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Everything posted by vann

  1. 我最后搞定了,在xml视图里找到hostdev开头的代码,删除掉对应的设备(注意辨别一下需要前几行),删除前备份一下。
  2. I upgraded my PC device for DRAM and NVME SSD, and then find the PCIE no.s were changed. So my VMs can not started, the warning as attached picture. 05.00.0, now is 04.00.0, so how can I change this pcie device no. to this new one? I tried to find this old no. in basic or xml view, But I didn't find it. Could anyone support here? Thanks
  3. if I use SMB Security Settings -》 Export: -》 Yes(hidden), then I can not login the SMB folder after using account name and password from WIN10. But if I use SMB Security Settings -》 Export: -》 Yes, without hidden, then I can login the SMB folder after using account name and password. So I can not to visit hidden folder with account name and password? or neet some other settings? tower-diagnostics-20230605-2130.zip
  4. to descirpe the issue clearly, I changed my windows language to ENGILISH. You can see my setting in Credential Manager.
  5. I tried, but the issue was not solved...
  6. I just type the folder addree(due to the folder is hidden), then login with the account 'vb', but after I type the account name and password, then the error happened, just like what I show in this topic.
  7. if I use SMB Security Settings -》 Export: -》 Yes(hidden), then I can not login the SMB folder after using account name and password from WIN10. But if I use SMB Security Settings -》 Export: -》 Yes, without hidden, then I can login the SMB folder after using account name and password. So I can not to visit hidden folder with account name and password? or neet some other settings?
  8. 各位有使用铭瑄B660M终结者的主板吗?我发现自带的2.5G连接设备只有百兆的速率,你们有这样的问题吗? 排除了网线问题,我把网线插在PCIE的I350上,电脑就可以识别千兆,但是查到2.5G网口上就变百兆,都是直通给爱快。
  9. After reboot the Unraid system, the eth1 will resume to 'port down' status, how can I use some code or some setting to make eth1 port up automatically after reboot the Unraid system. Currently, I need to click this button(PORT UP)everytime after reboot the system. PS: I created many VF network controllers for eth0 and eth1. Appriate your support.
  10. thanks. I got it. Also I want to share a hint for you, this issue happened when I installed i915 sr iov app in Unraid. But when I found reboot issue, I uninstall this app. But the issue is not resolved. I don't know this is useful information for you.
  11. I start to use Unraid a few weeks ago, and no such things happened before. Only happened from last night… so I don't think it's related Motherboard. Anyway, I want to have a try for your suggestion, But how can I using a dummy HDMI Plug? Do you mean I need to plug a HDMI cable in the motherboard?
  12. Unraid系统重启后,我等了十几分钟一直不能通过IP登入系统,爱快什么的虚拟机也没有正常工作(通过我不能上网判断的)。所以我就接了显示器去看一下什么问题,接了显示器发现IP什么的都是显示的,正常的界面,然后我在看看我的电脑发现unraid系统可以登入了。我以为是巧合,后来重启了好几次,发现都是在我接了显示器后系统才可以登入…这是什么问题啊,还好电视机在NAS旁边,不然麻烦死了… tower-diagnostics-20230522-0136.zip
  13. I reboot the Unraid system, I can not login the unraid system again after a few mins later(more than 10 mins). So I use monitor to check if the system runs well via HDMI cable, then I can see the IP information on the screen, then I can login the system later... I repeated this issue many times in same way... It just like, I need to use HDMI cable(with monitor) to active the Unraid system diagnostics information as attached... tower-diagnostics-20230522-0136.zip
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