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  1. Ok sorry, I didn't know it. I thought it could be helpful. Do you maybe know if there is a file named apcupsd.service somewhere?
  2. On my Proxmox server the configuration is permanent. Non need to reapply each time. I just checked, as you can see below: [Unit] # network-online is really needed, otherwise there are problems with snmp # -> 865620 After=network-online.target Description=UPS power management daemon Documentation=man:apcupsd(8) [Service] RestartSec=30 ExecStartPre=/lib/apcupsd/prestart ExecStart=/sbin/apcupsd Type=forking KillMode=process PIDFile=/var/run/apcupsd.pid [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
  3. Hi, I know this topic started while ago but I found a solution to this problem adding a delay of 30 sec on the apcupsd.service. Go to /lib/systemd/system and change the file apcupsd.service by adding: [Service] RestartSec=30 On my Proxmox server it works perfectly.