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Posts posted by Mainfrezzer

  1. woher kommt denn diese ominöse Annahme das Powertop nicht läuft?

    Das einzige was ich hier vermuten kann ist dass das Fenster von Powertop sich nicht öffnen will, das könnt jetzt an 6.12 liegen und der Steinzeit-Version von Powertop. Glaub dazu müsst man "export TERM=xterm" im Terminal ausführen, dann öffnet sich das Powertopfenster auch selbst. 

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, NexusEFR said:

    Buff nobody can help me? ;-(

    Pretty simple your issue. 

    you mount /temporary from the container to /mnt/cache/appdata/psitransfer/public on unraid. (make sure that public folder has write from everyone)

    Start the container

    inside the container cp -r /app/public/* /temporary

    stop the container

    edit the template and change the mount from
    /temporary to /app/public/

    and youre done.

    You can edit the .css files in /appdata/psitransfer/public/assets

    and the pug files for your header issue in


    (after youre done you can remove the allow write from everyone again)

    • Thanks 1
  3. You need to modify the wireguard config.

    To look somewhat like this (fixed for your specific network and ip address needs)

    PostUp=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg4 started';/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/update_services
    PostUp=iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE;ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s fc00:253:4:0::/64 -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    PostUp=iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o vhost0 -j MASQUERADE;ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s fc00:253:4:0::/64 -o vhost0 -j MASQUERADE
    PostDown=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg4 stopped';/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/update_services
    PostDown=iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE;ip6tables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s fc00:253:4:0::/64 -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    PostDown=iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o vhost0 -j MASQUERADE;ip6tables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s fc00:253:4:0::/64 -o vhost0 -j MASQUERADE


  4. 6 minutes ago, AceBurn90 said:

    I am now using you modifyed XML and it works.

    I can not tell exactly why.


    I have added the Registry URL: https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/frosty5689/hath
    And changed Network Type to Host

    Then I changed my file path from:
    cache - /mnt/user/hath/cache/
    Data - /mnt/user/hath/data
    Downloads - /mnt/user//hath/download
    Logs - /mnt/user/hath/log
    Tmp - /mnt/user/hath/tmp


    to (see "appdata" changes)

    cache - /mnt/user/hath/cache/
    Data - /mnt/user/appdata/hath/data
    Downloads - /mnt/user/appdata/hath/download
    Logs - /mnt/user/appdata/hath/log
    Tmp - /mnt/user/appdata/hath/tmp


    After that, it worked.
    Thanks for your effort

    Thats good, glad i could help.

    The host mode certainly fixes the need to figure out which port is needed since i had no clue what to map there :D

  5. 1 hour ago, flex420 said:

    Kabel ist hier im Haus nicht das Problem - hätte beides zur hand- aktuell ist es ja schon mit Patchkabel verbunden und ich hab auch 2,5gbit link angezeigt - Datentransfer aber weiterhin mit 1gbits (ZFS NVME Mirror Cachedrive) - scheint also eher am routing zu liegen. Aber gut - ließt sich ja so als würde ich vermutlich wirklich einfach einen switch kaufen. 


    Empfehlungen? D-Link DMS-108? Irgendwas von QNAP / TP Link oder Zyxel? Oder doch Chinaware einfach? 

    Das ist ja auch normal weil ja die VM im Moment mit dem PC redet und das alles über den Switch/Fritzbox sendet.
    Ich meinte schon direkt, ohne VM.

    Gut, das setzt jetzt voraus dass der PC mehr als ein NIC hat, sonst wird das nix mehr mit dem Internet xD

    Da hat ich mich erst verlesen.

    Ja, das sollte doch wunderbar gehen.

