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  1. It would be worth adding this to the release notes , so folks are aware of this before they upgrade
  2. that would follow as im using virtio on my vm as well
  3. Got exactly the same issue here Good performance before upgrade to 6.12.13 100mb+ Now in the low kilobytes range, so have reverted Took the below diag before I rolled back mordor-diagnostics-20240824_1106.zip
  4. You beauty, that did it, well sort of -c didnt work, just errored for me. but ./idrive then option 5 and forcing the update worked perfect, now connecting and backing up. You sir are a legend
  5. yep its super odd, no issues on anything else ive installed via docker, so its super strange. What version of unraid are you running in case that could be a thing?
  6. Followed that and still get the very same error Really not sure whats happening here at this point
  7. ok so this is very strange, I have tried method 2 again, and although I can create the file my-idrive.xml when I try to open the template in Docker , its blank? And I get the following on the Fix Common Problems plugin I have now also re-installed docker via the unraid gui, and tried again, same error persists, but all my other dockers came straight back to life after I re-installed them via community apps, with all the data retained, so im quite happy with my docker itself now, so its just this 1
  8. same even then, going to reboot my unraid box, just in case
  9. I think that gets added automatically when you use the option 1 install, but will see what happens
  10. Tried that, had the same outcome, heres my full config, have I missed something obvious
  11. Yes it does, I can get the options menu as shown here, but whenever I try to do anything with account settings I get the error I installed using option 1 , just in case that makes a difference? This was a fresh install, not an upgrade, is it possible that there is a dependency missing in the docker ? I have also tried the template version now, and get the same error
  12. Hi there Long time lurker , I have followed the steps through until you have to enter, ./idrive -a I do this then get the below error, any ideas? Unable to find EVS commandline utilities
  13. Ok so it would cache files that dont exist (Effectivley) , but any existing file on the array will just be overwritten
  14. A simple question really Im looking to use the cache pool as a disk cache. Take for example a movie move1.mkv , this already exists on the array, I add a new 4k Version to my unraid server , and it lands on the cache pool ,and its named the same IE move1.mkv , will the mover overwrite that file on the array on schedule or not? Many thanks
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