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Everything posted by Liviter

  1. 希望27号前能蹲到优惠折扣开启😔 我想升级plus版
  2. GG 3月27日转订阅制~ 想从basic转plus来着,但目前情况似乎不准备开放优惠折扣升级了。。。 27号之后就算有55折也便宜不了几块钱
  3. Hello, I have migrated the server from Docker to a VM, set up 20GB of virtual memory, and installed the 'earlyoom' tool to automatically free up memory. Currently, 8GB of memory is in use, with 4 players playing online for a continuous 4 hours, and the server has not crashed.
  4. The game data is stored in a Samsung 970 on an M.2 interface, Initially, the server ran normally for an entire day, but I’m unsure what happened to cause abnormal memory usage. Now, when I start the container, it consumes all memory within 1-2 hours until the container crashes. I really don’t want to delete the save and start over. Therefore, I’m currently restarting the container every hour to continue playing.
  5. Thanks, currently my server has 4 players, and after running for approximately 1-2 hours, it consumes the entire 16GB of memory and then crashes. However, from some instructions of other users using the PC server, I've seen that using a scheduled memory cleaning program called 'men reduct' can significantly slow down the speed of game crashes. So I would like to inquire whether it's possible to add a similar processing program to the Palworld Docker container?
  6. Thank you very much to @ich777 for creating the Docker version server for Palworld. May I ask if it's possible to add some scheduled memory cleaning/optimization functions to the Docker container? It seems that this game has significant optimization issues, as it can easily consume the entire 16GB of memory, leading to crashes. Thank you very much!
  7. 这两个文件,丢入/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include目录下 更换文件风险自断 文件来源于论坛的 DockerClient.php DockerContainers.php
  8. 已经自行解决~大家可以关注英文板块的相关帖子,找得到答案~
  9. version: '3.3' services: test: container_name: test restart: always ports: - '80:80' image: 'test/test:latest' networks: br0: ipv4_address: networks: br0: external: true ipam: config: - subnet: 这样设置可以设置为静态IP,但是“网络”那一栏则变成了随机字符~ 请教一下各位,有更好的实现办法吗?先感谢各位
  10. 用这个docker就行 linuxserver/qbittorrent:libtorrentv1 这个问题曾经也困扰我很久 后来查看日志在搜英文论坛搜索到了,最后采用这个docker解决了跟你一样的问题
  11. 研究一晚上 主要步骤有以下几点 1,在wg设置中”Local server uses NAT“该项设置为否 2,在路由器的静态路由相关设置中添加一条路由表 IP为10.253.0.0(也有可能是10.253.0.0/24,不需要填子网掩码) 子网掩码为255.255.255.0 网关为Unraid的IP地址 (路由器不同设置也会不一样!) 3,在Unraid的设置 --- Docker界面,关闭docker服务,然后点开高级视图,将”主机访问自定义网络“选项设置为已启用 如上三步是如何让WG访问内网docker的关键步骤 如若不行 请确保没有设置相关选项前能保证你的WG能正常访问到unraid的web界面!
  12. 谢了,已经搞清楚了,但是我是不能开 Host header那个输入域名就行,跨站请求开了就不给进了~
  13. 为啥我用反向代理,打开webui登录就提示“Unauthorized”🤒
  14. 我的铭瑄H610 ITX的主板就是R8125B的网卡 目前6.11.3正常
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