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  1. 限制容器CPU内存占用 这点可以尝试一下 目前13500的u和64G内存
  2. unraid是最新系统,qbittorrent用的是商店里linuxserver的最新版本,docker网络用的eth0 macvlan,下pt大包时,下载大概18m左右 上传4m左右 下的正欢 unraid的webui就无法访问了 docker和虚拟机都正常 ssh不进去 卡在那
  3. ok thanks i'll keep watching how it goes
  4. I deleted the nut.cfg file and uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled the settings
  5. The ups is connected to the Synology nas, and the unraid is connected through the slave mode. After the nut is updated to the latest version, the status of the ups in the Synology nas is displayed as online, but it is displayed as "On line - The battery is discharging" under unraid
  6. Under the latest version: 2023.07.26, the ups is BK650M2-CH, and the status becomes On line - The battery is discharging when the device is plugged into the power supply
  7. after upgrading to 6.12.2 and starting the plug-in, the ups in the local area network I connected works normally, but I can see the log unRaid upsmon[4338]: UPS [[email protected]]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused
  8. In unraid 6.10.2, the application cannot be registered in the zerotier network, can it be fixed?
  9. 检查下主板bios中 cpu设置的模式 是不是性能模式之类的
  10. 尴尬了。。停了所有docker应用 第二天看日志依旧有远程连接信息。。看来是某个插件造成的了
  11. 好的 我的docker程序不多 我将进行排查 感谢~~