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  1. On latest version, exact same issue unfortunately. quits at "running bootstrap script..." and unsure where else to pull any possible logs or helpful details.
  2. Having the same issue. Many terrabytes of free space, perms look to be in order, but I'm not sure on specifics of what the perms should look like. assets folder is owned by my username, pgdata folder is owned by 103:106. pgdata folder gets created but it's completely empty. Error I get is identical, failing at boostrap script: 2024-04-25 12:46:21.226 PDT [43] LOG: could not link file "pg_wal/xlogtemp.43" to "pg_wal/000000010000000000000001": Function not implemented 2024-04-25 12:46:21.230 PDT [43] FATAL: could not open file "pg_wal/000000010000000000000001": No such file or directory child process exited with exit code 1 initdb: removing contents of data directory "/var/openproject/pgdata" -----> Setting PGVERSION=13 PGBIN=/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin PGCONF_FILE=/etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf -----> Starting the all-in-one OpenProject setup at /app/docker/prod/supervisord... -----> Database cluster not found. Creating a new one in /var/openproject/pgdata... The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale "C.UTF-8". The default text search configuration will be set to "english". Data page checksums are disabled. fixing permissions on existing directory /var/openproject/pgdata ... ok creating subdirectories ... ok selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix selecting default max_connections ... 100 selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB selecting default time zone ... America/Los_Angeles creating configuration files ... ok running bootstrap script ... ** Press ANY KEY to close this window ** Not sure where to look if you need further logs
  3. When I try to scan my library, my Switch games cause it to fail and give up. [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/backend/handler/fixtures/switch_titledb.json' Looks like that file doesn't exist, and when trying to fetch it the entire backend folder is recursively set to perms that make it so it can't write the file there.
  4. 6.11.5, can confirm same problem. It doesn't always happen, but it is quite frequent. From what I've noticed, it seems like it may possibly be more likely to happen the more docker images require updates. I've gotten it to happen nearly every time when I have 6+ images pending updates. Could just be coincidence, I need to test more.
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