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Report Comments posted by DC_Interstellar

  1. 39 minutes ago, drdebian said:


    I'm sorry, but I disagree with this issue being closed. Tailscale used to work perfectly fine on Unraid 6.11.x and now it's broken even on 6.12.3 (which is what I'm on), due to whatever reason that didn't exist on the previous minor release.


    I don't see myself fuzzing in the go file just to get a particular docker container working that should be working out of the box as it used to be.

    So, you’re saying you will not go into the go file & add the short script that’ll take you a couple seconds? If you can’t do that. Then okay.

    Not be rude or anything, we can’t help you if don’t add it in. All of us were able to get working & it’s great! I, myself, suggest adding it in, but again. It’s up to you if want to or not. 

    • Like 3
  2. 12 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    The code in the 'go' file needs a small revision.

    The 'at' command does not support a waiting time in seconds, eventhough it can be given.

    The updated code below properly waits 20 seconds.


    # reload services after starting docker with 20 seconds grace period to allow starting up containers
    mkdir -p $event
    cat <<- 'EOF' >$event/reload_services
    echo 'sleep 20;/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/reload_services' | at -M now 2>/dev/null
    chmod +x $event/reload_services



    Perfect! That worked!! Thank you so much @bonienl and the Unraid development team for all the hard work ya'll put in!!


    Marking issue as resolved. Closing it in a couple of days from now.

  3. 10 hours ago, SimonF said:

    Are you still on rc7? have you tried the stable release as I think this may have been update in rc8+

    I am not. I'm currently running the stable release version. I was just talking to @bonienl on the bug report "[6.12.0] TAILSCALE: SMB, SSH, AND GUI UNABLE TO CONNECT" that I created. bonienl informed me there will be fix for the SMB in the next release. However, I added the code that was provided to go into the 'go' file. See below, this is what my 'go' file looks like:

    # Start the Management Utility
    # reload services after starting docker with 20 seconds grace period to allow starting up containers
    mkdir -p $event
    cat <<- 'EOF' >$event/reload_services
    echo '/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/reload_services' | at -M -t $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S -d '+20 sec') 2>/dev/null
    chmod +x $event/reload_services
    /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &

    This did not work for me when I restarted the array. Docker services and auto start is setup correctly. Did I enter the code correctly?

  4. 17 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    That looks alright and should enable tailscale properly.


    For me GUI and SSH access over tailscale work fine after array stop/start. I access by IP address.


    Interesting… It might be my coding?  To double make sure of myself. This is what I currently have in my “go” file. Please correct me if the coding is incorrect. 


    # Start the Management Utility
    # reload services after starting docker with 20 seconds grace period to allow starting up containers
    mkdir -p $event
    cat <<- 'EOF' >$event/reload_services
    echo '/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/reload_services' | at -M -t $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S -d '+20 sec') 2>/dev/null
    chmod +x $event/reload_services
    /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


  5. 34 minutes ago, bonienl said:


    This requires additional scripting.

    What do you have in your 'go' file?


    I’ve added this code above the emhttpd in the go file


    # reload services after starting docker with 20 seconds grace period to allow starting up containers
    mkdir -p $event
    cat <<- 'EOF' >$event/reload_services
    echo '/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/reload_services' | at -M -t $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S -d '+20 sec') 2>/dev/null
    chmod +x $event/reload_services


  6. 7 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    To make this work you need to have the docker service and autostart for tailscale containerr enabled


    There is a bug in SMB not properly updating when interfaces change, this will be corrected in the next release.


    Alrighty, I made the changes to the docker service & autostart for Tailscale container. It did start the container successfully. However, it’s still denying me to use SSH & the GUI. Unless I delete the tailscale0 then re-add it back in, then it works. 

    I’ll be looking forward for the next release for SMB! 

    Thank You! 

  7. Good Afternoon,


    I have completed the instructions to allow Tailscale VPN to pass through to my Unraid Server. I am able to SSH and use the GUI through it. However, when I restart my server or turn on/off the array. Tailscale's IP address to the server stops working unless I go into Settings>Network Settings>Include listening interfaces and remove "tailscale0" and re-add back in. If I try to SMB to the IP address via Tailscale, none of my devices can connect to it. Is anyone having this issue? Is this a known bug?


    Thank you! 

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