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  1. @JOKER357thomas Hey, what specific functionality are you trying to enable/configure here? If you can forward the relevant section of OpenProject's documentation that you are trying to follow then I can take a look and see how you can reflect this change on the template, there is no "docker-compose.yml" file for Unraid but rather the template itself that you can modify with variables to achieve the same thing.
  2. Unfortunately yes, this container comes straight from the latest release on the official GitHub: Zipline is incredibly bulky for some reason.
  3. Existing Vikunja (< v0.23.0) Users If you are an existing user of Vikunja on Unraid (from A75G's repository) running separate containers for the API and frontend application, the new 0.23.0 release of Vikunja combines both applications into a single package (see changelog here for what's new in this version). This template aims to simplify the setup and configuration of Vikunja on Unraid and will automatically update with the latest application changes. To migrate over to this template, you can simply stop your existing containers and install this template as normal and setup the database configuration to that of your previous settings from the vikunja-api container. Once the container has started and you have verified your existing account(s) and data are still present, then the old containers can safely be deleted.
  4. Vikunja is the to-do application to organize your life. The open-source, self-hostable to-do app - organize everything, on all platforms. Think of Vikunja like the notebook you have with all your things to keep track of. But with superpowers. Website | Registry | Documentation | Template Repo This application template is a single container that runs both the Vikunja API and frontend application in a one-click install with no configuration required to have Vikunja be up and running locally within a matter of seconds, or optionally adjust the configuration settings in the template options to customize your installation. Vikunja Features Stay Organized Organize all of your tasks in projects. Create sub-projects, organize everything hierarchical and keep related stuff grouped together. Collaborate With Peers Vikunja lets you easily share a project with another user or a whole team! Assignments show who's working on what. Use it How You Need It You can view your tasks in the classic list view - or in a Gantt Chart, or Table view, or Kanban Board. Whatever you need! Built For Speed Vikunja is built with speed in mind - every interaction takes less than 100ms. No more loading spinners. Import Tasks From Todoist, Trello or Microsoft To-Do Because work does not happen in one tool only. More information and screenshots can be found on the website. Requirements There are no requirements for this template! Installation & Setup Install Vikunja from community applications (ImSkully's Repository) (Optional) Update template variables as required: Database: By default, the template runs using a SQLite database to store your data in the application directory - to use a separate database engine such as MySQL or Postgres, adjust the VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE variable and other respective database variables with your details. Mailer: The Vikunja Mailer can send emails to users for certain actions such as reminders, to enable this feature set VIKUNJA_MAILER_ENABLED to true and configure the respective mailer variables with your details. Done! Create the container and once it has started, the web UI should be available at the configured port and you will now be able to register and create your account. Additional Configuration There are a number of additional variables available to customize your Vikunja instance, simply edit the container and adjust the existing template variables to your liking. The currently available variables in the configuration is not an exhaustive list of all options, please see the Configuration Options page in Vikunja's documentation for a full list of configuration options available. Support If you have any issues with the template or it has gone out of date, please let me know and I will update it - otherwise you are welcome to leave any support queries below.
  5. Hey, I have just tested by creating a new container using this template and adjusting just the server IP and key as you mentioned - the container started correctly and created the PG database & migrations. Are you able to provide the full logs? Looking at the screenshot you provided my best guess is that it's something related to the appdata directory it's trying to use (by default is /mnt/user/appdata/openproject/pgdata) which is where it stores the postgres data. Is the directory being created? does the container have permission to it? Are you running low on disk space perhaps?
  6. I haven't used OpenProject via tunnel or proxy so I can't be of much help, though I know you may also have to set SERVER_PROTOCOL_FORCE_HTTPS=true for it to work.
  7. Stumbled into this just now and it was in fact due to the "Allow host to Custom Networks" docker setting being disabled after an unclean shutdown, even though it displays as being enabled.
  8. +1 specifically for optional variables, creating advanced templates with more configurable optional variables is currently not possible.
  9. For anyone who stumbles upon this in the future, this has actually since been made possible by providing a list of values separated by a vertical bar ("|") in the default values field. For instance: Result:
  10. Yeah I've discovered this too (see my last comment) and have removed the variable entirely from the template. It's annoying that OpenProject aren't validating env variables to check they have a value first before using them 🙄 I'll either open a feature request for Unraid to add the ability to make template variables not be added to the container unless they have a value, or open a bug report with OpenProject to validate this variable before using it. Update: Opened a bug report on this and it has since been fixed with OpenProject and will be made available in the next patch release.
  11. @SpuriousIndices Glad you got it it resolved and thanks for sharing - sorry about the DATABASE_URL variable, it seems that OpenProject is not checking to see if the variable value is blank so it will always attempts to use it instead of creating its own Postgres database. I have removed the variable from the template, if anyone is looking to use an existing Postgres database please see 'Using an Existing Postgres Database' in the first post.
  12. Thanks for providing the information, I have updated the template to add the DATABASE_URL variable for users who wish to use an existing Postgres database and updated the topic to include information on this setup along with this query. Edit: This has since been removed as it prevents the container from ever using its own internal database even when left blank. (See comment)
  13. As denoted by the many comments on this thread, the template is not functional out of the box and lacks clear instructions on how to set it up to get running. Your template is very clearly missing the essential variables which has been pointed out already by others (@The_Holocron outlined it very clearly) and you stating we can contribute to your template clearly denotes your reliance on the community rather than maintaining it yourself, which is why I made an improved template with all of the essential variables and clear setup instructions so users can have the container up and running within minutes instead of having to consult this support thread, which on its own provides little to no help to users as displayed by the number of comments from many users having difficulty getting this template to work for over a year which you have seemingly ignored, you only finally commented when the quality of your template was brought into question. If you no longer want to/can't maintain your template that's fine, but don't expect others to make PRs for your templates in order to bring them up to a functional state. Your response here is also incorrect, OpenProject can be run locally without a reverse proxy (and this should be the default that the template tailors to since the majority of users are looking for a local setup). It also can in fact be a one-click install, as is the case with my template. You only just updated your template minutes before commenting to the latest container image. Previously you were using community:12 which is not the latest stable tag (as outlined in the dockerhub overview), my template uses community:13 and I plan to actively maintain this for all future stable releases. My goal isn't to hijack your template, but rather to provide an alternative working template with LTS for the benefit of the community. I don't want to burden your support topic with further comments on this so you are welcome to forum PM me to discuss this further if you wish 🤞 Thanks.
  14. Common Issues Login Credentials Not Working If the default username and password of 'admin' are not working on a fresh install, you have likely previously installed OpenProject and have your old Postgres database data still in your configured Postgres Data Directory (by default this is /mnt/user/appdata/openproject/pgdata) To fix this, delete the contents of this directory with the container stopped and then start it up again - this should recreate a fresh database for you to use with the default credentials. SSL/HTTPS Error on WebUI (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR) If you enabled the OPENPROJECT_HTTPS setting and started the container, you are expected to additionally configure your OpenProject instance such as the hostname and supporting for running behind a reverse proxy if you are using one; refer to the official documentation on how to do this correctly. Alternatively if you do not have HTTPS enabled and still see this error, it is likely you have a cached DNS entry which is pointing your current hostname to HTTPS. To resolve this you can simply clear your DNS and wait, or change the WebUI port to something else and restart the container.