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Everything posted by BerettA

  1. Also love the plugin. But I have some trouble in using the plugin in Chinese display too. For example, when I open the share "appdata" it will lose the corresponding period of time. But any other share folds and subfolds don't have the problem. So I have to edit appdata files by change the English display or in Docker Filebrowser or Winscp from Windows. All this happened in Chinese display. Would you give me some help with the problem?
  2. YES I only look for the temperature and fans. And now my request is just for this. dmidecode -t 2 | grep 'Manufacturer' | awk -F 'r:' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' The result is "Tyan". I tried to use the plugin at a new UNRAID server. Fortunately it worked.
  3. Hey SimonF. I love this plugin. But I met some troubles now. Would you please have a look and try to help? I changed my motherboard from Supermicro X11 to Tyan S8030. Then my IPMI setting was broken. I can't replace the IP address even the user and password. The button"RESET BMC" is useless for me. I tried to give some information from ipmi.cfg here is Thanks.
  4. 截取一段日志如下。 我这边硬件是i3-8100T / 16G 非ECC内存。连接不上WEBUI时,通过SSH发现已经吃了12G内存,错误从凌晨1点报到中午12点估计日志也已经爆满了。重启后,日志正常,内存吃了5G 根据日志中的报错怀疑和我Nginx-Proxy-Manager设置有关。因为我反向代理unraid用于远程连接后,在Nginx设置里加过如下设置。 如果有大佬遇到过相关问题,请不吝赐教。
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