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  1. Hi @dboris. Thanks for this guide. I'm having a strange issue. Traefik is set up and working pointing at other docker images, and other standalone servers on my network. So I know it's working properly. The problem is, whenever I enable the homeassistant and http settings in configuration.yaml on the HA side I'm unable to get the UI to load at all. It doesn't work from the normal local url or ip address url. I end up having to SSH in and edit the yaml file to remove those settings. When I look at HA in the VNC console there are no errors and none in the logs. Did you run into anything like this?
  2. Just set up NPM and it's working great with my wildcard certificate. I installed the image with no changes and it installs on br0 and becomes a device on my network. What I've run into is passing traffic to other Unraid docker servers. I can point NPM at other servers on my network, but pointing at any on Unraid lead to a 502 page. I'm missing something very simple but not sure what. What's the trick to pointing at images and VMs running inside Unraid? Thanks!
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