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Everything posted by JLKunka

  1. Now getting this error myself running 6.11.5 with my Win 10 VM (which was working fine until this error). Frustrated as to what might have changed. Also getting "Out Of Memory errors detected on your server" from Fix Common Problems recently.
  2. Here is a link to a discussion thread I started on the Zerotier forum. Are they saying the same thing? Maybe it can help. https://discuss.zerotier.com/t/cant-see-unraid-server-with-windows-machines/14035/6 personally I'm going to wait a bit more before I try 6.12.x again.
  3. Downgrading nuked another docker (Syncthing), still checking for other consequences.
  4. >>UPDATE<< I downgraded my server to UNRAID 6.11.5 to see if it would fix the issue. It did. I had to remove and reinstall Zerotier, but the server and shares are now visible as they were before. For now I would rather have version 6.11.5 and working shares until a fix or update is available.
  5. I installed Zerotier docker with no issues for weeks. UNRAID server and its shares were visible in windows explorer on all PCs. Now the server and its shares cannot be seen or mapped. Zerotier central shows the server is connected and it can be successfully pinged. Log shows this: connect: Host is unreachable connect: Host is unreachable connect: Host is unreachable connect: Host is unreachable 200 join OK connect: Host is unreachable connect: Host is unreachable etc etc All PC versions are 10.5 or 10.6, docker is 10.2 Could this be after upgrading to UNRAID Version: 6.12.0-rc6? I have a Win10 VM running on the server, also running Zerotier, that "machine" is visible and works fine. I need a solution to this, any help is appreciated.
  6. New update: The UNRAID sever (or any of it's shares) is once again not visible on the Zerotier network. Reading all the threads on this and similar issue with little insight as to what will fix it. Seems like none of my PCs running on the Zerotier network can see it now..
  7. Update: These were user shares, initially visible on Windows PCs. Looks like windows update turned off some features supporting SMB shares: In the below example, SMB 1.0/CIFS Client was not checked, only visible when the group is expanded. Maddening, as I turned these all on when I set up the shares. Once I turned them back on and rebooted, bingo the UNRAID server and it's (mapped) shares are visible once again. Thank you to those that replied!
  8. I set up my UNRAID server (Version: 6.12.0-rc6) and SMB shares following SpaceInvader's excellent instructions. All was well for a few weeks. Lately I cannot see the server or it's shares from other Windows machines. There is a Win10 VM running on the server that IS visible to other computers. This VM can see the UNRAID server and the Shares. I am also running a Zerotier network, which was working fine. Same issue, can't see the UNRAID server or it's shares. The admin console for Zerotier shows the UNRAID server is online. Here's some screenshots from Windows Explorer, top shows the VM (visible) but no server. Bottom is explorer view from VM showing the server and mapped shares. I'm at a loss for what changed. Network is private, computer visibility "on", etc. What am I missing?
  9. I created a second VM instance with exactly the same procedure. Loaded the same software, applied the same Windows update, and this one appears stable. I did make some restore points before and after the update to be safe, but I'm at a loss why the original doesn't work.
  10. I successfully created a Windows 10 virtual machine and began adding programs such as Blue Iris to monitor security cameras. All was working well, even upsized the default virtual disc to add space, went through a windows update, etc. Now the VM won't start. It enters the troubleshooter, asks "select keyboard layout", then no repair options work. I am left with "Startup repair couldn't repair your PC". I can reboot and get to the same point but am baffled at what changed. I had a parity error and am currently rebuilding the parity drive, but there were no errors showing on any of the data discs. Anyone with troubleshooting suggestions?
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