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Everything posted by ghart999

  1. Why do clearing times vary so much by drive? I have 4 3TB drives all being precleared at once. Three are Seagate Barracudas and one is WD Red. The red is taking probably 30% slower than the rest to finish 1 cycle. Could it be a sign of a bad drive? Also, do SSD drives need the same number of cycles as a SATA drive? Thank you.
  2. I would agree that an update on the first post would be great. But you're awesome!!!
  3. Thank you. That worked great. I have 4 drives preclearing at once. With this process continue of I close the browser session to my unraid or must I keep the session live the whole time?
  4. I do have a question. I have an array I had started with 3 disks and a parity drive. Has a single share with almost no data . I shut down the array and disabled all of them as shown in the attachment. However, none of them show up in my list of available disks to preclear? Also, is a single cycle enough or should I being doing multiple? Thank you.
  5. Can someone confirm whether I can just download from the Community Plugin app and it works out of the box, provided I want to use gfjardim's script? Is there anything I need to add or alter to get it to work out of the box. Thank you.
  6. Depends on the settings for the user share you are going to download to. I guess that's where I am unsure. I want to use my cache drive to store containers, Plex files (minus media) and one VM. I want the rest to be used as a cache drive.
  7. Excuse the newbie question. When adding Transmission to my docker, should I enable that downloads can go to my cache drive? I am new to the Cache drive thing. I just installed a 240GB SSD for cache. If I use the cache drive for Transmission, will files autocopy to the array like it would if I was directly copying files to the array? Thank you.
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