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  1. Hello, i am french!! someone could explain to me not to the step to put on a unraid the docker Readarr. I already have caliber and calibre-web to install on a unraid but to install readarr I do not understand very well the ports that it takes because it crashes every time I try. Thank you very much in advance.
  2. hello everyone, I think I'm coming to the end, but I still have a little problem all the logs look ok there is no red, but I have a problem of ports I do not know in which direction they should meterent I have gluetunvpn and rutorrent!! gluetunvpn looks good it has ips with ports ms rutorrent has nothing I show you in photo
  3. jsteck

    problem cache

    I did the flow capped at 370mb / sec. what to do so that I find my 900 / 1000mb / sec I am at Freebox delta with all my network in 10gb sfp + even as ca the flow is only reached with my fixed computer my laptop is also in 10 GB / sec and it does not reach it is values I just formatted it I do a test without further delay ... Thanks again
  4. jsteck

    problem cache

    I tried the 2 NVMe in my PC so formatting and it goes up between 1GB/sec and 2GB/sec so it is not dead... There may have been a problem because once (I had started emptying the user0) I am new in unraid and I had thought that the user0 was a hacker (I was hacked a month and a half ago.... Biensure I stopped because I thought it was going to empty the whole array the error may come from here after put hacked I reset everything except the array
  5. jsteck

    problem cache

    so I cached only and the speed of transfer between Windows and unraid has not changed .but there is an amazing thing transfers it on unraid remains at zero for a few seconds and goes up to 1.4gb for 2 seconds then goes down to zero five or six seconds and starts to go up quickly again very little time, I suspect the cache is dead. tower-diagnostics-20230612-2035.zip I change pc always in 10gbs it is a little faster I go up to 360mo / sec but there is always this funny phenomenon or the cache is not at constant speed on a unraid.
  6. jsteck

    problem cache

    I move from my PC the Rain Man files to the folder Media / Videos/ (_films 4k_)Thanks again tower-diagnostics-20230612-1513.zip
  7. jsteck

    problem cache

    Thank you for helping me here is the diagnosis! tower-diagnostics-20230611-1823.zip
  8. jsteck

    problem cache

    Good evening, everyone! I don't know what I did but my cache doesn't work anymore! In the Share tab I have my folders with the cache activate! The cache runs slowly! speed and as fast as array (=180mo/sec) whereas before it could go up to 900mo/sec. How can I test my 2 nvme.m2 If anyone has an idea ! thank you in advance.
  9. Hello and thank you for reading me. I have rutorrent crazymax to install with downloads and temp folders which have been blocked since the beginning I mean that I don't have access to them I see them I can copy the content of downloads, impossible to delete files it specifies that I don't have nobody access rights. the temp folder impossible to paste something in it does not specify nobody but it marks an error, the only way I found to delete the folders that were no longer useful to me is to open a terminal and put mc and from there I can delete with the f8 key. in my share the folders share downloads and write read I hope someone will help me thank you in advance.
  10. j'oubliais je précise que mon vpn fonctionne.
  11. Bonjour Tous!! comment faites vous pour mapper rutorrent crazymax avec 1 docker openvpn client, de plus je n arrive pas a ouvrir le port de mon openvpn (nordvpn) j'ai pourtant mis ce par defaut (1194)
  12. Hello everyone, I start on Unraid and on the dockers I have on my Unraid Plex to install for 1 month. I would like to know if we can see the incoming and outgoing connection speeds for each docker currently I only have plex but that will change. I ask you this because I don't know if it's normal but on the outbound0 there is an almost constant flow or it comes out 45kilos / sec while I had noticed that when this one does nothing special it was at 3 or 4 kg/sec. So I would like to know where these strange flows come from. another question is it normal for Plex to choose port forwarding on its own (which works outdoors) without me opening anything in my router which is the Freebox delta?? Thank you for your answers
  13. Bonjour a tous, je débute sur Unraid et sur les dockers j'ai sur mon Unraid Plex d installer depuis 1 mois. j'aimerais savoir si l on peut voir les débits de connexions entrante et sortante pour chaque docker actuellement j'ai que plex mais ca va changer. je vous demande ceci car je ne sais pas si c'est normal mais sur le outbound0 il y a un débits quasi constant ou il sort 45kilos/sec alors que j avais remarquer que lorsque celui ci ne fait rien de spécial il était a 3 ou 4 kilos /sec.. donc j aimerai savoir d ou proviens ces débits étrange. une autre question est ce normal que Plex choisisse tout seul ça redirection de port (qui fonctionne en extérieur ) sans que j ouvre quoi que se soit dans mon routeur qui est la Freebox delta?? merci pour vos réponses
  14. ah je suis bien content que ca existe ici aussi! je vais l 'essayer de ce pas! merci encore Chatnoir
  15. bonjour, Je cherche mais je ne suis pas sur que sur Unraid il y ai la possibilitée d'ajouter des corbeilles ou poubelles dans les dossiers partagés!!! merci pour vos reponses!!