    1x 2,5 Gbit von Unraid zum Switch/Router wohin auch immer
    1x 2,5 Gbit von Unraid zum PC
    1x 2,5 Gbit von Unraid kommend zum PC

    1x 2,5 Gbit vom PC zum Switch/Router wohin auch immer

    Für die Verbindung zwischen Unraid und PC haben die ne eigene seperate IP. Aber wie ich vorher sagte, da muss halt die Technik mitspielen ansonsten müsste zwischen Unraid und dem PC nen Crossover Kabel. Oder man löst es halt mit dem 2,5 Gbit Switch, da spart man an Kabelage, außer man nimmt SMB Multichannel in anspruch.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Toby-ch said:

    Hallo zusammen

    Ich habe seit heute das Problem das ich mich nicht mehr Einlogen kann:


    Hello, everyone

    Since today, I have the problem that I can no longer log in:


    Ein restore von gestern habe ich versucht brachte jedoch nicht, die Eingabe ist Korrekt, copy past vom Passwortmanger.
    Meine Recherche führte mich zu diesem Comannd leider ohne erfolg:


    A restore from yesterday I tried but did not bring, the input is correct, copy past from the password maniac.

    My research led me to this Comannd unfortunately without success:


    Hat jemand eine Idee ?
    Does anyone have an idea?



  7. 26 minutes ago, AceBurn90 said:

    I have swapped ID and KEY in the Text. In the Screenshot you can see that I have it right side up.

    Since the file was generated automatically by the program on my old Windows desktop "server" three years ago.

    This means that there must be some other problem.

    In the file. the file content has to be flipped by hand. The client_login has to be ID-KEY

    The stupid file only gets created once but never edited. So its absolutely pointless to even set the enviroment variables in the first place


    I just noticed. Your text and image is confusing.



    HATH_CLIENT_KEY - 12345 (not my key)
    HATH_CLIENT_ID - abCdeF123gHiJk456789 (not my ID)


    But the screenshots shows the other way around xD

    12345-abCdeF123gHiJk456789 if thats what you currently have and the key is 12345, it would need to be flipped. Thats what confused me.

    Since i dont have an account, this is as far as i can get 
    with this file Unbenannt.PNG.3dada68bec0237f2abcff138da6cc195.PNG

    i would say, thats enough on my part. no more errors. For any account related inquiries on a varity of website im no help^^

    Heres the template ive set up, in case somebody at some point is looking for that particular container aswell

  8. I found the issue, for some reason its not really doing what its supposed to do.

    the container creates a file, which i can only assume, is supposed to hold that info. But it seems borked. So you would to modify following file, in my case now

    "/mnt/cache/hath/data/" there is a file called "client_login" there you have to set the content like "123456789-YOUR_HATH_CLIENT_KEY"

    8 minutes ago, AceBurn90 said:



    HATH_CLIENT_KEY - 12345 (not my key)
    HATH_CLIENT_ID - abCdeF123gHiJk456789 (not my ID)


    In "/mnt/user/hath/data/" there is a file "client_login".
    In this file is the following text -> Note the dash after 12345 (adjusted):


    juding by my output. You need to flip it, ID first, then key


  9. 10 minutes ago, linuxdevil said:

    I'm still pretty new to Unraid, but have 20 years of Linux experience. Yesterday I tried to install the app Linkding per Docker, where the description says:

    Creating user by using console "python manage.py createsuperuser --username=joe [email protected]"


    After that, it should ask for  a password. However, I get the following error:

    'python: can't open 'manage.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory'



    I didn't believe it, so I checked with mlocate and indeed there is no 'manage.py' in the installation of Unraid. Google wasn't really helpful there, but suggested changing to the directory where the file is located. I would appreciate any help telling me where 'manage.py' should be and how to get it there. Thanks in advance for reading.

    You have to execute that command in the docker container, not in unraid. 

  10. that would work too. But that would require every participant to create a new file instead of just continuing to write into the existing ones. By what you said, the mover did manage to move some files to the array but .15 kept writing to the array file instead of creating a new syslog.

  11. 23 hours ago, DivideBy0 said:


    or this is the expected behavior?



