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  1. I created a custom docker network with the command, "docker network create <name>", then I enabled "Preserved user defined networks". I then assigned a single dockers network type to that new docker network. After I did that is when all hell broke loose. Every single network on my Unraid server starts throwing an error ever couple seconds, ever docker is unable to connect to the internet not just the one added to the new network. The server itself is also unable to connect to the internet as well, I get an API error to the Connect Beta API and when I try to load Apps nothing loads. Has anyone seen this issue before? homeserver-diagnostics-20230823-2257.zip
  2. I have recently installed the NextCloud docker and I need to increase the PHP_Memory_Limit but I cannot find a php.ini or php.config file anywhere in the docker that the referenced in all of the documentation. I found where nextcloud.ini was calling the variable but I cannot find where it is calling it from. Any guidance?
  3. @DjossI reviewed the logs and everything in the docker is working correctly. I was able to use a different optical drive without any issues. I took apart the old optical drive and was able to confirm that one of the gears was damaged casing the opening then immediate closing issue I was seeing.
  4. Hoopster, thank you for that information. I am starting to think something in my DVD has gone bad. When it opens it will immediately close without being touched or the button being pressed. I am going to try another drive to see if the issue also persists.
  5. I am running the MakeMKV with the automatic mode and I want to thank you for the amazing docker. I have a question and please let me know if I missed a setup item or if this has already been answered. It appears that the dvd is being ripped multiple times when the automatic disk ripper runs, so I have multiple folders of the ripped dvd I have to go in and delete when it is completed. Is that normal? It will look like this in the output folder. Movie1 Movie1-xxxxxx Movie1-xxxxxx Movie1-xxxxxx Movie1-xxxxxx Movie2 Movie2-xxxxxx Movie2-xxxxxx Movie2-xxxxxx Movie2-xxxxxx
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