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  1. I removed the CA plugin "Prometheus nvidia-smi Exporter" and it appears to have solved the issue as my server has now been up for 18 days. I'm not certain this plugin is the culprit, but it has stayed up longer than it has since installing that plugin. I'll update back if I still see the issues I described above.
  2. Just found out that the only apps that show up in previous apps are the ones that were deleted/no longer present on system. Once they're gone, the previous apps shows everything from my user templates.
  3. I am attempting to re-install all of my docker apps so I can reduce the size of my docker image. However, none of my apps are listed under Apps > Previous Apps. This is based on the following since I wasn't seeing too much traffic there: Essentially, all of my templates are located in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/ but I only see a couple of those in Apps > Previous Apps. I should note that all of my containers were downloaded through CA. What can I do to get Previous Apps to update with those templates to make my life easier when re-installing them?
  4. Feel free to close this. I found some posts on Nvidia's support that are similar so I'm going to go that route for support as this doesn't seem like an issue with unRAID.
  5. Interesting... I installed all my containers through CA and haven't noticed any issues other than them not showing up there while trying to re-install to reduce the size of my docker image.
  6. @trurl or anyone else know how to get all my templates in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/ to show up in Previous Apps?
  7. @JPDom1 did you ever find a fix for this? I've been seeing very similar kernel panics every 15 or so days and not quite sure how to fix it.
  8. Seemingly every 15 days, my unRAID server has a hiccup in the middle of the night and the GUI/terminal are inaccessible. When this happens, I have to do a hard reboot and receive no information about what exactly the problem is. I mirrored my syslog to flash and am seeing a kernel panic a couple days ago (on vacation so didn't notice until today). However, I am unable to determine what the problem actually is, so hopefully someone here will understand the logs better. I have attached the logs from July 28th when this happened last. This looks like there's an issue with nvidia-smi, but that's about as far as I've gotten with this. Let me know if there's any other information needed. syslog.txt
  9. Okay perfect, I see those now. Thanks for the tip! Hmmm, so I still don't see most of the templates in Previous Apps that I installed through CA. I see all of my templates (phew) in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/ , but only a couple of them show up in Apps > Previous Apps... All of them are in Installed Apps but it'd be nice to see them in Previous Apps so I can set all of them up at the same time. Is there a way to import the XML in the Previous Apps or something so they show up there?
  10. Regarding your point about re-installing from the templates in Previous Apps, what do you do if the previous apps doesn't have all the docker containers? For reference, I checked previous apps before attempting to shrink my docker image and noticed that it does not contain any of my current templates for the 20+ containers I have in the Docker tab.
  11. Sounds good, thanks for the guidance! I don't know PHP and the simple changes I tried all caused the script to go haywire, so I ported and modified your script in Python - it can be found at https://github.com/GlenNicholls/unraid_parity_scripter . It uses JSON for the containers to stop when parity is running and containers to start when paused/stopped. I need to add some more stuff to make it generic such that it can be used out of the box in a generic environment, but your suggestions work.
  12. I'm noticing a small issue with the script above. I am using the Parity Check Tuning plugin to ensure that parity only runs during specific hours like in the middle of the night. Because of this, I noticed that when the plugin pauses parity check, "mdResyncPos" variable Squid's script checks is >0 and so my stop script isn't being called. Is there something else I can have the script check that will reliably tell me that parity is actively running? I've been polling that value while parity check is running and it looks like it might stay at a single value for quite a while so I don't think polling with a script would be very accurate.
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