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  1. Finally, i got it 😀 the guides want you to add the workshop folder inside your galaxie appdata/avorion/galaxies/yourgalaxyname/workshop but this did not work after i created the workshop folder in appdata/avorion/workshop/ and added modLocation = "workshop" to the modconfig.lua the server startet download mods
  2. Cant figure out what's the Problem on the avorion docker. This looks like something is wrong with the docker. Whatever i add in the modconfig.lua the server log say Found 0 mods in "Zocky/Zocky/modconfig.lua" The confusing for me, when i delete the modconfig.lua the log still say Found 0 mods in "Zocky/Zocky/modconfig.lua" Another problem, its not possible to add a server admin. For admin i need to add <administrators> <admin name="admin" id="SteamID"/> </administrators> To the admin.xml When i run the server, the admin.xml get overwritten and remove everything i added.
  3. I removed modLocation = "" And i tried with the path but nothing changed That's why i asked here. When i removemodLocation = "" and add steam workshop id and copy the file to my Windows Pc to run the steam dedicated server, i have no problem. I have no idea what's the problem^^
  4. Anyone can help to run mods on Avorion Server? I added and edited the modconfig.lua in my galaxy folder like i read here https://avorion.fandom.com/wiki/Using_Mods_on_Dedicated_Servers Whatever i tried, the server does not download any mods. Same problem when i download mods manual and add a path to the modconfig.lua In the Docker Log, i always have "Found 0 mods in "zocky/zocky/modconfig.lua"."
  5. Looks like the Empyrion docker does not work. Any plans for update? Its out of Early access state
  6. Any plans to add game https://store.steampowered.com/app/427410/Abiotic_Factor/ or some help to run the dedicated server? I tried it myself using latest steamcmd but did not work at all 😅
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