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  1. How did you do that? I have the same problem.. and i´m a noob on this *sorry!!*
  2. I have problems with mono as it does so that Sonarr does not work. When I'm a little noob, I need to know how to update it in unraid. So i can get my sonarr can start doing what it's gonna do How do I update it?
  3. Ok... I have another user... same issue can't copy... http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41983.0
  4. I have 2 mac´s and same problem. I can't copy files from my mac to files in finder All is "public" in unRAID and I don't know what to check more... the strange thing, its 2 different mac but I can't find in the macs what is wrong? Anyone know?
  5. I don't know... I can login with root in safari but not in finder... In finder I get "connection failed" but in safari i can access unRAID Any one know what to do?
  6. Thanks for a fast answer !
  7. I need to move my and my friends server or we have to closed it down because we don't feel that its stabile to 100%. We have centOS because it have Webmin. I have a unRAID server for media (PLEX) that my friend runs for me... and I dint have no problems. So is it possible to get following on unRAID? Apache 2.2.15 MySQL 5.1.69 PHP 5.3 FTP Webmin
  8. I think anyone who has an ATV 2 & 3 and do not want to JB is happy about this. I think if you get it to play with unRAID it will probably increase the downloads of unRAID too. I can, however, find that PLEX should work it into the media server directly, thereby avoiding the "one more thing" However, I am very pleased that this has come and I hope it works fine ... Now, I hope that someone might be working out a solution for unRAID specific