.9.x after the 1 MiB alignment) doesnt include the discard option like it mentions it should:


    # mount | grep /mnt/cache
    /dev/nvme0n1p1 on /mnt/cache type btrfs (rw,noatime,ssd,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/)
    /mnt/cache/docker.img on /var/lib/docker type btrfs (rw,noatime,ssd,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/)
    /mnt/cache/docker.img on /var/lib/docker/btrfs type btrfs (rw,noatime,ssd,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/)
    /mnt/cache/system/libvirt/libvirt.img on /etc/libvirt type btrfs (rw,noatime,ssd,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/)


    Is there a known bug/issue where it doesnt add the discard option if its a pool named 'cache' or only single drive with some other criteria?

  14. 1 minute ago, wgstarks said:

    Is there a command to view installed pkgs?

    for what you were installing with nerdpack, look for what you had set to yes in it's cfg (even if nerdpack is disabled):

    grep yes /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/NerdPack.cfg



    for what is installed currently in unraid:

    ls -lah /var/lib/pkgtools/packages/


    • Thanks 2
  15. 1 hour ago, BasementGamer said:


    I found the instructions on this thread. The short version, you need to manually download the packages from Slackware 15, then put them in /boot/extra, and the packages will be automatically installed on reboot. Or, if you don't want to reboot, you can manually install them with installpkg <pkgname>

    or once you are on 6.11 you can install several just via CA with, "<x> package".. python2/3 for example are there



    also with 6.11, there are several plugins that are included by default that save the need for many people to use nerdpack anyways. for example perl is included now.

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  16. On 12/11/2020 at 9:34 PM, zoggy said:

    loaded up 6.9 rc1, can confirm I get temps now, no fans though


    doing sensors-detect then loading what it suggest, I can see:

    # sensors
    Adapter: PCI adapter
    Vcore:       913.00 mV
    Vsoc:          1.09 V
    Tctl:         +39.8°C
    CPU Temp:     +39.8°C
    MB Temp:      +32.8°C
    Icore:         0.00 A
    Isoc:          7.50 A
    Adapter: PCI adapter
    Composite:    +31.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +84.8°C)
                           (crit = +84.8°C)
    Sensor 1:     +31.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
    Sensor 2:     +35.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)




    *update* - now on 6.9.2 I can say things are more or less the same, I suspect that 6.10.x should improve things however:


    about asus and the buggy issues with reading fan/temps:


    oct 2021 - lot of asus wmi boards got supported via NCT677x:



    another update, 6.10.x corrected/enabled a lot of the asus sensors but still had no fans.
    with unraid 6.11rc3 I can confirm fans are there now as well and all is working well:






    **update** updating to 6.11rc4 I can see even more fan/sensors added (asusec).


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