    The mover doesnt move files that are activly being used. if a file has been moved to the array, it will stay on the array if its being modified.

    If you wanna solve this you would need to set the "syslog"-share to only live on the cache drive and run a script which copies the logs in the time intervals youre looking for to the array.

  12. if you have the backup on the array, its relatively simple.

    First, install the unassigned devices plugin.

    Then, on the main page, you should see all currently not assigned drives listed under "Unassigned Devices"


    The red square above will tell you which of the drives has a filesystem, so you can already pick out the drives that are actually data containing drives.

    Now you click the upper cogwheels of one drive, that has a filesystem

    once on the new page, you enable following setting


    then you press save in the bottom left and done afterwards.

    Back on the main page, you can mount the drive you just have set to read only. Once mounted, you can explore the disks content
    by clicking on the blue links here

    and look for the backup.

    If the backup is not on that particular disk, take the next disk and continue the steps for each drive until you found the backup. Download it and then you can restore it to your flashdrive.

    Edit: I forgot to mention. it probably needs the dynamix file manager aswell. So that would be needed to be installed aswell.

    • Like 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    I asked a long time ago to move the format option to the individual drive pages, possibly next to the selection of format type, or even better underneath the file system check area so you have to read through the file system check area before you even get to the format button. I don't believe it's a good idea to have a universal format option on the main page.


    The pushback to my suggestion was that a new array would take forever to go through each drive one at a time to format. My counter was that totally new array drives are a very limited situation, and it's worth the extra time to show the new user where to maintain each disk, in the same area with smart information and file system checks.


    I felt like I was talking to a wall, nothing was ever acknowledged.

    The popup thats there currently with required text entry of "i understand that formatting a harddrive is not part of recovery" would be a good compromise.

  14. On 9/24/2023 at 4:06 PM, pr4w said:




    Honestly it looks more like something on Unraid's side that's stalling.


    I left a ping running for a while, no packet loss, everything between 2 and 4ms. Even when the Unraid Dashboard is stalling the ping is fine, both to my router and my Unraid server. It looks like some JS API calls are just not refreshing the DOM properly? Or something is blocking the rest of the page from loading properly?

    How are you accessing the server?

    Via IP or one of the names .local /unraid name?

    the .local is absolutely broken for me. /name does work a bit better since 6.12.4 but the most reliable is still the bare ipv4.

  15. Edit: Ach da hab ich den falschen Order erwisch. Ich wünsche mir in Zukunft nicht generische Namen für Unraid Server xD

    Aber, ich würde mal testweise einfach https anwerfen und gucken ob das funktioniert.


    in der ident.cfg

    7 hours ago, NiciOverdrive said:


    IAus Sicherheitsgründen habe ich dafür keine Portweiterleitung genutzt, sondern stattdessen Tailscale, wie eine Art VPN.

    Das funktioniert im Moment nicht unter Umständen.

    Würde auf jeden Fall raten mal absolut im Safe-Mode zu starten. Da gibts ohne updates zu den Plugins eventuell ganz komische Interaktionen.

    Falls es der Tailscale Docker ist, da gehts ohne Unraid Anpassung wahrscheinlich auch nicht..

  16. 28 minutes ago, cholzer said:

    Funny problem, Plex on my AppleTV complains that there is not enough disk space to transcode.
    And indeed, the ram disk it is full.

    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    tmpfs           8.6G  8.5G  107M  99% /tmp/PlexRamScratch

    Shouldnt Plex clean up old transcode files?

    Yes but there are 2 things that could stop it. 1. If the stream session isnt closed, it doesnt clean up after itself. 2. Depending on what kind of transcode quality youre trying to watch, 8,6GB isnt enough in size(especially if someone else is transcoding simultaneously). I think Plex does have "emergency trigger" which will clean up if the destination has not enough space anymore but it might be that the current available space is too much for plex to see the issue.

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