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Posts posted by Mainfrezzer

  1. Ich bin ja eher verwundert dass der Server nicht crash'd. Würde definitiv abraten macvlan laufen zu lassen.


    Ich hab ja jetzt keine Ahnung welche Brücken/Netzwerktopologie da benutzt werden für die Container aber ich bin neugierig ob's funktioniert mit der IP(ggf. zu X.X.X.1)?

    Edit: Nach Begutachtung des Videos wie siehts mit localhost aus? Wenn der container unter hostmode laufen sollte.

  2. 1 hour ago, karower said:

    Mmh, as mentioned above, I used exactly this version.




    3 hours ago, karower said:



    May  6 20:17:52 Server docker: Error: RAM-Disk Mod found incompatible files: 60ad47ed6cadcd544f92bd012d30a4f2 /etc/rc.d/rc.docker 99915e9e302b0df53cb3739951f4e33f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor




    shows "99915e9e302b0df53cb3739951f4e33f" which is absolutely not whats in 6.12.10 by default.

    You did something in the meantime with the file.

    Edit, im a doofus, too many similar posts xD but yeah. the file gets modified. Good luck^^

    Edit 2: was having a look but i have no clue what rc.docker version that could be from. But yeah basically the whole 6.12.x release had the same monitor file. Theres something seriously changing your files before the go file gets a hand on both of them. Have a look at your scripts and check whats messing with those 2

  3. Dont switch to macvlan, that will just crash your server.

    Macvtap works differently and is enabled by disabling the bridge in the network settings.

    Its up to you if you want to switch. Both works absolutely fine and the guide from the original post still is correct in setting things up with ipvlan.

    Setup the first, "Emergency tunnel" which always works when the array is offline (That you can do completely over the vpn manager interface)

    then setup a second one "Normal tunnel" which only works when the array is running. (Apart from the initial setup, never save changes in the vpn manager in there, only manually with the file manager plugin, since it removes the shim- from the interface)

  4. 58 minutes ago, Ravinala said:

    Hi y all I am facing the same issue, but i can't access my router, nor internet i can just access my home server.
    And i can't seem to find a patch after editing the conf files they get overwritten
    Thanks for your help!

    Which Unraid version are you runing? And what "protocol" are you using, IPVlan or Macvtap?

    The whole Shebang is not needed anymore with 6.12.10 and the macvtap interface, since it sets the vhost0 correctly and it just work out of the box.

    I havent tested ipvlan since, well, my router cant handle it. But since ipvlan still uses the old method (having 2 tunnel just in case), you have to do it manually. Dont use the VPN Manager to make changes, because they alway overwrite the file. Stop the tunnel, navigate to the flashdrive, edit the file with the "Dynamix File Manager", save it, switch back to the vpn manager and just start the tunnel without saving anything.

  5. 7 minutes ago, long-term-form1240 said:

    I incorrectly modified WebUI port to 79 which seems to other default service. And then I could not use WebUI, even when I use GUI mode. How can I change it back in command line or any other way? Thank you for your help.

    most likely not the reason for the problem. The problem is that port 79 is by default "banned" on firefox, chrome etc. You could remove the restriction of the browser by diging in their configs but youre probably way faster with modifying the ident.cfg. as mentioned above

    • Thanks 1
  6. Of course its gonna have a different "name"/identifier if you use it though usb controller beforehand. Not all usb-sata controller are transparent and the WD-Element build in control boards are clearly changing the drive identification.

    you could check "parity is already valid" and then run a parity check afterwards. If it passes it passes, worst case, you have to fix parity. Because im sure you dont wanna put the drive back into the usb enclosure.

    The take away from this incident is, you can "stresstest" aka preclear, a drive while its in the enclosure to see if its a dud, but if you wanna integrate it, you should shuck it and attach it via sata directly to avoid such hassles in the future


    2 hours ago, Johann said:

    I like macvlan because it assigns a different MAC address. Is this still the recommended way to use macvlan, by disabling bridging? I have the same behavior in the RX drops as you showed in the videos.

    Yes, currently the only way for docker container.

    2 hours ago, Johann said:

    Adding onto the previous question, I see that you are saying macvtap on (is this bridging off?), and macvlan on, doesn't have this issue?


    Indeed, but, I currently have the ipvlan bridge enabled because macvlan bridge would cause crashes.
    Given that im stuck with a fritzbox too, i picked up the lxc pluging again for any application that needs to be run on a seperate ip.

    Overall you *could* just ignore the drops. The only reason i noticed them is that i got a lot of complaints about disconnects from other people after upgrading from 6.11.5 and it took me a while until i figured the issue out. So if you didnt notice anything apart from the number itself, youre good.

  8. The drops are caused by the macvtap interface.

    I can recreate them on different machines at will. Big issue that you cannot disable the macvtap if you dont need it. The versions where just eth0 is present work without an issue.



    If you wanna contribute to it^^ 

    Edit: For the funsies, here is the result from my main pc, as before, completely different hardware, completely different cables.

    Heres a comparison with an older Unraid version



  9. Run 

    reiserfsck --check /dev/sdd

    and let us know what it says

    Otherwise without fiddling around, what i personally would do is to copy all files from the cache to the array or any other space you would have for that and reformat the whole cache drive to xfs, and then move the files back on it. (Especially considering the 2025 deadline but you would have to take care of your array drives at some point too since theyre reiser too)

    The drive seems fine, although it does list having 2 UDMA_CRC errors but that could have happend at any point.

  10. 31 minutes ago, sasbro97 said:



    I know I have "Preserve user defined networks" activated but thank you.


    impossible. your diagnostics clearly show "DOCKER_USER_NETWORKS="remove""

    if you had it enabled it would say "DOCKER_USER_NETWORKS="preserve""


    Your VMs complain about a missing interface aswell

  11. 8 minutes ago, sasbro97 said:

    How should I identify the one? Because the container are all running healthy. 


    Unraid has, on the right side, an uptime display, pretty easy to find that particular container with that infouptime.PNG.56668ed5f8055b9a9394779d444113fa.PNG
    Btw, if all your docker container run on that custom defined network, it would be wise to enable "Preserve user defined networks" because by default docker wipes those^^

    cant help you with nextcloud, dont use it.

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