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  1. Terrible necro, but FWIW I ran into the same issue when migrating from paperless-ng to paperless-ngx docker on unraid. I found that paperless-ngx was creating thumbnails as webp files, while my old thumbnails were png. There may have been a way to remap them... instead I installed the webp package on another system, shared the paperless folders, and ran the following in the thumbnails folder: for file in * do cwebp -q 80 "$file" -o "${file%.png}.webp" done
  2. I've only been using unraid for a month or two now and I have 12 shares and I'm already finding it a bit hard to keep track of. Is this too many? Do people run more or less shares? I'd really like to be able to create share hierarchies, but tagging would work, or even just a search bar in the share view so I can filter it down...
  3. Lol yes that is an unfortunate overlap of terminology. Maybe I should have avoided using it. Prior to Dropbox(TM) we'd refer to a network folder shared for the purpose of letting others upload to, a drop box. MacOS used this, with ~/Public for sharing files out, and ~/Public/Drop Box for sharing in. What I ultimately seek is a way to flag a specific folder within a share as write only. I assumed the Dropbox docker was just for linking to your Drobox(TM) account, but I will check it out, thanks.
  4. What is the best way to create a drop box or incoming style share? My preference would be to have a single share with two subfolders. Users can write to the dropbox but not delete, and the library is read only. I don't care whether users can read from the dropbox. - dropbox - library I've had a bit of success running SFTP and giving a user write access to a specific folder with a share - but that requires connecting with a whole different protocol. Any suggestions on a better way?