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Posts posted by Lordbye

  1. HI, thanks for response.

    I haven't set any vpn. I have only installed docker with "default" settings and on my router i have a ddns (no-ip ddns) to reach my nas

    attached image.

    For example: I click web_ui on file browser it opens a new browser tab and the address is

    so to access docker i have to setup a vpn? and i have to reconfigure all docker??



    ps: i have no admin grant at office (neither pc or lan) do i can't install anything (app/certificate etc,,)



  2. i'm arriving from a synology nas and at the moment I set up the nas and it works, I fixed the VMs and work and all the various applications I needed:




    and now also mounted a gdrive disk as folder with rclone


    Now I'm left with these problem:


    I can't access the docker applications. I try to explain, i can access my nas from remote (office pc) but if I launch deluge gui / file browser to add file from my pc (office),

    my browser opens a screen with the local address (192xxxx) of the server and it obviously cannot connect.


    i tried also my server with remote access, but doesn't open my nas (i think because of policy...proxy/firewall+websense+antvirus)

    How can i lunch and use my docker app?



  3. So at the moment I set up the nas and it works, I fixed the VMs and work and all the various applications I needed:





    Now I'm left with these two problems:


    1. Rclone/Nacho-Rclone-Native-GUI I can't configure it with Google drive it doesn't authenticate me and it doesn't load my google drive disk (at the moment I loaded it manually by mounting it) but I would like to automate things


    2. remotely I can't access the applications, in the sense that if I launch the deluge gui from the office it waits for me for a while and then opens a screen with the local address of the server to which it obviously cannot connect.


    how can i solve? the second one first ..


  4. Allora al momento

    ho messo su il nas e funziona, ho sistemato le VM e funzionano e tutte le varie applicazioni che mi servivano:






    Ora mi rimangono questi due problemi:


    1. Rclone/Nacho-Rclone-Native-GUI non riesco a configurarlo con Google drive non mi fa autenticazione e non mi carica il disco di google drive (al momento lo ho caricato manualmente montandolo) ma vorrei automatizzare le cose

    2. da remoto non riesco ad accedere alle applicazioni, nel senso che se lancio la gui di deluge dall'ufficio mi resta in attesa un pò e poi mi apre una schermata con indirizzo locale del serve al quale ovviamente non può connettersi.


    come posso risolvere?

  5. ok, i solved two problems:

    torrent and plex are ok, now

    i need help for this one


    Google drive:

    i'm coming from synology and i use cloud sync (which work really well). In synology I connected the Gdrive account, then I selected all the folders of my nas of my interest and synchronized them with the google drive folders (and I could choose unidirectional or bidirectional). Anyway unidirectional (NAS to Gdrive) would also be fine for me (for photographs, documents and videos made with gopro etc ..). But I can't find anything that does the above (and has a simple to use gui)

  6. Hello,

    i installed unraid, configured everything and it seems to work. I'm running into 2 problems mainly:


    1. Torrents
    2. google drive
    3. plex 

    I created shares (practically folders) I put some of them private and others public (smb) in order to see them only when logged in

    In particular:
    A. Movies - TV series - public downloads

    B. Documents - Private photographs with related user connected, having said that by connecting from a PC it requires a user and pass to load the server so little changes (I don't have a guest user)

    However, I did not understand if and on which ones I have to set the cache of the ssd (it's small 128gb)



    I installed deluge (maybe there's better, I was thinking about transmission that I used once on a mac but I don't know if it's still updated), the problem is that the download remains in error.

    I entered the folders (/mnt/user/Download) in the settings, but nothing does not start and I understand that it indicates that it has no "space". How do I check for the error and how can I fix it?

    Google drive:

    i'm coming from synology and i use cloud sync (which work really well). In synology I connected the Gdrive account, then I selected all the folders of my nas of my interest and synchronized them with the google drive folders (and I could choose unidirectional or bidirectional). Anyway unidirectional (NAS to Gdrive) would also be fine for me (for photographs, documents and videos made with gopro etc ..). But I can't find anything that does the above (and has a simple to use gui)

    I still have to try it, I connected the folders it seems to see them but they are empty at the moment, I have to understand if it works or not. I don't want to have the same torrent problem

  7. Ciao,

    ho installato unraid, configurato tutto e sembra funzionare. Mi sto scontrando con 2 problemi principalmente:


    1. Torrent

    2. google drive



    Ho creato delle condivisioni (praticamente le cartelle) alcune le ho messe private ed altri pubbliche (smb) in modo da vederle solo da loggato

    Nello specifico:

    Film - serietv-download pubbliche

    Documenti - Fotografie privata con relativo utente collegato, detto che collegandomi da pc mi richiede user e pass per caricare il server quindi poco cambia (non ho una utenza guest)

    Non ho capito però se e su quali devo impostare la cache dell'ssd (è piccolo 128gb)



    Ho installato deluge (magari c'è di meglio, pensavo a transmission che usavo una volta su mac ma non so se è ancora aggiornato), il problema è che resta in errore il download.

    Ho inserito nelle impostazioni le cartelle (/mnt/user/Download), ma nulla non parte e mi pare di capire che indichi che non ha "spazio". Come verifico l'errore e come posso ovviare?



    Google drive:

    arrivando da synology sono abituato ad avere cloud sync (che funzionava davvero bene), per cui avevo collegato l'account di drive, poi avevo selezionato tutte le cartelle del mio nas di mio interesse e le sincronizzavo con le cartelle di google drive (e potevo scegliere unidirezionale o bidirezionale). Mi andrebbe bene anche unidirezionale da NAS a Gdrive (per le fotografie, documenti e video fatti con gopro etc..). Ma non trovo nulla che faccia quanto indicato (e che abbia una gui semplice da usare)



    qui devo ancora provarlo, ho collegato le cartelle sembra vederle ma son al momento vuote, devo capire se funziona o meno.



  8. Ciao a tutti mi unisco a questa community con molto piacere ho intenzione di metter su il mio primo nas (handmade) con Unraid e passare da synology.

    Avrò un pò di domande, ma per ora mi guardo i messaggi del forum

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